Comment history

Jim says...

Well written response, thank you, all true.

Jim says...

BPL needs to collect the power bills owed by individuals and businesses, they don't. They just leave the power running, not a productive way to run a business.

Jim says...

The Bahamians don't have the resources to clean up anything even when their economy was semi-functional after Hurricane Dorian. Hurricane dorian's aftermath is still a disaster, they just buried their unidentifed dead in May 2020. How did the cleanup of the oil disaster conclude on Grand Bahama Island during Dorian? Bahamas would only beg for international support if there were any oil spills. Their economy was not ruined by the Chinese virus but by their government's handling of the situation.

On US call to halt Bahamian oil

Posted 29 May 2020, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

America is capping some of their oil wells due to surplus in supply, perhaps Bahamas could invest in these.

Jim says...

Just like Cuba, fees on the air space.

Jim says...

Apparently Thomas, you had no self esteem yourself to not recognize that it is detrimental for the bread winner of a family to lose their job, to keep their children in a postage stamp size yard, to not to be able to have family or friend get togethers, to take government handoits willingly, to ration their food supply.
Tourists are not going to want to return to North Bimini, your government has made this the hot spot, the contaminated zone, the unclean island and unfortunately the Biminites willingly agree to the ridiculous removal of all rights based on what mindcontrol beliefs their government has imposed on them. Everyone makes choicrs, apparentlt this island choose to turn belly up.

On Bimini adjusting to life under lockdown

Posted 23 May 2020, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Jason Williams you are a martyr and an entrepreneur and learned to stand up for what is right for you, for your family and your country. Laws are meant to be changed and you are a prime example leading the way that the current law is unlawful. The fines the government collects are sources of revenue for the government as they have screwed up the economy so bad that they need money.

The Good Samaritans bless you for helping Jason. Know in the future that Mr. Williams, will be one of the people supporting the rights of residents of the Bahamas.

Jim says...

Studies from U.S. prove that lockdowns do not control the spread of the Chinese virus, they do hurt the people by diminishing theiir spirits, wiping out their self esteem as their jobs are gone and no longer able to support their families, and decrease the functionally of their immune system.

There are evidence based studies that lockdowns take away self esteem, create sociall isolation and decrease the functionality of the immune systems response to any diseases, ."I think the residents are not as anxious," per Pinder, is not a scientific study.

Supporting the concept that lockdowns don't work is over the past six weeks, Bimini, being lockdown on weekends, was lockdown for 34% of the 7 day week and the numbers show it wasn't working so why increase the restrictions to 66% more of the time. Open the island and let the healthy people people resume their lives and dignity and get back the jobs they still may have instead of getting governmental handouts, although they are free, they will cost the Bahamas.

It may all be a numbers game in the end, two weeks later (without any PCR testing), there will be zero cases showing how good the lockdown was and Minnis will not have to shake his finger and glare at the unruly Biminites. Biminites need to regain control of your island.

On Bimini adjusting to life under lockdown

Posted 22 May 2020, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Well said.

Bahamians need to research international news about WHO, including their deceits, lies and recognize the CCP connection and future implications.

The closure of the borders in the Bahama and the deterioration of the tourism industry, COVID did not come in and do it, the Bahamian government did that. Apparently the government is still trying to deplete the economy for unknown reasons.

The summer tourism season is over, Americans ate making their summerl plans to travel within their own country.

Jim says...

He (PM) thought, because he had power, he had wisdom.