Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

> **Cronyism over progress.**
The FNM and PLP political parties have shown little concern for the well-being of the Bahamian people. Despite our company, PTI Bahamas, offering a comprehensive plan to modernize and improve the Road Traffic Department (RTD), both parties prioritised cronyism over progress. They shared our project plan with their party members, ignoring our efforts to prevent corruption and wastefulness in the Department. We aimed to provide the public with a secure, comfortable indoor environment for fast and reliable service while detecting fraud and stolen vehicles.
The offer provides nine new RTD Suboffices in Freeport and the Family Islands and the building of a 70,000 sq. foot-4-story building to service the RTD head office, and technical department for the issuance of license plates, driver's licenses, indoor vehicle inspection testing (with vehicle safety reports), new driver tests and driver's ed program at minimal start-up cost to the Government of 3.7 million dollars (which covered the costs of data integration to a new system and staff training). The plan for the new RTD 'illuminated' the wait time for replacement plates and plate issuance, producing new plates in as little as 10 minutes and 18-point vehicle inspection in 18 minutes at no additional cost to the public. The 30 Million Dollar project was to be funded by PTI Bahamas in a 20-year collaboration with the Department and the Bahamas government.
> So, again, we will suffer the pains
> and waste of time under the two
> useless and worthless governments.

IslandWarrior says...

Would you ever believe the words of a Pirate (Expulsis Piratis/Restituta Commercia): “Piracy expelled, commerce restored”? It never happened. It is still the Republic of Pirates, and this will not change anytime soon ...hahaha

IslandWarrior says...

> behaviour incompatible with the
> ethical standards

Based on the information provided, the emails produced by the FBI, if authentic and accurately depicting the Prime Minister's actions, raise serious ethical concerns. Using one's political influence to benefit a family member constitutes a breach of trust and an abuse of power.

In the context of these allegations, the Prime Minister's actions, as described in the emails, appear to indicate behaviour incompatible with the ethical standards expected of a public official. If these emails are substantiated and verified, they could significantly impact the Prime Minister's suitability for office. Such actions undermine the principles of fairness, transparency, and integrity, principles vital for effective governance and public trust.

The legal authorities must investigate the authenticity of these emails thoroughly and, if proven genuine, take appropriate legal and ethical measures. The citizens have a right to expect their leaders to uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Transparency and accountability in addressing these allegations are essential to maintain the credibility of the political office and to ensure the public's continued trust.

IslandWarrior says...

> Congratulations well-deserved Dawn.

IslandWarrior says...

> ...yet another tragic and senseless
> loss of life.

Soloman was a gentle soul, widely respected in our community. Not only was he a skilled carpenter, but he was also a devoted family man dedicated to providing for his loved ones. While his communication style might have been occasionally irksome to some, it is unimaginable that such minor differences could ever justify the heinous act that took his life. Soloman's untimely departure serves as a painful reminder of the need for compassion, understanding, and unity in our community. We must stand together, reject violence, and promote empathy to ensure that such tragedies never recur.

> We have a responsibility to Sollie and
> our community to ensure that those who
> witnessed this senseless killing come
> forward and help identify his killer
> to the police. It is imperative that
> we do not allow this individual to
> remain a part of our community for the
> safety and well-being of all
> residents.
> May Allah accept the soul of Soloman,
> forgive his sins and grant him peace.

On Man stabbed to death

Posted 8 October 2023, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

> Might the citizens of the Bahamas be
> facing a threat from those entrusted
> with their protection and leadership?

Is The Bahamas under military threat? When did this happen? The sight of heavily armed military personnel on Bay Street during yesterday's event was truly alarming. It's not every day that Bahamians carry arms, so why the show of force, and what message is being sent? This display of power and lack of respect for the Bahamian people is concerning. It begs the question, what do political leaders and 'what appears' to be their personal armed forces think of the Bahamian People, the people they are supposed to serve? How far will their loyalty go should Bahamians exercise their rights to disagree and protest as democracy allows them? 'would we see heavily armed military personnel firing on Bahamian People'? These are questions that demand answers.

***Scary and Disappointing Development***

IslandWarrior says...

Excellent, congratulations "Dawn N Knowles."

On Pioneer Dawn Knowles to be honoured

Posted 4 October 2023, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The recent incident involving the suspicious death of Jermaine Miller and his 22-month-old son, Anwar Miller, has sparked deep concerns within the Bahamian public. Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander's claim that Jermaine had "a high concentration of marijuana" in his system, supposedly leading to his demise, has raised significant questions.

One pressing concern revolves around the potential connection between prolonged exposure to high temperatures locked in a police car unattended and Millier's cardiac arrhythmia. Citizens are questioning whether being confined in a hot environment, like a police car, could exacerbate such a condition, given the risks of dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. However, it's crucial to emphasize the existing uncertainties surrounding the cause of Jermaine's cardiac arrhythmia and whether it was truly linked to his drug use or environmental factors such as heat.

Furthermore, doubts have been cast on the reliability of the pathologist's conclusion, especially when considering the violent, careless cultural context within the Bahamian police force. This scepticism reflects the lack of trust in the transparency and fairness of the investigation process.

In light of these concerns, there is a pressing need for thorough and unbiased investigations into this and many other cases. The Bahamian public demands transparency, accountability, and justice. This incident underscores the urgency for comprehensive research into potential health risks associated with both high temperatures and marijuana use. Restoring public trust in law enforcement requires a meticulous, impartial examination of the facts, ensuring that justice prevails and the truth emerges, regardless of the cultural or social context.

The public has to know if we are at risk when encountering our Police.

IslandWarrior says...

> The FNM remains stuck in the political
> wilderness and has yet to break free
> from its grasp.

As a 'supporter' of the Free National Movement (FNM), it is worth acknowledging that while the party desires to triumph over the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), the current FNM leadership and management do not offer credible guidance and organization that the Bahamas requires. Regrettably, the current FNM lineup and leadership fall short in comparison to the formidable 'Brave/Chester' administration. The PLP is a disappointment defaulting back to its old practices of petty politics; nevertheless, this is the stark reality.

IslandWarrior says... other words, Brave 'Fuck'Up and the Bahamian People have to pay for his 'Fuck'Up