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Islandgirl says...

Spoken like a true PLP, birdie. Stick to what is germane, will you? He wasn't successful in elections. So what? That little side track effort had absolutely nothing to do with this thread. Your demigods are great at smoke and mirrors. You're not at that level yet. Fail.

On Dr Duane Sands slams govt plans for NHI scheme

Posted 7 September 2015, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Then the time to start is right now.

On PM told to tackle corruption claims

Posted 26 August 2015, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

I agree. My grandmother was hospitalized there several years ago as she was experiencing confusion. After a few days, doctor said "you know, she's old (she was 82 at the time), she has lived a good life", and I asked him to clarify exactly what he was trying to say. She had all her faculties about her up until a few days before hospitalization. They had ruled out major things like a stroke or heart attack. So, just because she was elderly she wasn't worth time and attention? Just let her go? It was sad how they just wanted to write her off because of age. Turned out she had a simple infection which after it was treated resulted in her springing right back to her old self. They do have some good staff but there are many of them who have to do much much better. I would also say that the young doctors should be told that just because they have a fresh new degree, and the ones who have been there a few years as well, that they are not superior to anyone else. People are people and this group in particular need to learn how to speak to people and how to treat them. Your degree doesn't mean you have arrived. Your work, healing the sick, has only just begun. Don't let the title get to your head. Too many do.

On Family asks hospital why young mother died

Posted 26 August 2015, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Freeport suffers also from a lack of vision. When the persons in charge are now simply inheritors of wealth, looking for healthy dividends to support a luxury lifestyle with nary a care for the citizenry, of course a situation like this will happen. The rigamarole one has to go through to get a business license, the high costs of those licenses, the service charges based on cost of living that they themselves have caused to be astronomical, the inactivity of the GBPA executives who are looking out only for themselves, the government representatives who look for a cut of every single potential investment into that place, and the slaying of a "Free Port" by the production of numerous, onerous and cumulative taxes are ALL responsible for the slow death of that formerly well developed city. As with all aspects in this country, when greed, corruption, short sightedness and these all for me baby characters are removed, then it can move forward. The only things the persons who inherited the city have in mind is how much can I rape from the poor people to add to my overinflated bank account? Then they turn around and re-possess what little these people have for failure to pay service charges that are way overpriced and many times not even performed. The cost of landing there is ridiculous and central government does not even see fit to regulate a thing. They just care about taxes collected to add to the kitty for their greedy, grubby fingers to attach to and make off with. The GBPA is of the past. I can pick paint for walls too. I can choose paintings. I can make pretty little speeches. This is all those people do. It needs to go, and the business licensees need to step forth and guide the growth and development of the city. They care, because it is their livelihood and that of future citizens that matter. When you haven't worked for anything, and it all just drops into your lap like these people with this inherited wealth, there will never be an interest in or a clue to be found to make anything better. They have to go.

Islandgirl says...

perry's legacy: a single, stupid individual who brought the whole country down.

On AG’s husband has Baha Mar leases

Posted 12 August 2015, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

And just like the "leader" he is, perry brought her back and placed her in a position of extraordinary power. Go figure.

On AG’s husband has Baha Mar leases

Posted 12 August 2015, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Remember that perry was handing out those "QC" designations like candy. Those who were not exactly the most deserving of the title got them, so I would not put too much into Alison's carrying of those initials. Her responses to this very obvious conflict of interest brings her "expertise" into question.

Islandgirl says...

“Within the PLP he had become a poster child for emotional outbursts and not thinking through the many statements that he made."
Is this woman serious? This whole damn dysfunctional organization is known for this. You all are a disgrace on a world stage, but your ego is so huge and you are so drunk with the perception of absolute power that you cannot get out of your own way. Betrayal? Thank God WE, the people, the few remaining productive people in this country, have a voice such as his that speaks up! Legal action? Have you never heard the way you all carry on, particularly when slandering innocent people from the protected halls of Parliament? Please, please. Sit small, and stop trying to impress the sheeple who suck up and embrace any piece of sewerage you all put out there in the public domain. For your further information, there are more than just Dr. Rollins who are unhappy about how the PLP has run this country deep into the ground. The only ones to be pitied are those of us who have to suffer under this beyond awful administration as a result of the misplacement of Xs at the polls. Betrayal? That's an apt description of what this government has done to the Bahamian people. How you can even put pen to paper to come up with this, and take a stance of a wronged party is laughable, and were the situation in which we now find ourselves not so scary we would sit speechless. I encourage every thinking, productive person who wants better for our country to actively campaign and to vote for the ousting of each and every one of these incompetent bastards from power. Once that is done, a whole lot of genuine and legitimate legal processes need to take place and appropriate punishment enforce to have them make proper atonement. Unbelievable.

Islandgirl says...

Really Shane? I actually think a psych evaluation should be administered to all potential voters to determine their eligibility. If you are easily bribed, live in an era long past (see 1960s to 1980s), and are not grounded in reality, believing in this circus that is the modern day PLP, then you should not be allowed to vote. How many of us lament that it is people like these that have landed us in this mess, giving up their vote for so little to hand power over to your corrupt government? You also need a psychiatric examination if you, your leader and the cabinet think that all this smokescreen bull is swaying the thinkers among us. Shut up. You all have destroyed this country and every time I think it cannot get worse you people find a way. Are you all even thinking about the long term ramifications for this country and those of us not on the take by the actions, stupidity and power tripping you are displaying? Just how will we recover from this? We went on a fast ride to hell when you all came to power, with a minority of the votes. Even the pre-1992 years, marked by the shame of this being a corrupt, drug infested nation, doesn't seem as awful as this. Question is, who will do the clean up for us now? Twenty three years onward and you all have managed to undo the cleansing that the first FNM government achieved for us. You of all people, with your track record, should not be speaking. Good God please deliver us.

On ‘Psych tests for all developers’

Posted 6 August 2015, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

You know...if all the taxes collected from Freeport specifically remained on the island of Grand Bahama, and if the principals would stop enabling the power company to price gouge businesses out of existence, control their own greed by holding themselves back from trying (along with government officials) to finagle a cut out of every investment proposal that tries to come in that place, and most importantly re-invested a large amount of the over exorbitant profits they garner into the city and its future as opposed to squirreling it away in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands then maybe, just maybe that place would do better. We are all exhausted hearing and reading flowery words. The time for positive effective action has long passed. The GBPA ought to be made to fulfill its mandate. One of those old guys even was a benefactor of a football team across the pond, a most generous contributor if reports are to be believed. Freeport did not receive that same treatment, nowhere near it. There is no reason that Grand Bahama Island should be suffering the way it is. The government is no better; they collect more than $100,000,000.00 in taxes from there every year and give next to nothing back. None care. Minister of Grand Bahama, where are you by the way? I passed by the courthouse there not too long ago. What an absolute disgrace. Didn't perry just give you another thirty mil or so for that "ministry'? Where is it going? As always, no accountability in anything. Could you and the joker from West End stop telling tall tales about how that place is booming? Nothing could be further from the truth. The only ones booming are the two of you.