Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

> Corruption within the PLP
> Administration is a grave concern and
> profound.

The widespread corruption within the PLP administration is a grave concern. During an inquiry on why the PTI Bahamas proposal was not chosen for The Road Traffic Department makeover, the Minister was asked about the decision-making process and the parties involved in awarding the contract to Summer Winds. We questioned whether this contract was also awarded based on emotions and party affiliations.

The Minister stated that our group did not provide proof of funding, but the matter of funding was never brought up. When we raised concerns about cronyism, we were told that it was not the case.

This raises questions about the Minister's financial declaration before taking office. It may also be advisable to investigate the financial records of top public servants in government ministries where cases of corruption are open public secrets, especially the Transport Ministry.

IslandWarrior says...

> Corruption within the PLP
> Administration is a grave concern, and
> profound.

The widespread corruption within the PLP administration is a grave concern. During an inquiry on why the PTI Bahamas proposal was not chosen for The Road Traffic Department makeover, the Minister was asked about the decision-making process and the parties involved in awarding the contract to Summer Winds. We questioned whether this contract was also awarded based on emotions and party affiliations.

The Minister stated that our group did not provide proof of funding, but the matter of funding was never brought up. When we raised concerns about cronyism, we were told that it was not the case.

This raises questions about the Minister's financial declaration before taking office. It may also be advisable to investigate the financial records of top public servants in government ministries where cases of corruption are open public secrets, especially the Transport Ministry.

On Maritime contracts signed ‘maliciously’

Posted 25 November 2023, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

While it's undeniable that companies like Shell can bring investment and economic opportunities to a country, it's equally important to ensure they contribute their fair share to the public treasury. The Bahamas' current tax regime, designed to attract international businesses, may be doing so at the expense of its own citizens.

The government must strike a delicate balance between attracting foreign investment and safeguarding against the undue burden placed on its citizens by the unbridled greed of these corporations. This may necessitate a reevaluation of the current tax system and an exploration of alternative revenue streams from companies like Shell, banks, and insurance companies. Additionally, the government must demand that these companies justify their excessive costs, such as the $7 per gallon fuel price, when neighbouring countries charge less than $3.

The current situation in The Bahamas bears a striking resemblance to 'work slavery,' exuding an unmistakable odour of exploitation.

> It may be time to invite other
> providers into the Bahamian market,
> companies that don't share Mr.
> Edward's assertion about the
> "possibility that implementing
> corporate income tax would drive
> international business and associated
> jobs away from The Bahamas."

IslandWarrior says...


"Having spent years as a recreational diver, I can attest to the unsettling experience of encountering sharks that have been habituated to viewing humans as a readily available free food source, a consequence of unregulated shark feeding practices in nearshore waters."

My condolences go out to the family of the victim.

On German tourist missing after shark attack

Posted 23 November 2023, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The lack of qualified engineering testing for converted watercraft and the use of vessels with inappropriate haul-to-high ratios pose significant safety risks in the Bahamas. This lax approach to safety regulations has been exacerbated by the inaction of both administrations, who have failed to prioritize the well-being of Bahamians and visitors alike. The recent incident is a stark reminder of the potential consequences of this negligence. Both administrations must take immediate action to address these safety concerns and implement stricter regulations to ensure the safety of all those who offer service to the tourist industry.

IslandWarrior says...

Beyond the facade of cronyism, a darker truth permeates Bahamian Politics: the deeply ingrained culture of victimization. Long after the enthusiasm of election cycles fades, the spectre of political conflict looms large. Participants once urged to engage in the democratic process with vigour and responsibility find themselves entangled in a relentless struggle that extends far beyond the ballot box. The outcomes of these battles and the victorious few seep into the inner sanctums of government, where an atmosphere of vindictiveness takes hold.

In this unforgiving environment, erstwhile opposition supporters become targets, their loyalty repaid with persecution. The winners of the political skirmishes, encouraged by their triumphs, methodically dismantle any remaining vestiges of opposition, leaving no stone unturned and no supporter unscathed. The cycle of victimization perpetuates itself, poisoning the very core of the democratic ideal.

Thus, the aftermath of Bahamian democratic processes paints a grim picture: a landscape marred by the ruthless pursuit of power, where the vanquished are not merely defeated but systematically dismantled, and the spirit of democracy is left bruised and battered.

IslandWarrior says...

Allow me to provide some clarification regarding the financing of our project. A local commercial bank has expressed interest in financing our initiative, subject to their customary due diligence process, which typically takes between six to eight weeks. Their approval is contingent upon our company securing the necessary endorsement from the Bahamian Government, which is a standard prerequisite for project financing.

Assuming that the government adheres to its reputed consistency, I must apprise the Minister that we submitted the project to the Cabinet under the Minnis Administration and have copies of the correspondence. The Minister should be aware that we cannot pursue funding until the government accords its approval. However, we have yet to receive a response from the Cabinet regarding the status of our proposal.

We wish to avoid any public disputes concerning this matter. However, if the government encounters any complications as a result of their decision to locate the department at the Summer Winds Plaza, we remain open to considering our proposal. "We firmly believe that the citizens of the Bahamas merit better than the present situation".

IslandWarrior says...

"What is deeply troubling is the misuse of government institutions by elected officials to bail out party members facing financial and personal crises, all at the cost and inconvenience of the Bahamian People. It's alarming that these open secrets are tolerated in the Bahamas, whereas in other normal societies, such actions would be viewed as criminal activities."

IslandWarrior says...

The Minister is constrained by a culture of cronyism that underpins the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). Therefore, it may be prudent to show some leniency towards her. Leslie is a prominent member of the PLP and is likely to exert significant influence, even if it means overlooking other practical options or the impact on Bahamians. These organizations couldn't care less about the people of the Bahamas.

Link to 'other practical options'…

On New Traffic location is bad idea

Posted 31 October 2023, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

See the link for a full copy of our 2019 RTD Proposal:

Partnership (PPP) between the Government of the Bahamas and
Bahamas Automobile Safety (BASIC) and Inspection Centre Co. (BASIC) for the complete and holistic relaunch of the Road Traffic Department.…