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Jim says...

The pandemic is over, living with the virus is the new norm. Fearful of death from virus due to morbid obesity, other diseases or elderly, then lock yourselves down but let the rest of the healthy population live. A lot of the residents on Bimini have had symptoms of the virus, why should they ration their food and continue to stay in mandated government threats of curfew/lockdown for two weeks. The economy needs to recover.

Jim says...

The pandemic is over. Everyone needs to learn to live with this virus being about. Many people have had this disease iand only had mild symptoms and did not run to get tested to see if they had it or not. There are many that are meeting high risk categories such as the morbidly obese and those with Cole morbidities. and the elderly. Let those non-healthy people quarantine themselves, have the community help them stay in place and let the rest of the community out to live their lives. This lockdown and quarantines are going to be killing people not the virus. Or just shut down the economy of the country, and beg the WHO for help.

Jim says...

The virus is worldwide, the Bahamians have to develop an immunity, or NO ONE will be able to enter the country. The swab test is negative one day and positive the next. One positive case on an unblemished island and the "health care" people will advise a "lock-down." Locking down an island does not indicate that the health care people are trying to improve health. People need exposure to this virus. Let those at risk isolate, the elderly, those with co-morbidity and the obese population - per scientific data and provide governmental help to that population..

Jim says...

The lucky dozen on Bimini are those that tested positive for the virus and developed antibodies, strengthening their immune system response.
The other group of fortunate residents on Bimini are those they call "asymptomatic" in their words or in reality they should be called "healthy." They had a mild reaction to the virus, developed antibodies, and if they took the swab in the nose test, weeks after the initial symptoms, they have negative results.
The government, persistent in swabbing to get numbers, but not making any changes to help boost the immune systems is successfully stressing the people, reducing the effectiveness of their immune aystem.
Vit D helps, sunlight helps, deep breathing the salt air from the ocean helps, but now, both those with antibodies to the virus and those without are forced to "lockdown" for two weeks, given a whole two day notice before a lockdown weekend.
Maybe the PM notices the lack of knowledge and planning of the Bimini lockdown and will make ammends by announcement of a retraction.

On Family Islands ‘ready to open’

Posted 17 May 2020, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Vouchers/coupons, on North Bimini, are reduced to $40 now insteaad of the original $100.

Jim says...

Interesting that all the recent news articles on Bimini were pulled along with all the comments related to the mismanagement of government as they fail miserably to put any type of a lock down plan in place. Yes, Biminites will have to ration their food, the vouchers were cut to 80 from 100 dollars to assist a family of 8 to subsist for two weeks. This island will be shut down for 4 weeks, the gov just doesn't want the people to know yet. The treatment of the islanders is worse than a mild case of the diseaae.

Jim says...

Cat Cay is locked down and has been for weeks, not a government decision, their own. Cannot compare a billionaire /millionaire's lockdown to the government imposed, not thought out lockdown on Bimini.

Government building at 10am was crowded with non-social distancing folks trying to get vouchers, but the crowd at 10am is nothing like the growing crowd at 2pm (Friday prior to lockdown weekend).

The people having to ignore social distancing as the line would wind around the roads on the island. People are at the government arranged last minute idea, to collect a hundred dollar voucher to feed a family of 8 over a duration of two plus weeks; $5 for a loaf of bread, can buy 20 loaves of bread for the children to eat for 2 weeks, while the rest of the family "cuts back and ration(s)" their food per the quoted words of the government offical.

And South Bimini is being ignored. Word of mouth alerts those on South to a limited number of vouchers being available. Residents of South Bimini are paying $4 out of money they don't have to take the water taxi roundtrip to North to get a voucher if there are any left.

Hope the people that wanted the lockdown are pleased with themselves. To those who spoke up against the lockdown and were over ridden, hope is that the government sees the ignoramus decsion they made and have the integrity to cancel the lockdown and truely help the people they placed in this economically devastating situation. This is not controlling the virus, it has evolved to controlling the people.

Jim says...

Listen to Percy. He speaks from the heart. He has wisdom beyond his years, and his focus is for helping the mind, body and souls of the Bimini residents.

Jim says...

The ONLY bank on North Bimini remains closed for over a week. What this means is those fortunate enough to have a job have no where to deposit their check, hence NO ready cash. People are concerned that the ATMS also will not have available money. Different rules, different countries - by law, banks in U.S. are not allowed to remain close over 3 days in a row. The bank was closed for deep cleaning, they have had time to remodel the bank as well as clean it.

Jim says...

"It is apparent that the threat of economic collapse is scarier than the prospect of death for millions of Americans."

Malcom, Malcom, review the number of deaths attributed to the Red Chinese virus compared to number of those that live, 97% of those with virus will live. Millions more of Americans will not die by opening the economy.

The 'stay at home' order was to reduce transmission and prevent hospitals from being inundated. America is over that stage and the heart of the true Americans is to not only open the economy but to exceed expectations with a growing economical rebound.

The economic regression is not healthy for the mind, body and soul of the Bahamian people. They Bahamians remain strong in spirit, have endured mindless mass enforced business closures, leading to some going out of business, and last minute quarantines and lock downs.

The WHO and Fauci and others are determined to manufacture a vaccine possibly by CCP and so want the demand to continue for the vaccine, ie keep all closed until the vaccine is available. It is a financial incentive for the CCP, the WHO, already identified as lying to the world and those with vaccine related investments such as Bill Gates. Vaccines sales contribute greatly to drug companies.

A lot of people educated in the preservatives, adjuvants, and additives of vaccines do not want thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, and formaldehyde, ingredients of vaccines, injected into their bodies. People need to develop self-immunity and they will with exposure, and support of the their immune system that will naturally defeat the virus.

The Bahamian economy needs to return and tourism was its main supporter.