Comment history

Jim says...

It is unfair to the Bahamian at a small marina and resort on South Bimini, Bimini Sands that a full time American was hired and the rest of the full time employees were reduced to working a minimum of two days a week. The Bahamians need this money to survive.

Jim says...

Gyms are opportunities for people that are healthy to stay healthy. The gym has reduced numbers, sanitize after a customer and reduced operations weekly to comply
Keep them open A workout in a gym is much more than being able to take a walk in your neighborhood. Is there no thought going into maintaining the health of both the business and the people other than this magic wand that the gov.waves to determine how to destroy the health of the Bahamian people and the economy.

Jim says...

A communist Bahamian I see.

Jim says...

Good opportunity to deep dive into how the Bahamian Prime Minister contacted the virus and share with everyone. Only 3 reasons : didn't wear his mask,, broke the 6 foot rule or didn't wash his hands.

Jim says...

U.S. will strongly oppose oil drilling. Bahamas can help their people with solar energy, and wind energy and promote electric powered cars.

On Drilling for oil in The Bahamas

Posted 4 October 2020, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Bimini, port of arrival, both N and S - the few nurses available can't keep up with a quanity of both air and boat arrivals, the travelers don't want to arrive and wait a couple hours until the entire planefull are tested, paperwork completed, extra fees paid for the test and the nurses time and then all return 4 days later for follow up, and join the new group of arrovals being tested. Who is following up with "no shows"? What will be done with people testong positive that contacted virus from a Bahamian?

Jim says...

Bahamians work on Bahamian time.
Currently health care shortage on Bahamas.
A flight of 20 arrive to a Family Island airport.
After clearing customs and immigration the group is herded to an unacceptable waiting area. Paperwork completed for VISA. Money collected for the Visa, the cost of two test, including VAT tax., etc. One nurse completes paperwork and preforms test. Everyone is waiting for results. One hour later, all are negative.
Three more flights arrive, 80 people enter small island that day. Some of the people contact someone positive for the virus on the islsnd and get the virus. Five days later, only 70 people plus the 20 boaters that arrived that day show up at to some unconvient location to be retested. Ten percent are now positive. Whats the rest of the story? Can't self quarantine if part of a family traveling together, if very sick, hospitals in Bahamas are full. Who is tracking down the other 10 people that didn't return for follow up test. Daily, this is exponentially growing out of control.

Jim says...

Once inter island travel is open, unfortunately the cases will zoom in the Family Islands that are so protected from outsiders, will lead to more changes, closures, ect.

On 97 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 2 October 2020, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Noticed that most Bahamians watch CNN. Before rendering these political opinions do some evidence based research, turn off CNN, waych Fox news and talk with your fellow Bahamians that are doing just that.

Jim says...

Good that the Bahamas does not depend on tourism and the the past actions and future plans discourage the tourists.