Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas jumped in "Whole Hog", supporting the US in its illegal financial war with The Russian Federation and China. The credulous world leaders who supported this foolish adventure (without assurances) are suffering economic collapse. While the Americans casually dump billions into the pockets of the murderous monsters in Ukraine.

*The administration of US President Joe Biden is expected to authorise the transfer of $750 million in additional military aid to Ukraine, which is under Russian military strikes.

The new military aid package would likely include military equipment such as unmanned surface vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters, howitzers and protective equipment against possible chemical attacks, two US officials familiar with the matter told Reuters on Tuesday.

The US has already delivered $2.4 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of Biden’s term in office, though much of that aid has come since Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine began in late February.

IslandWarrior says...

The administration of US President Joe Biden is expected to authorize the transfer of $750 million in additional military aid to Ukraine, which is under Russian military strikes.

The new military aid package would likely include military equipment such as unmanned surface vehicles, Mi-17 helicopters, howitzers and protective equipment against possible chemical attacks, two US officials familiar with the matter told Reuters on Tuesday.

IslandWarrior says...

Like games in celebration of The Bahamas 50th Independence honour of, regards for, got it?

IslandWarrior says...

For many years the country has overlooked the legal drinking age of the millions of American tourists that visit the Bahamas (Spring Breakers) in particular, so I would expect the same exception for them on the issue of any new legislated sex consent age increase, the PLP is on a good role, don't derail too the wild of special interest or the appeasement of night whispers.

IslandWarrior says...

Nah, 30 is a more fitting age.

IslandWarrior says...

I would think carefully about how the government proceeds with legislating these issues, some that are the personal choices of individuals, moral or not; there must be a line where a government must stand back. Restricting women from sex to 18 will create a much more dangerous culture of underground abortions, which most likely may lead to some deaths and other complications. The age of consent is 16, and if asked (this age group), most would agree that they had already engaged in sex at that age. At age 17, most girls are leaving high school, and some, by age 18, are involved in a serious relationship, and some would have moved on to marriage and have (been involved) with a man who is typically 5 – 10 years her senior. I don’t know which world some of these voices are living but please don’t legislate people’s lives to appease any particular interest.

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas should remain neutral in these affairs, move collectively with the Caribbean Community, and proceed with an assurance that any negative or future legal ramifications, or damage to its economy for its unguided support of the US's Unilateral Sanctioning of The Russian Federation and Its Citizens, that the Bahamas or any Bahamian Citizen would be dually and immediately compensated should there be losses. And without such guarantees, the Bahamas may want to consider carefully its actions.

IslandWarrior says...

*Franklyn Robinson,
Donald W. Davis Junior High School,
Class of 78'*

Anita introduced me to high hurdles after I was impossible at basketball; I went on to hold the junior and senior school 110 High Hurdles Record (78 - 81) at the national track and field levels.

Anita was a giant of a person and a lasting inspiration to me and, I am sure, many, many others.

Rest in peace Anita, you have done well.

***Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un - "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."***

IslandWarrior says...

There is no complicated narrative that explains Dr Minnis's ineptness. The position of Prime Minister was entirely beyond his ability; there is no reason for Bahamians to be shy about this fact; he was out of his league, totally. Bahamian politics is a little mix and balance of skills that very few have mastered (Pindling, Ingraham and Christie to an extent.) And the jury is still out on Brave, although he had enough time in the shadows of the country's two great masters (Pindling and Ingraham) to have learned a trick or two.

IslandWarrior says...

The shell, killing and downing of passenger plains started eight years ago, and that is not laughable ...but it speaks to how fickle some of us are. We choose not to read but to follow, staying ignorant just because it's comfortable and shameless to know any better.

Educate yourself and not be influenced by evil forces that will turn on you in half a blink.

Permanent Council Decision No. 1117
Publisher Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Date 21 March 2014

"women and children being killed from shelling" in 2014, why didn't you care then? I guess it was laughable, right?