Comment history

JohnBrown says...

The Lord give it and the Lord take it away. I say who will be monitoring the accountants at BTC as they add back those same credit amounts given as a good will to the unsuspecting customer over the course of the next few month, or as soon as we all go back to sleep.

Then cry...Oh Lorddie my backside on fire!

JohnBrown says...

"New ways not just to resist and expose complicity and corruption in corrections."

"I am suggesting is that in order to reduce the scourge of contraband common to all of our institutions, we must no longer simply try to identify those who are corrupt. We must find ways to (provide incentives) for officers who are otherwise law-abiding, but indifferent and silent in the face of wrongdoing."

So if I understand you correctly, your first major suggestion is to give incentives to those officers who support the trafficking of contraband in prison...salary increases, new homes, overtime outside security jobs and unlimited leadership opportunities such as been made deacons in a church alongside with the wherewithal to become a gutless slime ball politician like yourself, right? This is shameless and worthless advice.

The first order of the day - after winning an election and being sworn in, but prior to beginning ones first day of arm-chaired service, each and every politician should be legally subjected to a mandatory three day sentenced stay in Fox Hill Prison's minimum security area. They will be housed with a real life convicted criminals and receive equal treatment - no better no worst that any other prisoner while having to survive this test unaided. Twice each day, while in prisoner cloths, ingesting prisoner food, and defending against the sexual advances of their cellmate or prison officers, such politicians shall be made to go on a tour of maximum security and view their possible fate if they neglect their honest hard working citizens in exchange for money, while dispensing platitudes.

For there is nothing new under the sun, kind sir. Its just seems as though you have finally awaken to what is and your mouth took off with a flood of empty words "resist and expose complicity" before your brain was engaged. Do better than just make bland comments, provide definitive permanent solutions or else simply keep your mouth shut and keep smiling.

Use you political time and clout wisely with the Agricultural Chain Gang ACG, the Fishing industry fleet and fish hatcheries to benefit masses of Bahamians on all levels, for this too shall pass.

On Nottage targets gangs in prison reforms

Posted 22 June 2012, 3:08 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

There is not tolerable level of crime, so long as the biggest criminals are seated in Parlament. We need men with common sense and honour not law degrees to run our country and bring it back to life. This Bahamas could be a Paridise. Yes, we need the unwise preachers - parasites on our people - to shut the hell up and then go find a cave and disappear in it until word is received from your God Lucifer, that the restored Bahamians have forgiven you for you part in mass corruption and exploitation.

Oh, by the way, do you or anyone of you preachers - that finally have crawled up from under a rock with non cause specific solutions - have one of those rings with a compass or square on it? if so, can you tell your church about how it came to be in your possession and all about your relationship to it and the brotherhood? Tell the people about the different Bible from the one you use on Sundays to fleece my people, which you swore to in secret. Will you?

JohnBrown says...

As substantiated above, I do believe that this first phone outage is the beginning of many to come. And don't forget the looting and vanderlism that will follow as crime escalates when both the electricity and phone line are placed together in suspended animation. How about outages for a a few days next time or untill CWC is willing to cut their loses and run? We'll be back at square one with Mr Christie shouting joyfully, "I told you, I promised you, I was going to get it back and now I've got it for you my people, my dearly beloved unemployed, disfunctional Bahamins."

Out of the frying pan and into the fire once again... going out the world backwards like we did when we first came here. Big disgrace...

JohnBrown says...

If insurance providers can heartlessly assign a value of five thousand dollar to a factory worker's arm lost while working in an unsafe enviroment plus initial medical expenses, believe me those downtown merchants with the help of their greed-driven lawyers will find a way to extract from BTC pecuniary compensation or free services for purported damages.

But bear in mind, once again, the first law of ecology states that there is no free lunch...for most of us.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 21 June 2012, 3:18 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

To: By rashad rolle

Dear Sir
Please do better with your English usage [sic] "form". From should be used here. As an expert in legal, medical, scientific and business English - one who has trained numerous professionals up to and beyond English mastery, I am appalled by the quality of crap that most of you deliver with pride, arrogance, and baseless assumptions to our Bahamians. Every time I write on your website, it is not to impress but to give an ooops up side the head to the readership. Most of the time, I write using my academic licence to write like a nobody while inserting simple messages. You supposedly professional writers are not afforded such a luxury when you are getting paid for fluency and accuracy. When I am being paid two hundred and fifty to four hundred dollars an hour, I am faultless.

Did you do a survey of the top one hundred large scale phone users companies/hotels/government institutions/small businesses/ schools/hospitals/elderly people and criminals in Nassau before you boldly asserted that "customers say that all they want [sic] form the company is more reliable service"? Are you trying to discourage masses of Bahamian people "Nassuvians" from going down to BTC and demanding some form of compensation for the matter in question? Who asked you to open your mouth without solid evidence?

Believe me Bahamians, there are those who have profited and will get paid for the disruption to their BTC service one way or the other. Will each of you?

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 21 June 2012, 2:37 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Good point about imposing a copper ban, but considering how it would cut into the larvish lifestyles of those rich and famous Bahamian profitiers, I don't believe they would employ such an easy mechanism. This is a workable solution, for sure!

Case in point:

In fact, if the United States really wanted to end the drug trade tomorrow all they would have to do is simply change its currency slightly and then demand immediate accountability for every cent in each bank's bank account from every account owner. This means that before one was allowed to convert their funds deposited within any US bank into the new currency, that individual would have to be able to justify a legal method that they employed to obtain such funds. If not possible then that person would go directly to jail and the funds would become the property of the US government. So all this war on drugs espousal is just rhetoric, used to advertise their diverse marketable drug products.

On Police vexed by copper thefts

Posted 20 June 2012, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Now Mr Bishop, let's have a quite talk. Shall we? You seem to talk in a way that is apeasing to everyone. Well, that's not the way that Jesus handled it, I'm sure, he went into the temple and kicked not kissed butt. That's Bible. Have you ever ventured into the house of assembly, the cabinet, or the senate - senate means the assembly of the eldest and wiser members of the society and ruling class.- and in Jesus name kicked those rascals butts?

Furthermore, here is the show stopping question: Have you ever stood up in church and said to specific members that you could not in good faith accept their 100, 200, or 500 dollar offering, because you knew that they were not employed and that the money that they were giving was blood money recieved from their criminal children, and that you were not comfortable with accepting such funds? Or did you take it, in Jesus name? :)

Now that's a sharp pain not in the rectory, but in the rectum. Holy Ghost power moving just like a lightening...sorry, but I see the church as a global failure.

JohnBrown says...

Quickly, the police and lawyers must now round up all known and potential dangerous criminals and instead of placing them on bail just simply place them on an Agricultural Chain Gang in Eleuthera or Abaco until their case comes up in a year or two, and whilst such criminals are shackled, make them work hard to develop marketable agricultural produce for export and economic growth.

On the other hand, if the authorities don't want to act then why not let the criminals round up the police and lawyers and place them on the above named islands Agricultural Chain Gang and make them earn an honest living in the hot sun with picks and shovels under the gun for ten hours each day? We know who they are and where they live. Chuckle, chuckle.

In reality, the U.S. power brokers are always pleased to be able to display to the world any black nation that is destroying itself, as is the case with most Caribbean nations. But not its secret order members…take a close look at its dollar bill.

Just remember that as the Bahamian system implodes, the U.S., which we are subjects and third class citizens of, but don’t realize it, will respond with destructive force to protect our political criminals, as a nation which our money is tied to. A nation that successfully promoted the destruction of the family structure over the course of the last three decades, wilfully allows over ten million children to go to sleep without food every night, and has not the will or desire to provide a job and security for each and every one of its citizens that wants to work and earn an honest living and thereby enjoy observing the peaceful development for their children. That’s real pain…and we want to be just like them… thank you Master John and Miss Ann…oh and please don’t forget Sambo. A crying shame and a big disgrace. Steel Pulse said “Who will save the human race?”

I belive they will remove the comments above because their is too much truth in them..

JohnBrown says...

Mr lawyer, let's just start throwing around the word accountability and penalties regarding parents, shall we? And in particular, you seem to enjoy blindsiding responsible, fearful parents, whilst making no sensible concrete utterances concerning jobs and training centres for Bahamian youth development. Stop for a minute. Have you looked in the mirror and asked yourself, why am I such a liar and selfserving hypocrite, who by my own words was supposed to resign the leadership role immediately after my defeat, but didn't?

If Bahamian youth are more inclined to being criminals because they have lost faith in your twisted system, after you lost your seat and hadn't the guts to do the honourable thing - and now you have the nerve to be talking about penalizing their parents. I would be very careful if I were you about charging those same parents and possibly suffering retribution from both those broken parents -now baptized into crime -that you chose to charge and take away the little money that they had earned legally before they lose their job, and gave no thought to the resulting possible suffering and painful restructuring from those children - if organized properly by the likes of a Bahamian Ernesto "Che" Guevara, which you would not want to have to go face to face with, as change occurs. I have never met a son that would not die for their mother, but would prefer to live gainfully employed and be able to provide and protect their mother.

If you don't want to use the Agricultural Chain Gang ACG and the Fishing industry and Hatcheries approachs as was previously defined, then simply be quiet. Remember, that our desperate, unemployed, youth could very easily turn their attention towards every lawyer in the Bahamas - win lose or draw. Shameless but EASY!

I guess this is another comment that weak-minded persons might see fit to remove...Oh Lorddie, please don't think outside the box.

On 'Charge parents for child's crimes'

Posted 19 June 2012, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal