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IslandWarrior says...

I guess you must have the worst seat in the house, and the lights are dim or your vision so poor. I will ignore your rant about CCA and the Chinese Investment in the Bahamas, which surpasses any combined investment by the Americans in The Bahamas in the 70 plus years of US/Bahamas relations. Furthermore, the Bahamas tourist strategy, which Sir Stafford Sands created, initially attracted British and European Tourists who were more wealthy than the Americans. Sir Lynden Pindling ditched the pound sterling and ran away the wealthy European investors, residents and tourists, deciding with plans to develop the Bahamas after a US/American model, creating places like Freeport. For Sir Lynden, the young black "boy leader" who found himself the leader of a (cashless Bahamas) the American model, at the time, was his only option which also nearly cost him his life.

The convenience of your location and the all-important Americans are not welcomed or feel safe (on the cheap) in no other country. As a result, cheap boxes called hotels finance by the Bahamas for the American operators of the 70s and 80s created the new model we ended up with, which is no indispensable dependent on American tourists. Still, a use/use game of I need your dollars, and you need my cheap vacation packages created the tourist industry we see today that is US military base independent.

As it is looking, you may be the one looking a little ignorant and naive.

IslandWarrior says...

overdosed on American propaganda, but you are not alone. In time, as so many have, you will wake up for your addiction.

IslandWarrior says...

To those who live in a world of pseudo realities and are of the "deaf talking to dumb", please read:

This Crusade is not new for Russia, just the same old trick on a new day. The difference is that the Americans are predictable; most of you may not know that this event has happened to the USSR 9 times. The Allied Forces, as they were called, before the creation of NATO, had worst planned for the Russian People; the Ukraine issue is only a dirty, sinister ploy that covers the West's true intentions. Lookup code names like (Trojan, Pincher, Bushwakker, Crankshaft, Halfmoon, Cogwheel, Offtackle, Charioteer and Dropshot. All nasty dark plots to annihilate "wipe from the face of the earth", quoting a former American President about the people of The Russian Federation. In the past, there was Joseph Stalin, and we now have Vladimir Putin (the master spy) to disrupt the evil plots of the Godless, Soulless, Dark hearted People.

The Americans are no one's friend, and it's a phenomenon of consumption, its uses then discard, it abuses then boast, it lies and then prides itself for doing so; it has no friends, only opportunities.

IslandWarrior says...

**Who is paying for the losses from the Illegal American Sanctions? The Bahamas can choose to stay neutral; international politics should not be The Bahamas' concern and remain a welcoming country to all. The Americans have no creditability and are not worth the effort considering when they are ready to turn on us; they do, and mercilessly.**

IslandWarrior says...

I guess you are not so old to know any better; all politicians "apologise" it goes with the culture, and in the Bahamas taking the Bahamian People for a ride, and making empty promises for five years job of easy money and privilege some politicians will even eat their vomit. I was told that the job is so sweet, why not; I must feel good because a failed politician said sorry, and I paid him to serve, hell no, my disappointments are worth much more than a sorry.

On Pintard: Sorry for mistakes we made

Posted 28 February 2022, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Damage done, lessons learnt. Bahamians need better, and we demand better. Bahamians will not be bamboozled by proven failed politicians who, when in need, look for the understanding of supporters; those days are finished.

The level of hurt and disappointment in the entire Minnis Administration is irreconcilable. There are no reprieves, no reset buttons. As long as the FNM continue to push its failures under the fool's carpet, it will remain in the dark wilderness of political failures.

The names of **Wells, Campbell, Bethel, Turnquest, Minnis, Pintard** will forever be edged in stone, as the people who let down the Bahamian People.

> (killing the dreams of their
> brothers)

Delivering them into the hands of the PLP, returning the country to an ideology of victimisation, partisanship, and evil corrupt practises that many were confident we would not see returned to the lives of Bahamians for a very long time.

The wilderness is dark, my friends, very dark.

On Pintard: Sorry for mistakes we made

Posted 28 February 2022, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The site is also been promoted for Land-based Aquaculture Development in The Bahamas.

AquaDevCo – Bahamas Ltd. represents a unique opportunity for well-qualified investors to invest in the Blue Revolution and the Global $133.9 Billion Seafood Market.

Shrimp will be farm-raised in land-based aquaculture facilities or grow-out cells. Each of the five cells on-site is more than 41,648 cubic feet, and each cell can produce up to 213 tons of shrimp valued at just over USD 15 million in a five harvest per year cycle. After our first year of farming operations, AquaDevCo plans to add two additional cells for the farming of (Red Snapper (Lutjanus Campechanus) and a new nursery that will support our expansion efforts for the farming Nassau Grouper, Oysters and Caribbean Spiny Lobsters.

The exemplary commercial land-based aquaculture operation will be purpose-built using the latest technology for monitoring critical parameters, maximum biosecurity intervention, and highly scalable. The strategic plan calls for the company to ultimately be developed to take full advantage of the strong economies of scale in the aquaculture industry.

Near term, vertical integration plans include constructing a #bluefin #tuna research facility, a full-scale fish processing plant, and additional outdoor cell deployments.…

On Ex-Bacardi plant in ship repair potential

Posted 21 February 2022, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Inflation can not be as high as 60%; what is happening in the Bahamas now and has been happening is nothing less than criminal. The run on the Bahamian people is a well-documented fact that is not new. Wireless Service (Batelco) was charging $6 a minute before Vonage came online, and the high cost of electricity. The New Car Dealers tried to bamboozle Bahamians with the cant buy in Florida (Dealer Protection foolishness) that backfired on them, and the Japanese use car market flourished.

The same is starting to happen in the food industry; it will take one bright mind to create another "Well Managed Food Wholesale Club" that will put an end to this madness, as said, ask the new car dealers how life has been over the past ten or more years holding onto their stubborn selfish "Exclusive Saller Agreements."

Online food shopping may just work in the Bahamas.

IslandWarrior says...

Exactly, "goods services provided" and not inefficiency and poor management. The article speaks to (perks and benefits), having spent time in Germany, Colombia, China, and our favourite USA, we all know that the cost of food in the Bahamas, on many items, are in some cases are 200 to 300% higher in the Bahamas. Not to mention the poor food quality; we already were not getting value for the dollar. The essential part of life, food, is killing us with unreasonably high prices; God help the people living on the family islands.