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Islandgirl says...

That's for one visit hey? It can't be for more than that.

On Doctors revolt brews over NHI

Posted 23 December 2015, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

They are very serious. They obviously have no idea how things work in the medical professions and especially because of the executive level private insurances they have all been enjoying on our dime. Try that with the lawyers and see how far that goes. That's what most of these bastards are. Lawyers. They want to charge you $200 for a phone conversation yet want to give you little more than that when it comes to ensuring good quality health care and a healthy life. Doctors, you are our only hope in this. Boycott. Revolt. The country is counting on you.

On Doctors revolt brews over NHI

Posted 23 December 2015, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Very desperate. They are trying to appease their voter base with this, but how can they nationalize these professionals' livelihood like this? They are not trying to improve health care, rather they are attempting to drag us all down to the level currently being experienced in the public system. Good God help us.

On NHI’s 5,000 patient requirement dropped

Posted 23 December 2015, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

He has successfully destroyed almost every private industry this lap, with the exception of the accounting and legal professions. What an utter disgrace of a human being. Nothing is free perry, and when our best leave because you are essentially forcing them into slavery, what then? Just go man. Go.

Islandgirl says...

I hope he and his entire cabinet demonstrate their full confidence is this bullduggery scheme and immediately drop ALL their private health insurance coverage and make themselves truly equal to the rest of us. They should then be made to wait at the end of the line for health care. Then we will truly be equal.

Islandgirl says...

Advance who? Improve what? Last I checked there were still plenty outside toilets in those areas and then constituency pindling represented was pretty much as it was when Colombus first visited the country more than 500 years ago. I suggest you read the 1984 Commission of Inquiry and the books Cocaine, Kings of Cocaine, Vesco and so many more where the proof against your demigod is laid out. A big pink three story mansion on prime land in the west with multiple guest cottages, travel all over, children in boarding school and so on; the commission proved that man was spending more than eight times what he was earning as the prime minister to this little country. You are so stupid it takes my breath away. Ridiculous. Advancement? Speak to everyone who feared job loss and victimization if they rose up against that little man. Francis. Moxey. Wallace-Whitfield and countless, countless others. He was a disgraceful despot.

On NHI and wasted cash

Posted 7 December 2015, 4:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Alas, birdiestrachan, you fail to acknowledge the corruptness of your government. There is nothing strange about that all. The doctors fear victimization, a hallmark of pindling and learned well by those who sat at his feet and have this down to perfection. When your livelihood and those of your family are on the line, and knowing what awaits you should you speak out, would YOU dare to?

Islandgirl says...

"May I suggest that they put Rollins in Long Island, he will not be to dark for them." Are you still seriously going on with this race crap in the twenty-first century? Please do not forget that at least two of the founders of your beloved PLP came from Long Island: Henry Milton Taylor, William Cartwright; can't really speak to Cyril St. John Stevenson. Taylor was so light he could pass for white. Pindling's father in law was of the same hue. A D Hanna's wife, bless her soul, a good woman, was a white English woman who contributed positively to this country. But you don't like to bring stuff like that up, do you? Still trying to incite and divide by raising the race issue. Stop your garbage. I mean, anything to distract from the issues you dim, dumb buffoon. Learn your damn history, give credit where credit is due, and realize that we are all Bahamians currently living in this hell that voters like YOU have sunken us into by putting this inept, clueless crew in power. No matter our colour, we are all Bahamians and may i suggest that you get with the program so we can make this place better for us all. Fact is though Pindling was bad and almost destroyed this place with the drug running that he allowed, his horrific brand of victimization and the destruction of the public service by loading it with unqualified persons for votes, Perry has driven us down to the worst we have ever been. I have never seen my country nor its people so low. We need qualified persons with the interest of the betterment of this country for ALL of us to offer themselves and pray to God that persons who cannot be bought by pitiful bribes, or have NO clue as to what this country is going through are not bussed in this time just to mark an X next to the crab sign. You must be one of those University of Wulff Road graduates. Idiot.

On More than 60 apply to become FNM candidates

Posted 3 December 2015, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Marguerite? Hah! Don't count on it.

On Minnis slams ‘chaotic’ NHI

Posted 3 December 2015, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

$38.00 and how did you come up with that figure? Indentured servitude? What quality of care or time spent with your doctor are you going to get with that? "with NO provision for any doctor to opt out of the Universal Health Care." When you step up in a doctor's face with that suggestion, please let us know how it goes. If it will be that way for that profession, it should that way for all professions, including the lawyers, accountants, mechanics, beauticians and the like. That is a dictatorship.

On NHI risks ‘up to 1,000 jobs’

Posted 2 December 2015, noon Suggest removal