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Islandgirl says...

Do you like your private business out on the streets? Do you like the idea of vindictive and petty minded people having access to information that should be yours, your doctor's and God's alone? How can you even observe the things these low life "leaders" do in their unending quest for supremacy and absolute power while sinking this country into a cesspool, and be okay with it? How? Silly me. Why am I even trying to reason with this dim sheep!

On E-mail leak spooks doctors over NHI

Posted 1 April 2016, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

These legalized criminals add nothing of import or progress to any society. When the government went against the wishes of the people and allowed this travesty, it created a whole new level of poverty, dependence upon the state and full blown affliction of gambling addiction. I hope the Port cancels ALL their licences. Perry Christie is such a blazing disappointment and responsibility for the sewer we now exist in falls solely on his shoulders. Ass. Get Sebas, RH and all these parasites gone.

Islandgirl says...

No perry. No. I don't want you controlling what care I get or from who I get it or limiting my options for second opinions and specialty care. You should not get to make decisions about my life like that. You are taking away the autonomy of physicians and subjecting the majority of us to shitty care. Fix the public health care system, for that is in fact universal health care. to think that you will destroy this nation to fulfill a pie in the sky promise, My God. You make me physically ill. Will doctors be allowed to opt out? I hope so because that is where I will be going. I have a right to privacy and the thought that these corrupt criminals and their lackeys may have absolute power to invade that is very scary. No perry. No.

Islandgirl says...

Thank you Andre Rollins for calling these gangsters out on their utter hypocrisy. Mr Fitzgerald, please stick with what is germane here. Distractions are not the order of the day. Accountability is. Anywhere else in the civilized world, decent members of government would step down in the face of these very serious circumstances.
This government however? You all already know.

Islandgirl says...

This will be interesting. Hopefully all the records are where they should be and not "lost" somewhere in the hospital, or out of the hospital. Good luck. NHI they say?

Islandgirl says...

And again no names because of victimization, victimization, victimization, and you know it, so stop pretending to be so dense.

Islandgirl says...

I agree with you on this.

Islandgirl says...

Cercone, not exactly the picture of health himself, has absolutely no clue how the medical profession operates. None. What is he, an economist right? Doctors deal with PEOPLE, not cattle, PEOPLE, not figures, and no where in anything that was attributed to him did I read anything about human relationships. What, do you think the person just goes in and says. "I have this" and the doc quickly writes a prescription and calls "Next?" People develop relationships with their physicians, and that is the basis of quality medical care. Quality, you fool, not quantity. Again, fix the already existent public health care facilities and operations, and leave the private alone. Good Lord, we are already in hell under this government and these suckers trying to make it more unbearable. 2017 please hurry up and come! Coercion, go back to wherever you is that you came from and leave behind the seven figures this garbage government gave you for this bull. Don't forget to take that wife with you, since she's not for her native people.

Islandgirl says...

I was wondering the same thing myself. there is no way I would let anyone swipe away 900 million of my dollars and not do everything possible to re-claim it. We have too many con artists in this country who think they are entitled to someone else's good fortune, and always seek to do their utmost to steal what they can from you, even whilst smiling in your face.

On Izmirlian seeks Baha Mar talks

Posted 1 February 2016, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

In addition to an overhaul of the available health care resources, such as imaging, quality medications, etc., christie would have done better to run an educational program on proper diet and wellness (which would go a long way towards alleviating the chronic non-communicable diseases overwhelming the health care system), promoted exercise, made it easier to afford the healthier foods by reducing taxes, and focused on catastrophic health care insurance. It is that last issue that causes the most problems, and acts as an impetus for the cookouts and sponsor sheets. By essentially recklessly and criminally instigating a hostile takeover of the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance industries to suit his fancies, he is doing nothing to solve this. He is forcing these people to his will, and taking away their choices. Who would spend so much of their youth, time and money schooling and then sacrifice time spent with family during their professional careers just to be dictated to, and essentially forced to be a civil servant under this corrupt government? All the professions should be nationalized this way then, because realize that no service is free, and pillaging from one group to give to another is certainly not the answer. Be gone, lazy buffoon. He is a bane upon the survival and existence of this country.