Comment history

Islandgirl says...

Not just resign, they must be made to go. Now. The country cannot last another two years under this foul, self serving, disingenuous collection of inept politicians.

Islandgirl says...

Been afraid since the day this crew assumed control of this country in 2012. Appeal, appeal, appeal. Perry Christie and Crew, your EGO is taking the country down. Country first, idiot, not your damn hurt feelings!!!

Islandgirl says...

And take that garbage cabinet, especially Maynard-Gibson with you!

Islandgirl says...

See also the Masters of the quieting of titles and loss of poor people's property, the folks who "developed" the flooding gardens in Nassau, among others. Or did you conveniently forget as always? We don't. But referring to what is actually germane to the article, Mr. Symonette is quite correct. The Minister's utterances are unbecoming of a person in his position.

Islandgirl says...

Can we use this as a starting point for investigative journalism as opposed to the reporting that goes on this country? Athena Damianos and Nikki Kelly are missed. What do you say, Tribune?

On Chinese contractor ‘stole documents’

Posted 13 July 2015, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Is there any reason why this cannot be once again named the Nassau International Airport? This man is such a divisive figure in this country, and for the many persons who were victimized by him and his Cabinet throughout much of his twenty five year reign of tyranny, both the naming of the major gateway into this country accompanied by a statue in his likeness is an affront. If one was to change the name to honor anybody it should have been Sir Stafford Sands, the Father of Tourism and Business in this country. Without his genius, the Bahamas would never have been on the map. Why wasn't it? Because he himself was a divisive figure, I suppose. Keep it neutral, and a source of pride to all Bahamians. Return it to its original name please, Nassau International Airport, and stop revising history to suit what makes some among us feel better.

Islandgirl says...

Thank you for this. I thought was only me who felt this way!

On What are the PLP’s core values today?

Posted 9 July 2015, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

I do sincerely hope they knock this woman down, and hard. She needs to be removed from the position of Attorney General post haste. She is nothing but a total disgrace and embarrassment to us.

Islandgirl says...

You really need to get in touch with reality. How do you actually attempt to justify the mess that THIS prime minister has us in? The Chinese also have hotels in Freeport, in fact they control all the ports of entry there too. We all know things have not been going well there for more than a decade, no matter what pretty spin Darville and Wilchcombe try to put on it. The only ones making out like bandits there are those two; just check out their new assets, buildings, businesses, partnerships, bloated bank accounts to start with. You are right though. The thinking people among us did not put perry christie in power. For the most part, it was the least informed, least productive, most gullible,people locked back in 1967, and those on the take be it by bribery, family or sweetheart connections, who put him and this disgrace of a cabinet there. This is the WORST this country has ever been, even topping the drop into depression brought on by the allowance of a massive drug trade through here that was brought under the pindling administration. In fact, the down turn in the Bahamas' moral compass, entrepreneurial spirit and pride in work and self came under that man, and is ultimately the reason why society is as it is today, but that is another topic. Stop trying to revise history and start teaching things as they were. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat all those past mistakes. That is how we ended up with this buffoon in charge. BARC failure; tourism plunge; and the multitude of scandals brought on in 2002 through 2007 ought to have heralded the fact that no way should christie ever have been allowed to be returned to the most powerful position in the nation and have his thumb on the pulse of power in this country. We perish for the lack of good memory and knowledge. No, I am not some rich person that is unable to relate as these people in charge demonstrate they clearly are not. I grew up right in Farm Road, where this jack was elected again by a people who do not wish better for themselves and are content to remain in a world of stagnancy, depression and delusion. Dissolve the House and call an election. These incompetents need to be booted out and a deep, deep forensic investigation into all their activities, each and every one of them individually, including how they accumulated vast wealth on mp and ministerial salaries, and dragged this country down so badly, needs to be done. The wealth then should be confiscated, returned to the public treasury, these people rightfully housed in the jail under the same conditions as every other criminal there, and the commencement of returning the Bahamas to respectability and prosperity begun. Step down christie and company. It is in the best interest of our country.

Islandgirl says...

Allyson, please stop interfering in things that go way beyond your scope of understanding or expertise. Every time perry calls for your involvement in something, we expect nothing more than a load of manure that worsens already bad situations. You all have absolutely destroyed this country. Pay them with what money? Isn't that what national insurance unemployment benefits are for? Isn't that why the owners got bankruptcy protection? Is there no way we can have a reputable entity, not this female human, act on behalf of the people of this country instead of covering for every piece of filth this corrupt government is a part of? It is past time for a new election. Every single one of you need to be held in account for this massive and darn near irreparable mess you have created. Greed ruled the day and you need to be exposed and made to compensate and jailed for the rest of your earthly existence. God help us.