Comment history

Jim says...

Good that the Bahamas does not depend on tourism and the the past actions and future plans discourage the tourists. Oh

Jim says...

South Bimini Sands marina brought in an American recently that either has a work permit through another company, approved by political or monetary means, or is working there illegally, taking a well-deserved position of a Bahamian that truely needs to work.

On Another work permit warning

Posted 25 September 2020, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Americans are still taking Bahamian positions at some some marina resorts, work permit or not, (Bimini), grossly unfair to Bahamians. Apparently depends on politics and money.

On Work visa not planned as true 'needle mover'

Posted 19 September 2020, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Actually, the girl's husband is the next of kin and not her mother. He will get autopsy reports, ect., otherwise the hospital for would be violating privacy rules. Too sad that she contacted the virus while pregnant and about to give birth, otherwuse sounds like she was extremely healthy.

On Tragedy of new mum Shakinah

Posted 1 September 2020, 9:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Watch caes spike in the Bimini Islands after Labor Day is over, several Americans know how to avoid customs and immigration; the marinas aren't doing their job of monitoring the correct paperwork and the private home owners of Port Royal, S. Bimini zip back and forth on their fast boats. Unfair to all the Bahamian people who have dealth with quarantine and lock downs.

On Officials believe cases “are levelling”

Posted 31 August 2020, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Some boaters from FL are entering, Port Royal, Bimini and not clearing customs or immigration. Some other Fl boaters are entering marina at Bimini and not being screened appropriately upon arrival, the Americans may clear customs and immigration but the Bahamians they are returning with just get off the boat and head home. Apparently no oversight as long as the money comes in. Not fair to the Bahamians that have dealth with all the lock downs and loss of jobs.

Jim says...

The bar/restaurant at Bimini Sands, South Bimini is reportedly serving food and alcohol, can eat in, and social distancing or masks are not being monitored. Both locals and Americans from port Royale area are going there and there is not any increase in the cases in Bimini.

Jim says...

Friend in Port Royal, South Binini says that there are many boaters zipping back and forth to FL without proper covid testing or clearing customs. Additionally Bimini Sands, he says, has a restaurant/bar open, indoor seating eating and drinking without social distancing and encourages customers, even during lockdown to order at their restaurant with free use of the pool. Doesn't seem to adversely effect increasing the nunber of positive tests on Bimini....yet. Too bad Americans are disrespectful of the Bahamian people who have complied with months of restrictions.

On 133 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 16 August 2020, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Residents of Florida can travel to Alabama but then self quarantine for 14 days. The same Florida residents can travel to a marina by boat or arrive by aircrft and if staying at a "hotel" can mingle with the staff and other guests; social distancing and mask wearing is not enforced. Good for US residents, bad for Bahamians that went through so much to protect their country.

Jim says...

Isn't a new travel warning, same one they had in March.