Comment history

Jim says...

"Soggy rice pudding," - sounds like you were schooled in China.

Jim says...

The 2 Americans were actually 6 Americans. So Sands did not lie, he just can not count?

Jim says...

Test kits were available from other Caribbean countries and were offered and Sands choose to accept the donated gift with a catch. Numbers game continues, was 2 Americans, but in reality 4 additional Americans were with them (their staff?). Not only was the protocol breached, Sands is prioritizing Americans over his own Bahamian citizens abroad. What does tha say to every Bahamian with a family member despertly trying to return to their country.
The aircraft, N578GC, flight history shows on April 29th., arrival in AM on Cat Cay, returned to Fort Lauderdale and then another flight to Nassau at 12noon. Did the people depart in Cay and the bootlegged supplies off-loaded in Nassau? Additionally the same plane, during weekend lockdown on Sat., May 2, made another return to Cat Cay, a frequent location where the plane flies. Might account for the news reporting of "all the people on Cat Cay were tested for COVID and were negative" and the use of all thise kits occured during the dramtic statement for the"dire need for swabs." Additionally the comment from Sands, The plane was here and we had to make an urgent decision," was apparentlyfor the shock value as the chartered plane flies repeatedly in and out of the country.
Bahamians, thee are shenanigans going on in your country, overlook and find excuses or unite and do tje right thing to get you people and your economy back.

Jim says...

International news, such as US - the economy is opening, people are returning to living their lives, not sequestering in their home.

Like you saod "people can be sick and not know it for the first 2 to 3 days." So they are tested during these 2 to 3 days and they will be negative and on day 4 when positive, they are back out "infectimg" people. Unless you think everyone should be tested daily for the next month.

Additionally, reports from North Bimini, during weekend lockdowns and not going out at restricted hours at night-there is not compliance, therr are people out and about and the police cannot handle the situarion.

On Extra COVID-19 testing in Bimini

Posted 3 May 2020, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Cruise ship anchored just off South Cat Cay, launches their inflatables and go to South Cat. How is that even permitted?

Jim says...

Once again, this is a waste of the precious testing kits. If someone is sick and they test positive and you're going to treat them any different than just telling them to quarantine, then test them. Otherwise people should know if they're sick to stay home and quarantine themselves. If they test negative, another waste because they could be harboring the virus and tomorrow they would show positive. A person could have had the virus one month ago and would test negative with type of test that's being done now, so another waste of a test. It is abuse of both time and resources to collect numbers.

On Extra COVID-19 testing in Bimini

Posted 2 May 2020, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Get over the need to teat, it is a numbers game, and only indicates that someone that is negative doesn't have the virus on that day but may have it the next day. A test doesn't indicate if someone HAD the virus and developed immunity. Bahamian people, when they are allowed to obtain food, such as have money to purchase it when they are not laid off from work, eat healthy as they can as they have access to fresh seafood. A lot of Bahamians have strong inmune systems which protects their bodies from the virus, it is in their genertic code also. The Bahamas need a natural immunity to florish, not to be sequestered. Open the economy. The lack of jobs, low self esteem, social isolation is what will be killing the people, not the virus.

Jim says...

It is the point of the matter Geostorm. The Bahamian government spoke loudly with this action to the Bahamian people. It was a bad decision. The goverment has international connections and it is not believable that this "donation with a catch" was the only option. A donation is made with the heart, not with a stipulation. Interesting the names of these Americans remains nameless.

Jim says...

A patient denial of shoe removal leading to withholding lifesaving medical treatment in other words is called medical negligence.
Both Smith, alluding to be a doctor, and the risk manager, who concedes to Smith's foot fetish delusions should both be temoved from the facilty, and not reinstated intil they are both investigated and their mental status stabilizes.
Mr. Bowe, you and your dad Mr. Johnson are both correct not to follow auch a ridiculous rule.

Jim says...

The Bahamian economy is falling straight down heading towards bankruptcy while the police are being mandated to put their neighbors in Domino jail. The people of this country need to get their voices out there instead of hiding in their homes, everyone needs their jobs back. America's economy will surge because their people are proactive.