Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

Anything in the current FNM (Minnis, Pintard, Bethel, Turnquest, Wells, and the other critters) that reminds FNM Supporters of the past Minnis Administration will not go down well for the FNM party in any future elections. The damage done to individuals (senior influential party supporters and leaders in their communities) is far beyond 'disgruntle' The FNM may be so far in the dark wilderness of political failures that it may take a new 25 years for the current FNM Party to cut its way out to victory again in the Bahamas.

'40 Years of Loyal Support' but will not support the current lineup of party leaders, again **'Anything in the current FNM (Minnis, Pintard, Bethel, Turnquest, Wells, and the other critters) that reminds FNM Supporters of the past Minnis Administration will not go down well for the FNM party in any future elections'.**

On ‘FNM will regain public confidence’

Posted 23 August 2022, 2:05 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Therein is the 'catch22' for the Bahamas; many politicians, Brave included, turned away a proven solution that will adequately inspect the vehicle (VIN Numbers, registration and ownership) before secure documents are issued. But sad to say, (only The Bahamas) has not instituted this safety system out of 95% of the so-called Western developed countries.

Simple proven initiatives where others stop referring to the Bahamas as "not a normal country". One Minister under the previous 'failed FNM administration' said, "the government would not give a contract like that to 3 black men like you"; I am yet to stop hearing these words echo in my ears. "...3 black men like you," another said ", he was not minded" to support the vehicle safety effort. And the Minnis Cabinet took the entire matter as an occasion to have a good laugh. But here we are, complaining about the same situation both parties denied, and Brave knows well what I am referring to. Still, our friendships, greed and pettiness are more important than the thing that will keep Bahamians and our visitors safe.

According to the Bahamas Insurance Industry, there could be as many as 40% (or 80 Thousand ) vehicles on the streets of the Bahamas that are 'ghost cars - with no registered owner, no insurance coverage and involved in most of the serious crimes and the more frequent 'hit and run' which according to the police traffic division could be as high as 20,000 each month.

A simple proven solution where every police vehicle would know the ownership and registration status of a car he is pursuing even before what could turn out to be a deadly arm confrontation or an intervention that could be the difference if the strange vehicle in your neighbourhood is there legitimately or perpetrating a crime.

But we deny, we laugh now we complain.

IslandWarrior says...

until there is a control placed on the ***thousands*** of 'ghost vehicles' on the streets of The Bahamas, some moving from island to island, of all makes, models, and colours. And until persons are made accountable for their part played in facilitating the illegal access to vehicle license plates, decals and other "government secure documents", crime will continue unabated as trouble makers move about with no fear of detection and nothing to detect their 'ghost vehicle, sometimes black, sometimes blue; who knows; law enforcement can't track a 'ghost'

IslandWarrior says...

I am sure I am reading the article correctly, where it says "While LinkedIn allows employers to post job advertisements and job seekers to do likewise with their CVs, *it is primarily a platform for career networking and professionals*". Look at the 'details' bro, the details will always get yah.

On LinkedIn gives VAT alert to Bahamians

Posted 25 July 2022, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

50 years, congratulation, you stayed here a long time, "I salute you" you must be one of the few lucky investors, 50 years is a long time. As a Bahamian, I can't get a phone call returned or an email answered ...maybe I can turn my project over to you to get some movement, after 50 years, I would guess you don't need phone calls or emails ...but then again this is the Bahamas.

On Cutting red tape to new investors

Posted 13 July 2022, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The situation is so poor that no one has the courtesy to answer emails or a simple acknowledgement; then you have a phone that is never responded to, and if you are lucky to get a call through, you are given the "hold-on, let me transfer you" hung up trick. Services like these may serve the country better if these services are contracted out, taking the public service, petty political grudgery and rivalry out of the process.

I am constantly told by potential investors that "the Bahamas is not a true country", and investing here is only an exercise to give free consultancy services. Sadly the 'word is out on the Bahamas' where everyone knows that when business plans are submitted they end up being refused or ignored, (especially if you are Bahamian) where plans end up on someone else's desk for approval, poorly disguised as an original being presented by others.

On Cutting red tape to new investors

Posted 13 July 2022, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Fred Mitchell, you can not be serious; even the Americans have abandoned that position, that train has left its station a long time ago. ...come on man.

IslandWarrior says... have never visited the Asthma Ward at PMH or read World Health Reports on NOx, the leading cause of breast cancer, cardio repository failure, stroke and stillbirths ...and the big one, asthma.

NO x  gases are usually produced from the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen during the combustion of fuels, such as hydrocarbons, in the air, especially at high temperatures, such as in-car engines.

To see the pollution in Nassau, first, you should be old enough to know the difference in air quality today and what it was in 1982. Or if you have any amount of sight, make a visit to the top of the PI bridge and look south - do this at 7 am - 3 pm, and if luck has it, repeat at 5 pm on a holiday.

Think about this:
A gallon of gas = 20 pounds of CO2!
Burning 6.3 pounds of gasoline produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.

IslandWarrior says...

US announces additional $800mn in weapons aid to Ukraine

IslandWarrior says...

95% of the Biden, Ukrainian side-liners could not find Russia or Ukraine on a map if their children's lives depended on it. Ukraine has been the dark basket-case of Europe where blue-eyed, blond-hair prostitutes and drug addicts seep out to infest the streets of Berlin to London. Now the credulous Russofobics, in their narrow-minded and ignorant view of the history and facts of the events, feel that they are somehow proudly honoured to contribute to the debate by lobbing insolence.

Again, The Bahamas jumped in "Whole Hog", supporting the US in its illegal financial war with The Russian Federation and China. The credulous world leaders who supported this foolish adventure (without assurances) are suffering economic collapse. While the Americans casually dump billions into the pockets of the murderous Neo-Nazi monsters in Ukraine.

People are not interested in the truth, it doesn't play anymore to pseudo comforts of today's culture of mindless retards.