Comment history

Islandgirl says...

It is ballsy of this government to try and essentially manhandle some of the most highly educated and trained members of the populace to fulfill their political promises. Imagine spending an additional 12 or more years after high school, studying and sacrificing and all to become a lackey, nay a slave, to an incompetent government. Yes we need good health care, but no, it is absolutely wrong to go about it in this fashion. Can you tell the lawyer his signature on a document is worth no more than fifty cents? If they, the doctors, educated themselves so that they would not only be productive and contributory members to their society but still can have a well earned and decent standard of living, who are these crooks, thieves and disgraces in parliament to determine otherwise? Why not better educate the population so that they too can be productive and be able to afford better health care, by eating well, exercising, being prudent in reproduction? Make the healthier foods affordable? Work to make their own way so that they are not so dependent upon the government? These are the same people who introduced the disease of gambling against the will of the voters and made it legal for racketeers to pull in millions of dollars daily and yet they are doing this very nasty deed of punishing those who went the right way about educating themselves to legitimately earn a good living. They need to be removed and this ridiculous shit disbanded.

Islandgirl says...

NHI! Whooo hooo!

Islandgirl says...

Considering his great skill and intimate involvement in the medical profession, I think he knows what he is talking about. Just because the cover is being lifted off this half baked scheme doesn't automatically mean you make this into a rich vs poor issue. None of us are equal on the wealth scale, especially with this government so please, just don't. Have a seat.

On NHI ‘doomed to fail’ without doctor buy-in

Posted 10 November 2016, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

WTH???? Perry why don't you retire out man? You won't even be around to fully realize the effects of your mismanagement of our country.

Islandgirl says...


On Judge may be held to account by committee

Posted 26 April 2016, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Let them get your private correspondences and most deeply personal secrets and blab that in Parliament and see how you feel about it. What they are doing is a gross distortion of what parliamentary privilege was intended for, and being lawyers for the most part, they should know better. They are employed by us, the Bahamian public, and they have to be made accountable. These employees have been insubordinate to our wishes; they've gotten wealthy using our assets by means of this employment; they are most displeasing and must be fired. When this crew is voted out, they all must be made to make reparations for the damage they have done.

On Judge may be held to account by committee

Posted 26 April 2016, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

And who couldn't account for $800,000.00 in their Scotia bank account? And who built the mansion of skyline and sent all his children to boarding and professional schools on a public servant's salary (even if it was the highest position in the land)? And who allowed the Medellin cartel to run this country into the swamp? And whose actions amounted to victimization of any one who stood up against him running this place like the despot led to the breed of politicians we have in place today? And whose actions got us to the place from the late 70's onward where morals, principles, ethics and the belief in honest, hard work to get ahead is barely a memory? That was reasonable to you? Please. Country first, bird brain. It belongs to all of us and not a select few.

On Judge may be held to account by committee

Posted 26 April 2016, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

You are actually okay with what these "parliamentarians" are doing? How is it that they now have the "privilege" of trampling the rights of any private citizen in this country? They are NOT above the law. Separate yourself from sniffing high and deep in these people's rear ends. This is our country we are talking about here, and it is undeniable that it is being destroyed ad hoc by these egotistical asses! So what if the woman looks like Fred Smith! what's your point??? Have you ever looked at marguerite pindling? Using your logic, she could pass for their mother. You must have graduated with highest honors from pindling's University of Wulff Road. Disgraceful.

On Judge may be held to account by committee

Posted 26 April 2016, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

These are the masters of smoke and mirrors, distraction and deflection. What do we expect. We are beyond "in a mess". They have to be removed post haste. My God. I cannot believe the chess pool this country has become. These bastards have to be made accountable.

On Judge may be held to account by committee

Posted 26 April 2016, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Can someone confirm the deadline for MPs' declaration of assets? I think it was March 31st. I do not recall seeing any in any of the papers, so I'm just wandering if the penalties for failure to declare, not just this year but in all the years since the 2012 election cycle, will be enforced as swiftly and exactly as it has been done in this instance. I do believe there is a forfeiture clause for failure to truthfully declare as well. This ought to be interesting.