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IslandWarrior says...

The DNA and The Independent candidates, and others are not putting forward anything that changes the structural defects that have decayed the spirit of being a proud Bahamian, as it were. "The faces may change, but the policies and structure of the past system of oppression are not being dismantled as it should by any modern organization seeking the office of government.

The oppressive economic structures of the past divide Bahamians into (have and have not), and our economic and industrial growth over the past 50 years has not risen above 1.5%; in fact, it has declined from 5% 50 years ago to today 0.5%.

The secrecy of how we are governed is still the nemesis in the darkroom of political corruption. So the idea of a new government that maintain this structure is a losing proposition.

If you are not talking about a complete change of our system of government, you are putting forward nothing more than a fool's game of Bahamian Politics.

The politics of state victimization, petty disregard of anything Bahamian, and a public service that serves and creates elitism of elected officials and division is still the old enemy of The Common Good and has no place in a modern government.

Dont just vote to change faces, demand more, demand change for the Common Good.

IslandWarrior says...

Brave is really the last person to talk about accountability and transparency; he is yet (after 6 years) to explain how bfg ppp Ventures I Limited (PPP1) ended up on the Floors of Parlemant, Or the issue of Ron's Auto and 5 Million Dollar Purchase Deal that turned into 4 Million by The Time the Check got to the landowner. And lets not for get about the wells loi saga and the guarantee of $ 40,000,000 in favor of Stellar Energy to secure the FEL (feasibility) studies. hello!

On Davis calls for clarity on who won contracts

Posted 12 August 2021, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

The 30 to 40-year old culture of Government Administrative gameplay culture had a field day with some of these new Ministers, many of who still don't know simple governmental protocols and their PS and technical people running shop right under their nose while Flambéing them with the Public Service (breakfast, lunch and laundry special)

IslandWarrior says...

And may I add, in no way is this report implicating a single Bahamian Government Administration.

In my experience, in the past ten years of trying to participate in the development of this country. I know of experiences that "holds true" to this Report of Corruption, including senior government advisors, managers and technical staff, plus some well-known family members of top government officials who held the top post at a Government Department.

We all remember the PTI Proposal that ended up on the Floors Parlemant as bfg ppp Ventures I Limited (PPP1)

Or the issue of Ron's Auto and 5 Million Dollar Purchase Deal that turned into 4 Million by The Time the Check got to the landowner.

The Fake RTD Bahamas 2016 License Plate RFP - and the plagiarism of the state of wisconsin request for proposal (rfp) # rme-1625, this program now costs the Bahamian people $29 to produce each Licence Plate.

We all remember the mess at The Road Traffic and the TMS system where the top man at the department, even after leaving the job, still represents the company that won the contract under his watch. And his radio personality family member holds the rights to the imaging on our driver's license. Not the mention the $30,000 service call fees in the worse contract deal that ties the hands of the government into an unbreakable contract for five years.

Or the vanity printer that is listed as $95,000 but is presented to the Bahamian Public by a former Minister as valuing $900,000, knowing the printer was already on site.

Or the local company (BASIC) who could not get a deal with the government unless a former swimmer and digital currency company owner, with extensive contacts with this government and who is the son of a wealthy party financer wasn't a part of the deal. "if my son is not a part of the deal, then there is not a deal in a September 2019 telephone call from the party influencer.

“The Public Disclosure Act requires senior public officials, including senators and members of Parliament, to declare their assets, income, and liabilities annually. ...should also include PSs, their families and government technical staff where most of the actual dealing occurs.

IslandWarrior says...

You can sit back while the only industry striving in this country is Politics; I am not so selfish as you suggest to ignore the abuse and decay of this country; but yes, the concern is for my children who would not think of coming back to a today's Bahamas, as it were. The Bahamian people ask one thing of their servants, "do your job". My face, my family name and how much you didn't like me when we attended high school, should not prevent you from respecting me and simply providing me with the service of government. But it is typical to bury one's head in the sand and look at the problems in this country from a fairytale point of view while the floor and walls around us rotten away ...then we ask why? or call on the Lord.

IslandWarrior says...

Over the years, I have learned that talking to the Bahamas Government balances many different competing voices and biases. Culturally, for Bahamians, we hate to see each other succeed. We teardown but do not help each other up, we think the worse but will never give a word of encouragement, we kill the dreams of our brother while polishing the dreams of others, it is our own faces we must see when we ask the question how did we get like this. Yes, we are the ones staring back at ourselves, asking others how we got like this. Why do we kill the dreams of our brothers?

I recently had the pleasure and somewhat fortunate opportunity to communicate with one of our countries relatively wealthy residents. Whose assessment of the Bahamas in terms of investment, in his view, was limited to "beautiful beaches and turquoise waters", which is our only "Unique Selling Proposition" (USP). "Set up such a plant in the southern - getting land at concessional terms, cheap labour and subsidies while being within the biggest market?" was a better proposition.

He added, "Considering our Bahamas and 80+% grade D population", which was a disappointing exaggeration of the facts. Then to add insults to injury, the gentlemen somehow hold that the government's national grade assessment of D should commensurate salary level, making the Bahamas more attractive to an investor.

In comparison, he continued, that our "proximity to the US isn't really strong" of an argument for new investments because "tourism, real estate and related services were only investment sense." Now, I am left with an insight into what is discussed, negotiated and sacrificed to invite investments into the Bahamas.

80+% grade D population assessment is not a reflection of the ability of Bahamians but better reflects the poor management, neglect and lack of development in our educational institutions.

The 50 Year Battle For Economic Growth In The Bahamas ...By Bahamians. The policies and structure of the past system of oppression have not dismantled the oppressive economic and ugly political structures of the past that divided Bahamians into (have and have nots) to the pleasure of a few who sit quietly waiting to celebrate our failures and collapse.

The secrecy of our government is still the nemesis in the darkroom of political corruption that enriches some. The politics of state victimization and petty disregard of anything Bahamian is still the old enemy of The Common Good.

"bold developments take bold leadership, demand more, and change the mindset" - elections 2022

IslandWarrior says...

Over the years, I have learned that talking to the Bahamas Government balances many different competing voices and biases. Culturally, for Bahamians, we hate to see each other succeed. We teardown but do not help each other up, we think the worse but will never give a word of encouragement, we kill the dreams of our brother while polishing the dreams of others, it is our own faces we must see when we ask the question how did we get like this. Yes, we are the ones staring back at ourselves, asking others how we got like this. Why do we kill the dreams of our brothers?

IslandWarrior says...

The culture of politics in the Bahamas is a simple mixture of short news coverages (fake smiles and deceitful handshakes, cheap T-shirts and hollow promises). While sitting politicians and those seeking an opportunity to ride themselves to wealth and opportunity, the Bahamian People continue to fall deeper into poverty.

A "go" at politics in the Bahamas is complicity to maintaining an outdated public service system where patronage continues to be served by "yes men and yes women", fuelling a petty, spiteful but destructive practice of economic bias and a racist (self-hating) machinery that is determined to further the oppression of the Bahamian People.

IslandWarrior says...

The 50 Year Battle For Economic Growth In The Bahamas ...By Bahamians. The policies and structure of the past system of oppression have not dismantled the oppressive economic and ugly political structures of the past that divided Bahamians into (have and have nots) to the pleasure of a few.
The secrecy of our government is still the nemesis in the darkroom of political corruption that enriches some. The politics of state victimization and petty disregard of anything Bahamian is still the old enemy of The Common Good.
As a result, the people lose faith in our democracy while others sit quietly waiting to celebrate our failures and collapse.……