Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

Beyond the ease and corrupt culture in the Bahamas, of obtaining a driver's license, the more critical and important government obligation of the annual fitness/roadworthiness inspection of vehicles is seen as unnecessary and a burden on Bahamians.

IslandWarrior says...

there will come a day soon when they will all be asking "what happened" ...Disconnected? these guys on a different planet 🌏 maybe Pluto!

On Culmer: FNM not disconnected

Posted 1 November 2020, 6:02 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Our 2014 Proposal to the Bahamas government to relaunch the RTD, and resubmitted to the current government for consideration - had a Cabinet Presentation but no official response yet on whether the proposal would be accepted. There is no capital cost to the government for the 30 Million Dollar Bahamian Investment where the RTD would have 9 fully equipped State of the art facilities to house the department permanently -

- creating over 300 new jobs,
- giving the Bahamas a total of 31
inspections test lanes - 12 in
Nassau, 4 in Freeport and the other
major populated islands get 2 lanes

- Reintroduction of the School Driver's

- and room for 25 driving simulators
to conduct the driving test.

Our culture of belittling each other and not believing in Bahamians is the problem.…

IslandWarrior says...

quoting the article, it clearly said:

Mr Van-Ginkel said LNG pricing, which would be linked to the Henry Hub benchmark index, would provide stability necessary to "move The Bahamas away from all the volatility experienced in the crude market over the years".

Is FOCOL, chaired by Frankie 'the Snake' Wilson. The PLP financier. Also, providing LNG?

If the cost of electricity doesn't get down to 8 to 14 cents per kWh, none of this makes any sense.

On New power plant deal 'weeks out'

Posted 20 October 2020, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

one thing is certain, should the PLP win the next general elections! the Bahamian People could kiss that project goodbye!

On New power plant deal 'weeks out'

Posted 19 October 2020, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal