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IslandWarrior says...

Bahamians are of no consequence in the "fool's game" of Politics in the Bahamas. Footstools, ascending street tugs, and some may say criminals to the highest state office; the five year game of transforming once nobodies into an elite class while opening opportunities for themselves and not the people they should serve.

The poor, old and dying sit by in awe as wealth and access becomes a spectacle in this "fools game" just one more time with the hope of something different. But only the abuse where there is no accountability takes a new face in the "fool's game" of Bahamian Politics.

On PLP leader: We are ready for the task

Posted 28 August 2021, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

**The Fools Game of Bahamian Politics**

60 years of unfulfilled promises, yet the Bahamians rush to the Local Political game as if giving the same losing teams just one more chance will improve the opportunity. But the fools game has its own rules, and those rules are the rules left by Colonial Masters and an ignorant subject who has passively settled for cheap T-shirts, bragging rights, and a few dollars if lucky or a bottle of beer.

The Needs of The Country And its People Have Exceeded The Current Political Ideology. From 1967 - Now!

How Have We Progressed As a People? What Opportunities Have We Missed, Mistakes Made And How Do We Look Back at The Past 50 Years, And Move Forward To The Next 50 Years.

Can The Colonial Footing That Created The Old Bahamas Sustain a Future Bahamas? Fundamental Changes Are Needed For The Bahamas to Regain Its Once Held Position of Glory That Made Us All Hold Our Heads High and Proud To Be Called Bahamians?

We want our voting participation to influence our country's future development and benefits our economy, communities, environment, and educational systems.

Our Voice Maybe Small But Together Our Small Voices Can Be A Force That Influence Change.

Support your local Independent Candidate

On Promises by FNM left unfulfilled

Posted 26 August 2021, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

**Sounding just like the days of the crack cocaine epidemic, "had a chance, now give someone else a chance" The 2 party "run" on the Bahamian People has to come to an end. We have had nothing but an industry of politicians (some ragtag street thugs) who waltz in with the fools game we call politics, excel themselves to a fictional status of elitism, entering a culture of systemic public service corruption and bamboozlement ...morphing into abusers and oppressors of the people who grace them with power.

This must come to an end; support your independent candidate.**

On FNM Chairman defends PM's election decision

Posted 21 August 2021, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

There is a propensity for this behaviour with this minister. He also has the right amount of shameless arrogance that reflects poorly on the country. There is nothing worse than an image of a shameless thug with little or no regard for the rules of honesty and fair governance.

Returning the funds, in itself, is a submission that a wrong was clearly committed and, as such, someone should be held responsible as a matter of principle. The view that The Bahamas is a corrupt country is widely believed, and this situation furthers that belief.

* The Minister remains at the centre of the Letter of Intent (LOI) and the Stella $727.364 million damages claim.
* The RTD Vanity Plate Printer $900,000.00 Budget Request
* Now his driver and personal assistant honorarium

The Bahamas don't need this level of questionable representation, and a cold face submission doesn't correct this bold and egregious act of dishonesty.

On Wells asks his aides to forego payment

Posted 17 August 2021, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Rui Hao, is a native of China, however, he lives in **Amsterdam where he is a citizen.**

IslandWarrior says...

**It's challenging to listen to Cooper. At the same time, he continues to exist in the Bahamian Political Rahm and not explain the issue of A $25m public-private partnership (PPP) to establish a new Road Traffic Department headquarters on Tonique Williams Darling Highway in a PPPs arranged by the Christie Administration where there was no existing RFP for the same?**

IslandWarrior says...

Administration of the industrial and economic development of the Bahamas, by now, should not be in the hands of politicians with the baggage of a five-year term agenda. But they are still producing the same 60-year-old result of oppression, bias, corruption, and the Black Bahamian's marginalisation. These practices are the ways of a passed oppressive system of colonial control that has never changed with the change of majority rule.

How can there still exist a mindset that Bahamians are only limited to the small "backyard" developments, "start small", they say to industrial minded Bahamians, with interest in industries with global impact, and professionals with 40 plus years of business experience?

As was the recent experience of my group of Bahamian Developers, we approached the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries with an effective plan to develop the overlooked potentials of Industrial Scale Aquaculture Development in The Bahamas, then told to "think small". And "no way this government would approve 1000 acres for that kind of development." Then we are told that a foreign company presented a similar proposal and that maybe we should "link up with them."

In a free and open capitalist democracy, where politicians act to discourage Bahamians' ambition, suggesting from an unqualified position that you are "too ambitious". Then continuing with the insult of ignoring months of emails as our group pursues our goals of developing and protecting this potential for exclusive Bahamian Development, regardless of the influence of "Big Money" that always prevail over national interest, local development, and the Common Good.

Until the total elimination of the political control system that fosters a culture of corruption and pettiness, and the grudgeful mindset that the growth and approval process for the future development of the Bahamas, which in some circles, is the unique ability of the sitting system of politics, and not honest and unbiased professionalism. Until there is a change in the system, the Bahamas will continue on a questionable integrity path.

IslandWarrior says...

**There are folkes who would pay their private physicians to have the vaccination administered, like polio, and all the other vaccines, why not do the same with COVID?**

IslandWarrior says...

The thug life of this Minister won't go away; he sees himself above the law, and with his Zionist training, he perceives himself without reproach and is answerable to no one.

Stellar Energy Bahamas -?
Vanity Printer -?
Honorariums -?

And only God knows where the Minister's other bodies are kept buried.

Again, more examples of what is fundamentally wrong with our politics, and here is where I will repeat my mantra:

"The faces may have changed, but the policies and structure of the past system of oppression have not dismantled oppressiveness, and abusiveness; elements of the past colonial political structure that divided Bahamians into (have and have not)".

Change The System, Fix The Country.

On Wells: All honorariums now paid

Posted 14 August 2021, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Welcome to a day in the life of a Bahamian when you're not being called worthless; you're fronting. Reading my Brother Collie's side of the story is a typical card played on Bahamians; find a guy who is in trouble where his (valuable land that a foreigner has his eyes on for development) and crush him. Only in the Bahamas do we break down each other while giving hotels concessions, tax breaks and concessionary terms, but a Bahamian, you need to run, get away from here, who he think he is, my Bro I have no time for you.

Al Collie, the last of the other great Bahamian Nightclubs Legends, is now targeted for extinction. Peanuts Taylor, Freddy Munnings and King Eric Gibson and the many other Black Bahamian Entertainers were the giants who took on the Hotels and an unsupporting Bahamian Government who did everything possible to kill their business; but supporting unfair opportunities for hotel operators. Al Collie, the last of these warriors we will witness, will die out, and I predict that Club Luna/Zoo location is only the first of beachfront properties now targeted for a future high-end highrise, beachfront residential developer - my prediction.