Comment history

Islandgirl says...

Why are they putting Paul McWeeney anywhere near this given the absolute mess that went on under his tenure at Bank of the Bahamas? Any thinking CEO would stay far away, but not perry. God help us. Doctors, please don't sign on with this mess!

Islandgirl says...

Bull. Stop it!

Islandgirl says...

Stop telling untruths. No they are not. Cook outs are generally held for catastrophic health situations or major medical issues, read: expensive surgeries. This farce that the government is trying to drop on us and squeeze the last copper out of your wallet (if you could even afford one) does NOT address this. They aren't offering anything different than what you are receiving right now at the public health care facilities. How dare you all take us for stupid? How dare you take away our choices? No way should any government be dictating how you receive your health care. I hope all of them and this union man are the first to drop the "perks", no private insurance, no laying up in Doctors Hospital, and definitely no care in the US or anywhere outside of here, just like they are trying to subject us to. Just nasty.

Islandgirl says...

Plenty of us ready, trust me. This peon got ta go. Now.

Islandgirl says...

I would like to see an attorney general who is elected and not just a political appointee so then these foul people could be made to follow the law instead of turning up their noses at it, ignoring it and getting away with their insolence. We need an audit right back to the time of independence of every one of them, and have all the tiefed funds returned to the country, even from the ones who already dead since their children and grandchildren still benefitting. All these businesses and foreign trips and miles of crown land they could not possible have purchased legally come to mind. I dont see why they and their families can continue to get fat and flourish from illegal activity while the rest of us scrap and suffer, and still get taxed to hell to hurt some more. A person can get prosecuted and punished for stealing a loaf of bread. These people rape and rip off the whole country and get to live the life of riley. Disgraceful and unacceptable and it needs to stop. Jail them too.

Islandgirl says...

What a disgrace. I hope this is not swept under the rug. They need to be made to understand that they are not untamed animals, and that they have to set a better example to society at large. Just sad.

Islandgirl says...

I could not have said it any better. Doctors, please. We are counting on you.

Islandgirl says...

How much time does a veterinarian get with each patient? Just asking. Etoile Pinder, did you figure humanity into your equations?

On NHI’s 5,000 patient requirement dropped

Posted 23 December 2015, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

That's still $225 per year plus vat, and what if I needed a few extra visits one year? What then? Am I denied the visit because these dictators decided I only deserved a maximum of three visits per year? Is the doctor expected to not be paid for this? How much time does that give me with the doctor each time? Is it going to be brought to treating symptoms and not the person? We will all suffer if these ignorant individuals are allowed to get their way. perry christie is not a well man. Would his multiple health problems exceed the three visits and the allowed amount of time per visit? When/if they do, does the doc just cut the visit short and tell him his time is up? Every person is different. Like my doctor says, there is no cook book medicine. It is usually people like these jokers who try to interfere in areas they DO NOT belong. This is a democracy perry, such as it is. You are doing your utmost to turn this into a dictatorship, but I tell you what, you are excelling beyond your wildest dreams in returning this country to the fishing village it once was before Cuba closed its borders and right in time too. Cuba is opening up again to take right up where it left off and we will be left in ashes.

On Doctors revolt brews over NHI

Posted 23 December 2015, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

These jackasses didn't think about that. Let them handle the health care then. I cannot begin to imagine spending all those years in school and training to be forced to become in essence a civil servant and on the very bottom of the pole in terms of professionals. You better believe these lawyers and accountants would not even let something like this hit the light of day with their professions. The doctors are the ones with people's lives in their hands and work long and diligently to be great at their careers. Why would they allow themselves to be dictated to like this by people who are nothing but ignorant to the art of medicine and strictly looking at dollar signs? Perry needs another brain scan. No, wait. That will exceed his allotted $212.00 per year under NHI, wouldn't it? Just carry your useless behind perry and crew. This "government" is way past its expiration date.

On NHI’s 5,000 patient requirement dropped

Posted 23 December 2015, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal