Comment history

Islandgirl says...

Go on strike. How can they force you into being civil servants? This plan is going to kill so many of us, and these bastards do not care. They need to be arrested for treason alone. God almighty. You doctors better not sign up for this. You are really our last hope between disaster and that stupid imbecile some elected as prime minister.

Islandgirl says...

So what do you call the rest of us who feel the exact same way about this geriatric ass who is leading us to the depths of despair? You're a fool, and you prove it daily.

On The definition of delusional

Posted 13 January 2016, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Birds of a feather; you know the rest.

On NHI architects blast $5m default demand

Posted 12 January 2016, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Mrs. Hanna-Martin, not the Maynard-Gibson woman

Islandgirl says...

Oh God; when will this perry christie nightmare end? Etoile Pinder, how much did you actually get paid for this garbage? Give it back. You have created one massive sewer for your country men to suffer in while you get to traipse off to Costa Rica with your husband with millions of our dollars. Those terms you used to describe everyone who actually were smart enough to question this stuff you and your people came up with and all of us who has to suffer with this adequately describe you. I'm sure you recall them well.

Islandgirl says...

Please do not bring Pindling into this, because he started the mess that this country finds itself in. I wish the Tribune would start to run a series "Your Bahamian History" with articles and historical facts about how things truly were, the true roots of the PLP, the things this man did, the many victims this man left in his wake, the loss of the Bahamian work ethic ehere they no onger want to work toward something, but expect a handout or to grab it by any means necessary, and the like to wipe away this pure revisionist history that pervades the land. Children in school today have no idea what he was truly like nor the things he did or allowed to go on here all for his and his cronies' benefits. Please explain the palace call Lyn-Mar on a PM's salary; the fact that no one was punished in the 1984 Commission of Inquiries' findings and those are not even frost on the iceberg. Stop joking. As for 'BahamaCARE will not be in the profiteering business', of course it will be. For a certain few, like every governmental department benefits a few. When Glen Beneby talked about the yearly $100 million of wastage that occurs in the public health care system that is unaccounted for, where do you think it goes? Come on man, you have to know better than that. There is no defence to what perry is trying to do here. Further destroying the country in an attempt to win an election (which considering his age and health he is not even sure he may make it to) is not acceptable, nor is it responsible. You know that too.

Islandgirl says...

This is actually a legitimate concern, whether you care to admit it or not. Catastrophic health care, major medical issues nor oversees care is included in this proposed scheme. if you were honest, you will admit that as it now stands, there is nothing offered by this government that is not already provided for in the public health care system. The only thing is now that they will blatantly swipe the money from your salary. How you can continue to blindly support this is unbelievable. Fear mongering? The only thing mongering any fear is perry christie and this ruthless, thieving, undisciplined and clueless cabinet. how can you look at the absolute destruction of this country wrought under this PLP administration and clap and yell 'yes perry, yes!' People like you are scary.

Islandgirl says...

"...just to accommodate government’s election plans." This is the gist of perrycare, and the reason for the rushing of this disastrous mess that is rushing toward us all like a tsunami. Doctors, when you meet with this narcissistic maniac, please do not agree to get on board with this. Our country is tanking, and this will surely be the final nail in the coffin. All of us need to refuse this, emphatically. These jokers, the government that slid in to place by the votes of a minority of us, must be made to take things seriously. In three and a half short years (though it feels like so much longer), they have ripped this country to the core. They must go post haste.

Islandgirl says...

perry, does your legislation state anywhere exactly what the difference is between what you are trying to force on us and what is currently received in the public health care system? One glaring one I can think of is that you want us all to pay for the same substandard care that is currently enjoyed for "free". Patients already get clinic check ups, preventive care, etc. don't they? Please highlight the fact that there is no catastrophic health coverage in this large and costly mess you are about to inflict upon the public. Some of the public is under the delusion that it is. For once in your life, other than the time pindling expelled you from his government because you actually had a backbone then, do the right and decent thing by your people man. You are 72 years old, and have a consistent legacy of failure. Just go. Your time to make any meaningful contribution has passed. You have already been a major disaster to this country, please leave something for the rest of us to pick up and build back on for God's sake.

Islandgirl says...

Yes, jail them all!