Comment history

Islandgirl says...

Oh God, noooooooooooooooo!!!!!! We are already in hell as it is. Who wants to go even lower than that?!?!?!???

On Davis 'ready' for PM job

Posted 24 June 2015, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Ask the questions in a public forum where we can hopefully get answers. Bring them to accountability. Everything is a secret, and the tens of millions of dollars have vanished like air. The PLP Commission is worthless, and nobody is planning a thing other than how they can get a cut of funds already made available and in on any deal coming in to the place. You cannot possibly be that naive.

Islandgirl says...

Mr. Turnquest, when you make your budget address, can you also request a budgetary breakdown of how the tens of millions of dollars given to the Ministry of Grand Bahama is being spent? Those fellas always bragging about how that place is booming, but only for them. The vast majority are suffering badly with unemployment being extremely high and businesses closing with increasing frequency. Except for those who brag about the "prosperity" in their version of Grand Bahama, Someone had a whole new refurbished plaza built right after getting into power, together with fully stocked new stores and the movement of a government department into family owned rental spaces, despite having much of the Harold DeGregory building vacant. That's not to mention the destruction of the hotel right next to the Rand that was bought by the previous government and subsequently demolished by this new ministry. I guess to make sure no other alternative to house government offices huh? Rand still very short on beds, medications and equipment. They still have to transport you out to a private spot for certain tests at private cost and everyone always seems to have the same diagnosis. If you can't afford it you are out of luck. Look into that for us will you.

Islandgirl says...

Well didn't we just make tens of millions of dollars from junkanoo carnival? What yall need to borrow more money for?

Islandgirl says...

This government is so talented! They are literally obliterating our major means of income, and for what? I also did a double take on the Grand Bahama Airport fee increases. That place is dead as it is, and the port and hutchison actually want to make it worse but hiking up the fees at times when there is an inkling of hope that visitors will come, the holidays. Lord have mercy on us all.

Islandgirl says...

Has perry ever taken the time to investigate each industry and determine not only the feasibility but the morality of taxing them? No, because he is too lazy to do so. Why is health care on a whole being taxed? But of course, to force us all onto NHI where 52% of us pays for everyone. If you think you have no access to health care now, wait until this burden is hung around our collective necks. Life as we once knew it is abolished beneath this "special" genius, as his party's chairman put it. I wonder how much more it will take for Bahamians to shout out against this abuse. Here's the icing on the cake. It's happening right when Cuba is opening up. Fantastic, perry! Legacy assured. One man to destroy us all. May God have mercy upon us.

Islandgirl says...

If they leave all the tax money they collect from Grand Bahama Island on that Island, and assuming the administration doesn't participate in squandering and the mysterious 'loss' of funds, many things would be improved, including the radar system. But, it all goes collectively into the public treasury where most is donated to works in the capital, not the Family Islands who need it even more. Sad.

Islandgirl says...

Thank you for relaying the actual history that these people try their best to ignore, re-write, or in some cases, never knew.

Islandgirl says...

When they are discussing Freeport's future, can they please mention that they need to stop increasing the property service charges there, which they base on some complicated formula that includes "the increasing cost of living?" They are responsible for the high cost of living and therefore should not be allowed to further stick it to the people. In that line, if you are going to charge service charges and the fee differs from area to area, make sure the people get their money's worth. Should not have to pay for something that hardly takes place. My uncle keeps his own yard clean, they might clean the verges every 2-3 months, and the potholes in the road are still there, but his charges are still more than $700 a year. The Port owns the majority of the tens of thousands of acres of land in the area and since they own it, my feeling is they should be the ones paying the vast majority of the upkeep. Also recommend that Bahamians be allowed to buy commercial property and not told they have to lease these already leased lands from these foreigners. One of the most ridiculous things ever. Call DEVCO. They will tell you that themselves. Somehow they are allowed to scavenge all that money and squirrel it away in accounts in the Cayman Islands. They are obligated to develop this place. Make them. People are tired of living in such a depressed environment while one very small group of people are allowed to scavenge them at will and enjoy a luxury life. It has to change.

Islandgirl says...

Perry Christie, i do not want you involved in anything regarding my health! My God, man. Don't you know when to stop? Where, just WHERE do you expect this money to come from? I can't even treat myself after a rough week anymore. People are just about stuck on the island since we can't even afford the cost of travel to get off it. Stop borrowing, stop spending so much in general and on foolishness in particular and rid your cabinet of the people you know are killing this country! If you want to do something good for health care how about this. Why don't you instead take away all the taxes on healthy foods so we can afford it, stay healthy and avoid all these bad diagnoses, medications and numerous doctor and hospital visits. remove vat from health care period, i mean, does anywhere ELSE in the world tax health care? and even more importantly, just remove yourself. Please, successful and legitimate business persons in this country, can you just offer yourself for election this next lap? Country above self? These lawyers have utterly wrecked this place and we badly need to turn things around. To say we are in trouble is a gross understatement.

On Payroll tax unable to cover NHI

Posted 13 May 2015, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal