Comment history

Jim says...

Per a National Environmental Agency, deep cleaning requires three hours after cleaned to keep premises unoccupied, not three days. Bank is essential to the people.

Jim says...

Rumor on Bimini - the female that was infected worked at the bank in Bimini. The bank is supposed to be closed until next Monday so it can be clean. It does not take 4 days to clean a very small Bank. Get the bank clean today and open it for the people on Friday.

Jim says...

Bimini - can't tell what to believe anymore. The dates, time lines and contacts are not logical.

Jim says...

Those in FL made their decisions to stay, they didn't get "caught"; there was ample time, opportunity, and information to make a decision to leave. Support the Bahamians that are dealing with sudden loss of income right here in the Bahamas, support the businesses that were mandated to close. FL has enough food banks, resources, etc to provide these students sustainable living as they will likely choose to stay in US after graduating and not bring their educations and professsions to the Bahamas.

On Govt provides cash to people stuck in US

Posted 16 April 2020, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

There is a report that a plane will be returning to Bimini on April 15th to return 39 people from North Bimini and one person from South Bimini that were under quarantine as a result of exposure to the one fatality on North Bimini. Is there any confirmation of this? This all this information is not able to be found in the news.

On Bimini residents are 'holding on'

Posted 15 April 2020, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Finally some supplies from the US that can be assumed as safe and not from China. Reports of Chinese masks being defective and returned internationally by the receiving county. Very glad there are not any Chinese COVID19 testing kits in the Bahamas either, the results would not be accurate.

Jim says...

North Bimini Island had one death. The person that died was on the island for at least 2 weeks after returning from Florida. This death was over a week ago, plenty of time for others to get the virus if they were going to contact it. There are no more reported cases from North Bimini, no reports of any sicknesses or illnesses , no reports that are published of anybody being removed from the islands such as her immediate contacts or family. No reports of anyone in quarantine. Amazing.

Jim says...

You must have stock in the vaccine pharmaceutical companies. Thermometer scans at the airport are a joke. Consider that's a lot of private planes coming into the Bahamas to not have air conditioning, people are hot from their hour or two hour trip. Do you think their temperature is going to be normal upon arrival at the airport? Part two is if someone does have a temperature they just take a medication to reduce the temperature and then get their temperature checked and their temperature is normal.

Jim says...

Not true. People develop a natural immunity to this virus as they have others. Vaccines are dangerous, have many side effects, and unknown issues that will develop months or years after the vaccine.

Jim says...

The people in the Bahamas need the stores to open. Not everyone has huge refrigerators, freezers and lots of money to stock up food.