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IslandTransPlant says...

Well said and to the point we need more young people to get involve politics love this article
the government needs to stop pointing fingers and get it done.

IslandTransPlant says...

I think the people of the Bahamas must of had there eyes closed when they elected Perry Christie because he has no concept of realty crime is already ruining the tourist industry what I don't understand is that how did the government let is thing get out of control the island is only seven by twenty one and yet there are so many guns on that little island and
all the murders that's being committed the government is not protecting law abiding citizen
they are taking to long to prosecute those animals who have no regard for human life then
give some of them bail so they can commit more murders but the government don't carry all
the blame the citizen's have to shoulder some of the blame because they hate the police so
much that they let these animals go to commit more crimes if the government did not allow
the police to beat a suspects and to do good old fashion police work like the way it is suppose to be done the cops need diversity training and at least two years of college education and even tho they commit crimes that are human floored but human the government needs to go after the ones that's bring the guns over from South Florida through Freeport and Nassau they need to work more closely with the US government to stem the flow of weapons used the cards that you have they want to stem the flow of drugs you want to stem the flow of guns one hand washes the other all you have to do is ask it is simple as that its a win, win situation I was born in Nassau and left there in the summer of 1980 @ the age of 14 at that time the only people that carry guns at that point was CID's or Inspector's and fistfights were the way to settle a mater and you live to fight another day these kids today have no concept of life I can go on and on but enough said for now. ps hope this is publish for some of the citizens to read. Thanks M. Ferguson