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Jim says...

SYSCO in the Bahamas need to terminate all their staff. Even prior to this virus, no one would answer the phone no one knew the answer to any questions if they did answer, when transferring a phone call it wwnt to a voice mail without option to leave a message. Fire them all get some employees that want to work there and reopen and retrain and put some energy into providing customer service.

Jim says...

Actually the country is opening up (thats is what the people see) but economic hardship will prevail.
Family with the friends, group of 10, three day boating weekend planned over 4th July. Not gonna happened now.Each test in the US is $150.00. Do the math.150 x10 = $1,500.00 extra for their 3 day trip, they will stay in the US. This is one example, how many more cancellations thee will be is indetminable.

Jim says...

The welcoming government officials need to be friendly and customer service focused as they told an arriving boater from US that they had to leave the Bahamas immediately and it was because the government changed the internet application system over the weekend. Yes, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. The boater has to figure out the glitch in the Bahamian system and tell them.

Jim says...

Tourists won't arrive with the beaches closed, duh, that is one of the reasons they travel here. So when you want the economy to increase, open the beaches. The tourists certainly aren't planning vacations in the Bahamas to go to church

Jim says...

Antifa is the issue, not the peaceful protestors, notice the big change Monday after dark in the US, no senseless looters. By the way, watch FOX news, CNN tends to promote dependence on government handouts instead of independence.

Jim says...

Never heard any follow up of the killer of the owner that operated Big Johns on North Bimini - he wasn't black. Does anyone know as updates are not in any Bahamian news articles.

Jim says...

Similiar in Bimini in 2003 - man shot/killed at Bimini Breeze bar by officer. Residents protested and burned the police boats and a couple of cars, duh, that didn't help justice to be served, just an additional cost of an already strained economy and wasting the time of public employees. The article is right though, a lot of Americans questioned the safety of the Island after that.

Jim says...

The compassionate understand and want justice for all black or white or brown or whatever color you choose.

Antiga was awaiting an opportunity to loot and destroy.

Jim says...

The United States does not support off shore drilling, recent articles.

On Lulled into a false sense of security

Posted 31 May 2020, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

The rioters and looters in America are Antifa.

Antifa = Domestic Terrorists.