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IslandWarrior says...

Bahamians don't trust Politicians ' Period governance in the Bahamas has created a country that is not real; self-interest and 'who you know is the order of the day. While Minnis, (who should keep his mouth shut) had the opportunity to fix the years of wrongs issued out to Bahamians under the despised of 'we care for you. With just under 400,000 persons and over 50 years of self-governance, we can't get it right for all Bahamians; yes, the Bahamas has been perfect for some of us. But greed, simple greed, selfishness and ego just created what we see now as a country that is tethered to crises, where Bahamians will soon be the new boat people risking lives to reach the shores of south Florida, becoming the third Caribbean Country of Migrant Refugees.

On Minnis: Prime Minister cannot be trusted

Posted 6 October 2022, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

A $1 billion plan to transform electricity provision in the Bahamas yesterday, proposed a $1 billion plan to transform electricity provision in the Bahamas.

#The plan, which aims to curb electricity prices in the long run, would see power provided to The Bahamas by a Florida power plant via a submarine electrical cable running from a Florida electrical grid to Clifton Pier.

#Mr Mortimer, who said the project would take about two years to complete, compared his proposal to a current project between Canada and the United States. The project would see a “Lake Erie connector” run from Ontario, Canada, into Pennsylvania, US.

#“One of the major issues impacting our country is the issue of power and the cost of power primarily,” he said during a press conference, adding that the country should take advantage of its “strategic location”.

#“The Bahamas cannot continue to be a prosperous country for corporations and mom-and-pop businesses without dealing with this issue. BEC spends on average between $700m and just over $1bn every year purchasing fuel in an archaic system that does not serve our country well. We are advancing a proposal that we believe will dramatically alter the cost of power in The Bahamas. We will deliver the cheapest per kilowatt of power in the region. We’re going to take advantage of our strategic location. We’ve done this before on various platforms.*

But these fool suggestions would not get anywhere as long as money is made by some Harthless Greedy Bahamians who view the crisis and hardship of Bahamians as opportunities.

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas is much too small to be playing the stupid American Political Games of sanctioning other countries to its detriment. The Bahamas following these fools will be of no benefit to us, nor will the Americans care to offer support when the Bahamas fall into crisis.

Never in the history of any world crisis have we seen the cost of supporting egos and adventurism totalling in the 100s of billions as it is with the Russia/Ukraine conflict. And the Bahamas is walking 'in step' as if it has some resources or political power to follow the Americans.

Fuel is available from Iran, Venezuela and Russia. If the Americans don't like it, then fix the problem and provide a solution to the high cost of living because of your stupid useless wars. The Bahamas is too soft with the Americans.

IslandWarrior says...

In the words of Barbados Prime Minister, the Honorable Mia Mottley, 'we have also seen others use alternative mechanisms'.

On Bahamas must decide if ‘to hell with’ the EU

Posted 27 September 2022, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

In the words of Barbados Prime Minister, the Honorable Mia Mottley, we have also seen others use alternative mechanisms.

IslandWarrior says...

In the words of Barbados Prime Minister, the Honorable Mia Mottley, "we have also seen others use alternative mechanisms."

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas has much more to overcome than the death of 'Elizabeth Alexandra Mary' before considering changes to the Administrative Governing System. We have yet to satisfy the basic needs of Bahamians and control the culture of corruption and privilege among public servants. Hell, I cannot get the current Minister of Fisheries to answer my email after 85-days; The Bahamas have plenty of fixing before anything new ...not to mention the petty political bias that identifies a Bahamian by his constitutional right to give electoral support to a political party of choice, but by doing so will decide his right and how he exists in the country from one governing party to the next, should we move this ugly picture to a new frame? ...fix what we have now first, before adventurism and chaos.

IslandWarrior says...

What does republic mean?
A republic is defined as “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” Sound familiar? It should.

Many of today’s democracies are also republics and are even referred to as democratic republics. So, the US and France are considered both democracies and republics. Both terms point to the fact that the power of governance rests in the people and that power is exercised through some electoral representation.

The key concept to the word republic is that the leader of this government (or state) is not a hereditary monarch but a president, whether they are elected or installed.

And still, this will not solve the inherent cultural problems of petty political biases that are killing the growth of the Bahamas, Change the system of Administering the Bahamas will not change the perception that the Bahamas is not a true country; it's corrupt and does not function in the interest of "its people", verbatim.

On Bahamas ‘not ready’ for step to republic

Posted 14 September 2022, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas has become so shark infested that it's now dangerous to swim on public beaches; the sharks are now so used to human feeding interaction that they are now interpreting every human encounter as a feeding opportunity. And this is where the danger comes in for the unexpecting diver or swimmer. And of cause, to protect the tourist-friendly - the safe image of the Bahamas, dangerous 'Shark Infested Waters' signs will never be posted, especially on the waters at the eastern end of New Providence Island where there is the "highest concentration of Tiger Sharks in the world. Sure sharks are protected but protected doesn't mean an 'out of control' population where they become a danger to human life.

On American woman dies after shark attack

Posted 7 September 2022, 5:01 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

LinkedIn = VAT 10%
Kaspersky Total Security = VAT 10%
Grammarly = VAT 10%
Natural Reader = VAT 10%
MS Office = VAT 10%
Advanced SystemCare = vat 10%
zoom = vat 10%

This year I would be paying, on average, $140 - $180 in VAT fees to update my software for PCs in the Bahamas. Will the Davis Gov also Tax my vacation, car rental, hotel and my vacation spending? Will I hear from a server in a Frankfort Restaurant that "your food has an additional 'end total' VAT fee from the Bahamas Davis Government of 10%? Tell me it isn't so?

On EDITORIAL: Get ready to pay extra in fees

Posted 25 August 2022, 12:27 a.m. Suggest removal