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Islandgirl says...

While you are about regulating the medical sector, regulate the legal one to avoid those treacherous and outrageous fees, dishonesty, embezzling and incompetence, and the business sector to improve things on a whole. It may be 40 cents in Spain, $40 here and $400 in the USA, all depending upon the market being served. Capping prices on certain operations, well perhaps you ought to speak to the persons performing those surgeries: they hold lives in their hands, spent a lot of time, youth and yes, money having themselves educated and developing those skills, and have to be accountable for those procedures and their patients' well being, no easy task, so discuss those caps with them before carrying them out. It's interesting that nobody looked at that other than to talk about the "rich doctors". They earned the right to charge their fees, more so than many other professions so before you turn them into slaves, look at everything involved in their profession. I am surprised none of them have spoken up for themselves on this. When you rob them of their living and they turn to another occupation, what then? Doctors are already leaving, in case you all didn't know it. Good ones too.

Islandgirl says...

Thank you once again, perry christie. Question: is there nothing that can be done, outside of the next general elections, to legally remove this man from power? I mean, he has singlehandedly destroyed this nation and recovery isn't looking too promising right now. Good God! It has to at least be treason!

Islandgirl says...

Thank you for relaying that. I think they ought to consider going back to that, to encourage more to move into Freeport, and extend that to the other licensees as well. Between those licensing fees, the second set of fees imposed by central government, the constant changing of the rules by government and the customs department, and those power bills, which are so high one wonders why the power company is allowed duty free fuel, Freeport will never become what it was supposed to be. It will continue to decline toward ghost town status. The Port needs to stop eroding the place they are supposed to be building and promoting. There is no reason for those licensing fees, for most, to be so high, and continue to climb.

Islandgirl says...

Your business licence fee for that money making company is only $280.00 a year????? Why can't the GBPA be that generous with all businesses so that maybe you can have some things happening in Freeport?

Islandgirl says...

You all campaigned that you had the solutions to crime. You are in power now. Fix it. Always about casting blame and have no answers to anything. You stay in campaign mode, blaming the opposition for this and that, but you people are the government. Do the job you are sliding money out of the treasury and paying yourselves for. Are you admitting we pay you for doing nothing? Be honest enough to admit that the roots of the crime situation in this country came about in the 1970's when pindling was in power. It was under that era that many of the morals of our people went out the door and drugs were the savior of the economy. Greed ruled. The people in charge, your party, allowed drug dealers from the south to take over and run this place like it was their own little kingdom; lives were lost to drugs and many homes lost the traditional father figures that had previously been there, and young men had no role models; gangs came in and rolled over societies by the next decade; we had to start locking ourselves in our homes in fear from a new, unfeeling, cruel and violent culture that was very foreign to us. You came in to the police force in the mid 80's at the height of it all. You don't remember? This place has been on a downward spiral for a long, long time, so don't act the fool and try to convince people that this just came about. Please. Stop it. What the rest of us with knowledge have to do is make sure it is spread to the least informed among us, the group you all depend upon the most to keep you in power. Getting back to the point, we can all pontificate on history, but as it really happened, not the twisted and skewed and made up version you spewed forth. We all know crime is a massive issue; but you are the ones who campaigned on having the answers. Apply those wondrous solutions. Fix this.

Islandgirl says...

It is your last sentence that exactly describes why something like that would not work here. That, and every one id on the take. nothing that they are in charge of, especially when it comes to money, results in anything good.

Islandgirl says...

I guess perry didn't get the notice that his legacy is already assured: abject failure.

Islandgirl says...

Perry, you all have absolutely no clue how the medical world works, and it shows. Stay out of something like this before you cause yet another disaster of mass scale. Why don't you start by controlling an industry you do know: law, lawyers and there less than stellar performances and reputations. Put them on set salaries, fee caps and accountability. What you tink bout that?

Islandgirl says...

I hope he actually already has it. You know how petty this crew is. Victimization in full force.

Islandgirl says...

"with a view to.. enhancing Grand Bahama’s contributions to the government’s revenue base." Exactly how much more enhancement does this government need? Grand Bahama, Freeport in particular, contributes anywhere from $120 to 200 million to the government in taxes and other fees every year. Almost none of it goes back, but rather is absorbed into the wasteland of the "consolidated" fund for the betterment of New Providence and who knows what else. GB also pays car licencing, road traffic inspection and other associated fees, which are supposed to be for the upkeep of the roads etc, yet the Port actually takes care of that, so why are the people paying that. Then there is the absurd environmental levy fees they insist on being paid, but the Lucaya Service Company takes care of that, so again, where is this money going and to whose benefit? I may be off here, but isn't that supposed to be a tax free zone? But with the introduction of all these new taxes and methods of bleeding the place dry, it is driving businesses away to more friendly lands, further "enhancing" the decay of the place. The only time you see the politicians at the port building is when they are looking for money and that is the reality. These people have no interest in assisting Freeport or Grand Bahama proper; they want to "enhance" the amount of money they rip from the place. Can anyone say exactly what the Ministry of Grand Bahama's mandate is? From the poor school maintenance, the abysmal state of the courthouse in Freeport, the people still living in abandoned buildings and presumably on the beaches, the conditions of the outlying settlements and the climbing unemployment and overall misery, I see no point in having it. The government is "broke" and yet someone got a whole new plaza, opened new businesses for his sons ( all while serving in Cabinet), had a whole government ministry moved out of a government building and into his and his brother's where it pays one load of cash in rent, but the people's suffering gets worse and worse every day. It turns my stomach every time he and his cohort get up in parliament and brag about how Grand Bahama is booming. Booming for them, and no one else. Do these people see nothing wrong with the filth they perpetrate? How about you leave the money you all collect in taxes and by other means right in Grand Bahama, and let that money be used to help the place flourish like it should be? Let Nassau take care of itself, after all everything is there. The only thing you all need to be overseeing is that the Port does what it is mandated to do, since their hands aren't clean either. Together there is collective rape and abuse of the people and their money. Stop. We will never grow, prosper of move forward with this continued approach. Do what is best for your country and through that,yourselves, and stop with the self, family, friends and sweetheart elevation by dirty deals and thievery. We are collectively sick of you all.