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Islandgirl says...

That is why the public health care system offers dental care; the educational system teaches about proper oral hygiene; nurses come in to the schools see children to attend to their immunization and health needs. Obviously you assume quite a bit to determine what I have or have not noticed. I know that everyone is entitled to access to health care. We already have that. I know that we should all respect our bodies enough to eat in a healthy fashion, avoid smoking and heavy drinking which can cause the teeth loss you refer to. Not everyone does that, whose fault is it? I know that if healthy foods are made more affordable then more people can get it and improve their health by it. With all the taxes and duties levied, whose fault is that? I know that if the educational system was better and parents took time with their children and urged them to aim high as opposed to putting their future on a game of chance, producing so many children that they lose a chance at a decent upbringing, and having them all without a plan for their futures we would have more productive and mobile citizens, whose fault is that? I know if the politicians would put country above self, and not steal, thrive off sweetheart deals, and drive the country into the gutter we all would do better, and whose fault is that? The thing is, take responsibility for yourself and your actions, and stop looking to blame and climb onto the backs of others who strove to get better in an effort to make things better for yourself. There are all kinds of things wrong with that. Despite the styling of language you deliberately use for all your writings on here, you are intelligent enough to know that. Imposing the government's avarice and selfish will on a legal and disciplined profession as a means to stay in power is disgraceful.

Islandgirl says...

Doctors are Bahamians as well, and should have the right to reside and make an honest living in their own country just like any other productive member of society does. "Allowing" a doctor to opt can you even type out a phrase like that? Why do we "allow' these people to rape and pillage the country the way they do? That is a more feasible question. You cannot bully people into accepting what YOU feel is correct. Life is about choices. Democracy is about choices. This brand of communism that you are ardently pushing for is not acceptable, and you will soon bear witness to how going down this path will lead to the ultimate destruction of this society. Instead encourage persons to care better for themselves. Eat healthier. Exercise. If you are prescribed medication, ask questions and take them as instructed and not just when you feel like it. Educate yourself "comrade" before continuing with this nonsense. "Become bahamacare beach bums" because they will not be manhandled; you people are really out of control. Class action lawsuit, with the funds to come from all the stolen money and swiss bank accounts of these "esteemed and honourable" politicians.

Islandgirl says...

If these plp demons are re-elected in 2017 we will see just how that 'majority' who put them there will be able to support their hare brained schemes, as the productive ones who had stayed behind will hasten to make their exit from what will truly be a wasteland. The inevitable brain drain, no one making money, and the abundance of brainless sheep sitting with their palms up and looking for a hand out will lend to the demise of this once great and prosperous nation.

Islandgirl says...

Let me understand this: this is their profession, their livelihood, you want to effectively proceed with a hostile takeover and use this as a vote catcher, they see through this, object, and THEY are the problem? You have the heart to call someone else greedy? The absolute audacity. I'm almost speechless. Do not garnish my wages to pay for this. I want no part of it. What I do want an explanation of is how you rose from a union leader to a multimillionaire with many businesses while under the auspices of public service as a member of parliament and cabinet minister. Once you have cleared that up, perhaps then we can have a substantive discussion on greed.

On Minister slams ‘greedy’ doctors

Posted 19 January 2016, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Realize that nothing is free, no matter what these people say. You know what you are getting with your current insurance. I bet you could be airlifted and get second opinions and stuff with it. Not with this NHI care. Research what they are doing first before you say things like this.

On As NHI looms, doctors say: NO

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Take over??? Is this a dictatorship? If that is the way you want to run it, I suggest a massive, class action lawsuit for each of the doctors to compensate for their years of training, years of experience and future lost income. You can NOT just dictate people's lives like that, and if you nationalize this, you should nationalize ALL the professions. Imagine a minimum of 12 years of training to be relegated to a slave. You can't be serious. They are right. The public health care system is atrocious, and since they are the ones involved in it day in and day out, they know it best. We should not all be sacrificed to fulfill an election promise because that is ALL this is. I don't want assembly line medical care or all generic drugs or to have all my private records placed into one electronic health record accessible by hackers and God knows who else. Did you know that these people who created this fiasco are saying that co-pays will be likely in the future? Then what happens? You still don't have the money so still limited access. They don't know what they are doing. Acknowledge that and the fact that this wastage of public funds needs to stop. Thank you doctors.

On As NHI looms, doctors say: NO

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

I am glad he was honest and told these fake people how it is. Here's another idea. Since this government is about nationalizing professions and everyone needs a lawyer, how about we introduce BahaLegal, as a counterpart to BahamaCare? The costs of legal care are outrageous and your freedom and very life can depend on the competency and prestige of the lawyer you can get to represent you, if you can afford one. Pay them a capitation rate of say, $200 per person per year and an average time of 30 minutes per visit and a maximum of eight visits per year. Don't like that? I don't like how the government is trying to hijack my health care either. They are taking away my choices and my freedoms and since most of them are lawyers, lets handcuff and hog tie them too. No rich people in the land. Let's make it a purely socialist/communist state. They are already well on their way.

Islandgirl says...

This comment is irrelevant to the matter at hand. He is right on this. As perry and his panhandlers have presented this, with nothing new compared to what is already offered in the public system, no overseas care, no catastrophic care, but still want to take money out of my paycheck to pay for it (watch for it in July), there is no way they should be allowed to move forward on this. Thank you Dr. Duane Sands for leading on this. Doctors, please help us. Don't agree to or sign on with this. All it is is to try and fulfill one electoral promise. These are the same people who flooded us with all these numbers houses in spite of our protests and now look: more hungry, stressed, sick, poor and gambling addicted people. This plp government is the worst in modern Bahamian history.

Islandgirl says...

Tell Perry and the whole sanigest dump crew to go fly a kite. How dare you try to do this to us you damnable buffoons?

On Physician fears NHI care ‘dumbing down’

Posted 14 January 2016, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Chaos, chaos and more chaos. Where did this devil cabinet come from man? Can't we just have a vote of no confidence and get these pieces of **** gone from parliament? I don't even recognize my country anymore. The amount of damage thee people have done in less than four years defies all common sense.

On ‘Perfect storm’ fear on Business Licence

Posted 14 January 2016, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal