Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

#“Too many people put party over country, too many party people – that can’t be right.

#More than ever before, we need maturity in our national lives. We’ve got to work together,” Mr Cartwright said.

#“We do not need greedy and crooked men and women at the helm of our nation,” the archdeacon said.

“We’ve got to lay aside these for the greater good, people. We do not have only good FNMs; there are plenty of good PLPs. Yes, there are plenty of bad FNMS and plenty of bad PLPs.”

“far too many” persons get into politics for the wrong reasons, stating that those who do not seek to give true service to “get out and stay out”.

IslandWarrior says...

> And I repeat:

**Stop the Traffic Assassinations**

"Now, while we rightfully focus on addressing gun violence, we must not overlook the equally pressing concern of the hazardous traffic conditions faced daily by both Bahamians and tourists. Although traffic incidents may not lead to immediate deaths as frequently, the consequences of these accidents are often life-changing and tragic for many innocent road users.

Insurance companies may implement a three-strike rule for high-risk drivers, yet such drivers can easily switch to other providers. Despite the presence of substantial penalties for serious traffic violations, connections such as having a relative in the police force may enable some offenders to evade accountability.

Reckless driving behaviours such as running amber lights or failing to stop at stop signs can lead to devastating collisions, especially when these actions disregard the rights of other drivers. Such negligence can result in fatal outcomes and long-lasting repercussions for those involved.

In conclusion, the focus on addressing gang violence must extend to include the equally deadly issue of traffic violence. It is essential to direct the same level of attention and resources to both forms of violence to protect lives and foster safer communities."

IslandWarrior says...

> Stop the Traffic Assassinations

"Now, while we rightfully focus on addressing gun violence, we must not overlook the equally pressing concern of the hazardous traffic conditions faced daily by both Bahamians and tourists. Although traffic incidents may not lead to immediate deaths as frequently, the consequences of these accidents are often life-changing and tragic for many innocent road users.

Insurance companies may implement a three-strike rule for high-risk drivers, yet such drivers can easily switch to other providers. Despite the presence of substantial penalties for serious traffic violations, connections such as having a relative in the police force may enable some offenders to evade accountability.

Reckless driving behaviours such as running amber lights or failing to stop at stop signs can lead to devastating collisions, especially when these actions disregard the rights of other drivers. Such negligence can result in fatal outcomes and long-lasting repercussions for those involved.

In conclusion, the focus on addressing gang violence must extend to include the equally deadly issue of traffic violence. It is essential to direct the same level of attention and resources to both forms of violence to protect lives and foster safer communities."

IslandWarrior says...

...and a minister may assert, "That individual lacks comprehension of the matter," echoing sentiments expressed regarding the $47 million loss at the Road Traffic Department, as highlighted in the audit report covering the period from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2015.

> The report stated, "Upon conducting
> inquiries with management, it was
> noted that the Road Traffic Department
> (RTD) failed to uphold a register
> documenting the registered numbers of
> all licensed motor vehicles."
> ...and in scrutinizing the
> department's operations, Mr. Bastian
> further emphasized several other
> instances of apparent fraud and
> "collusion" among inspectors, writers,
> and cashiers as they performed their
> daily duties.

IslandWarrior says...

Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis's call for action at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resonates deeply with the collective aspiration for a world founded on principles of empathy and equality. His initiative reflects a profound belief in the enduring essence of humanity's noble qualities amidst the complexities of political and economic dynamics.

In endorsing Prime Minister Davis's stance, we affirm our commitment to fostering a global community where compassion and fairness are guiding principles in international relations. His call highlights the imperative for concerted efforts to address pressing issues, transcending borders and ideologies.

At its core, Prime Minister Davis's appeal underscores the unwavering belief that humanity possesses the capacity for positive change, even in the face of formidable challenges. It serves as a reminder that, despite differences, a shared commitment to justice and humanity unites us all.

Echoing his sentiments, we express solidarity with those who champion peace, justice, and equality on the world stage. Let us heed this call to action, recognizing that by standing together, we can create a future defined by compassion, cooperation, and progress for all.

IslandWarrior says...

Like a guest told me, 'You had 20 murders for the year; well, just in my state alone, we had 18 over one weekend. ...its just the US (our friendly neighbour) not getting their way with something ...maybe UN-related, so this is their way, as always, to say to the Bahamas; hey! we could get you, considering they have us by the balls economically. This, too, will pass, and The Bahamas shall learn that there are no friendships in 'our neighbour' to the north.

IslandWarrior says...

The FNM party criticized the PLP party on a comedy show hosted by RTD despite having the opportunity to construct a modern Traffic Department Facility that leading industry players supported. Unfortunately, the FNM chose cronyism over the needs of the Bahamian people, resulting in the current poor state of the RTD. The former FNM Minister's corrupt practices, which followed him from his previous appointment and subsequent dismissal, led to the Bahamian people missing out on the benefits of a modern facility. In contrast, PTI Bahamas has presented a fair and comprehensive plan to address all stakeholders' concerns, including the department's current issues with rodents, historical fraud, and criminal activity.

The proposal remains valid, and it would be wise for the minister to work with PTI's team to progress the project with the sole interest of the good people of The Bahamas in mind. PTI's plan could establish a new RTD with nine locations across the Bahamas, including three locations in Nassau and two in Freeport, before the next general elections. This would be achieved over the next 15 months and the next three years to complete the family island facilities.

> My email address has not changed:

IslandWarrior says...

I almost feel sorry for the young lady when you have an 'old dinosaur' like Leslie breathing fire and molten sulphur down her throat for a lifeline out of his financial troubles. No wonder the Minister has not jumped ship already from the disaster called the PLP.

IslandWarrior says...

Love your editorial

Unlike Zionism, which is a construct of sick, diseased minds of a racist, Supremacism ideology, Hamas is the heroic aspirations of a people determined to be free and a spirit that will never die. When people are subjected to this level of inhumanity and oppression, their will to survive is a testament to the indomitable spirit that resides within every Palestinian.

> Free Palestine

IslandWarrior says...

"18 murders in the capital since the beginning of 2024" is a joke for where these people come from; their news normally reads "18 murders at one school since the beginning of 2024"