Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

The country will continue to waddle in its own selfish, short-sighted and bloody belief that Bahamians cannot provide a better solution to control some of this deadly and scary mess that is now a common way of life in the daily lives of Bahamian Families. But the powers that we have entrusted our safety are quick to celebrate many multi-million dollar contracts with foreign companies while disrespecting and insulting a Bahamian effort to contribute, even when a proven international solution was offered to this government in a comprehensive proposal at a minimal capital cost to the country.

Unlicensed and stolen vehicles play a major role in the free and undetected movement of this carnage. Plate swapping, recycling and fakes are the tools in many of these brazen acts of criminal activity. The lack of proper vehicle registration linked to an Automated License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) that is Pole and Vehicle Mounted. It plays into the game of "find me if you can" that have our frustrated Police Force in a never-ending tailspin running after a "ghost vehicle" (used in the commission of deadly crimes) that doesn't exist - but freely travels our streets and neighbourhoods, as it were.

IslandWarrior says...

The story on the "Indian Oxford-AstraZenenca Vaccine" Donated to Barbados, Dominica and Share to other Caribbean Islands is starkly different from what is reported by India and our Caribbean Neighbours then what is being told in the Bahamas to Bahamians.

IslandWarrior says...

This uncertainty also fuels the narrative that all politicians are nothing but nasty, arrogant, dirty liars who don't have the people's best interest at heart but will spool out untruths to appease the moment while actually don't know and deceive us all.

IslandWarrior says...

After 7 Years of presentations, emails (that went unanswered), meetings that had no conclusion, a Cabinet meeting that was a clown show and an embarrassment; design, consultancy fees, travel and salaries that total over three million dollars. Our company had to close the book on our projects (that would cost the government no capital expense) while the Bahamian People are lied to and have to stand out in the yard for service at a government department that feeds a greedy few who careless about the effects of their corrupt and criminal enterprise because Ministers and officials turn a blind eye on "the ride" that is played on the Bahamian People both administrations.

IslandWarrior says...

“salient” and “valuable” Patrick would not know what is salient and valuable if it came out and kick him in the face! ...Bahamians and Medical Professionals should be allowed to make their own scientific assessment of what vaccination is best and safe to entre their bodies and not following political patriotism' which could put the lives of Bahamians at (a known) and unnecessary risk.

On ‘We’ll listen to valuable ideas’

Posted 4 February 2021, 8:09 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

**A much bigger problem, but fixable:**

After a seven-year battle with the Bahamas government, Bahamas Auto Safety and Inspection Centre (BASIC), retired its efforts to offer, (at no capital cost) to the Bahamian people a comprehensive solution for enforcement agencies to detect vehicles driven on our streets with expired or no insurance.

At a Cabinet presentation detailing the critical need of the road safety and violation detection technology in March of 2020, the former Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Finance describe the Vehicle Verification and Testing initiative as

> "seeing no benefit for the Bahamian
> People"

leaving the company with no option but to retire the effort after many attempts to re-engage the government on the matter.

The new Minister of Transport up to yesterday has stubbornly refused to reply to our many emails requesting a meeting to discuss other critical issues plaguing his ministry (like a reliable vehicle plate issuance system) where BASIC has offered our expert resources to fix this frustrating but essential government service.

Another senior government official commented that the "government would never give three black boys a contract like this" while asking us "who are we fronting for?" ending a meeting seeking his support for the road safety initiative earlier in January 2020.

On ‘Russian Roulette’ by 20% of drivers

Posted 22 January 2021, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Pete sound like another fellow who feels that he win the presidential election but everyone cheated on him. go quietly and pray your situation doesn't develop into jail time ...hahaha

IslandWarrior says...

K Peter Turnquest is a liability to the party, he needs to go and 2 others need to follow! then the party may stand a chance of winning the next general elections once it ditches itself of some infections it picked up in the last elections.

IslandWarrior says...

Press Statements and denial will not change the fact that the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance, of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, is the subject of this level of corruption-probe that is now a matter before the Supreme Court of The Bahamas and now reported internationally. The alligations are stating that while as a sitting Member of Parliament and Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Turnquest siphoned off $3.026m "as at December 31, 2017".
The court documents also allege that the Minister and his business partner "dishonestly caused" Alpha Aviation and Advanced Aviation to "pay-away" $20.68m and $5.917m, respectively, to Sky Bahamas via "some kind of bogus loans".
As this shameful development unfolds, it should be an honourable gesture from an Honourable Minister and member of the government in as high an office as the Deputy Prime Minister to vacate his Public Office immediately until such time that this matter is adjudicated by the courts of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
For many years, successive PLP Administrations, led by now-deceased Prime Minister Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling, and his government that maintained a dark cloud of suspicion in the global business community, where it was widely believed by many that The Bahamas was a nation for sale because of corruption at many levels of government that eventually caused its downfall and ushered in the Ingraham Administration with its Government of Transparency, Government in The Sun Shine mantra.
The Minister along with former Minister Wells with responsibility for transport (who himself is named in a 'multi-million dollar waste to energy deal that went bad while he was a Minister of State under the past PLP administration) also recently submitted to the House of Assembly, budget approval for 900,000 dollars worth of Vanity License plate printing equipment that is listed by the manufacture for just $95,000.00.…

On Turnquest denies conspiracy claim

Posted 20 November 2020, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal