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Islandgirl says...

How did they make their money in the first place? I am curious. They are worth millions and seemingly are unable to run even a tuck shop at a profit. One has to wonder.

On Solomon’s Mines close: 30 jobs lost

Posted 13 May 2015, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

This woman is one big disgrace. No pretty or sophisticated diction can supersede the ugliness that she espouses and releases upon us. There have to be changes. Our country is not going to survive with this kind of 'justice', and I use that term very loosely, in play. There has to be a way to make the position of attorney general an elected one, a non-partisan one, not a position chosen by the governing party of the day. Just look at all the trash this fool has come up with and cloaks it in pretty, king sized words. All this victimization and rule by intimidation, straight out of the late 60's to the early 90's. My God. How does this woman even look at herself in the mirror or sleep well at night? I pray that people think before they vote in the next election, and that there is a coalition government instead brought about by people voting for the best qualified individual in a constituency and not the party. And when that takes place, a Commission of Inquiry with teeth should be held. Every one of these bastards should be prosecuted, jailed, and all the assets illegally accumulated during their time in power confiscated and contributed to promoting the betterment of this country. They destroyed it and they should pay for its rebuilding by not only setting an example through the loss of their freedom for those that would try to slick their way to wealth, but also by having them stripped of all their ill gotten gains. No reward for nasty and ugly behavior. We are so tired of them. The world has changed and they cannot hide any longer nor can they revise history like they have done repeatedly the last fifty years. Ring the bell.

Islandgirl says...

Well written and very accurate. I was particularly struck by Item 19. We will NOT be taken back to pre-1992 when Pindling did incalculable damage to so many families who wanted better for this country, and spoke out about him and the poor fashion in which he was "leading" the Bahamas. These people don't realize that no longer will we cower. The world is much, much smaller than it once was and they cannot hide their abundance of malfeasance. This government is sickening, and that is the most polite word I can come up with. Jesus please, please wipe them out; return to our citizens all that was stolen from them; help this nation to rise and quickly put to rest this goon squad. Amen.

Islandgirl says...

She is trying to appear educated and diplomatic, and fails miserably. What an absolute, utter disgrace and embarrassment this woman is. The whole party too.

Islandgirl says...

Oh. Now you are concerned? Where was this concern when those dimwits put up all those friggin billboards in largely touristic areas, advertising the murder count? Anything to get into power right? Teach these people they have to work for a living. Help them become educated so they can make a more meaningful contribution to this nation. Set an example. All of you who go into parliament poor, come out filthy rich and are held unaccountable for not one thing while amassing this wealth in questionable fashion, are teaching them that they are entitled to everything, even when they didn't earn it, and that they are answerable to no one. This has been the order of the day for decades, and only God knows how to reverse this animalistic mentality.

Islandgirl says...

It's interesting, the two who were asked their opinions. Things have been going incredibly well for them with Christie in charge. When can we see the declarations of assets and liabilities that is long past due? March has long been in the rear view mirror. I would like to compare what they went in with (28,000 as I recall per year as an MP's salary for the Grand Bahama person) and what they have now. As for the rest of us in this country, we are suffering badly at the hands of these inept fools. They need to go.

Islandgirl says...

You are incorrect. It did indeed happen under the Perry administration, and was not resolved when the Ingraham administration came to office. Both administrations refused to address that wrong. Check YOUR facts before you respond, and yes, I know several persons who work there. Lack of compensation after all these years is an absolute disgrace. Do what your handle says and "get it right."

Islandgirl says...

While you are paying the ATC Union members, please do not forget to pay the Civil Aviation Managerial staff the many tens of thousands of dollars owed them and especially from the period during the last PLP administration when they stepped in to do the work of the striking controllers. The controllers were paid. Those that keep this country going, ensuring there was no collapse in the very vital tourism industry, were not. Disgraceful on the part of both that PLP government, the FNM government after them who did not seek to rectify the situation, and this "new" PLP administration. Glenys Hanna Martin, fix this and give credit where it is due.

Islandgirl says...

Where were you when Bradley Roberts was doing exactly what you are suggesting Dr. Minnis is doing?

On Minnis: We will expose another scandal

Posted 2 April 2015, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Geezus birdie...are you for real?

On PM: My govt will not be matched

Posted 30 March 2015, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal