Comment history

JohnBrown says...

He knows better but is not prepared to do better as long as the people accept rap, crap, then that's what they will get - nothing more and nothing less.

On Christie: Crime and jobs our priorities

Posted 19 June 2012, 3:25 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

I ask this question to a number of pompous Mr Greenslade aggrandising commenters on this website, have you ever stooped down and tried to raise up or guide one young person - one you obviously saw had talent, who was not a member of your immediate family? Did you dare to offer a borderline individual a job or did you stand back and scornfully pass judgement on him? Did you not say in your heart with a chuckle I know that he will end up in Fox Hill? Did you ever thing that in a few years that same person might be found coming inside your window to relive you of your property or your life? Do you not realize that a liar is a thief and a thief is a murderer when caught in the act? One of you said that you have seen some mother who knew their son is not working but still allowed him to bring a flat screen TV in her house. That was a mean-spirited comment that should have been stricken because it trivializes and pokes fun at the force of a mother's love and desire to protect, though she might well oppose crime in her heart, but when it comes to her baby she does not supports police brutality, nor does she support an opportunity-less system, or a system which is bent on the expansion of crime so as to provide more job security for policemen while systematically increase the numbers of police on the force. We are almost living a police/military state as true copy cats of America. If the truth be told, there is no need for more police until the batch that is here has cleaned up Nassau or died trying. That's what they signed on for to give their lives for our protection Alternately, I offered the Agricultural Chain Gang as a way of cleaning up Nassau, but clearly forcing criminals - police or non police - to be shackled and made to do hard farm work on long sentences in out islands might be more effective, but not as much fun as playing Wild Wild West shoot 'em up cow boys and Indians games with a badge and a gun. Where is our Bahamas government's fishing fleet and fish hatcheries that would give an opportunity, a chance, to non-book-worm, honest young Bahamian men? Time is running out.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 19 June 2012, 1:12 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

I ask this question to a number of pompus Mr Greenslade agrandising commentors on this website, have you ever stooped down and tried to raise up or guide one young person - one you obviously saw had talent, who was not a member of your immediate family? Did you dare to offer a broderline individual a job or did you stand back and scornefully pass judgement on him? Did you not say in your heart with a chuckle I know that he will end up in Fox Hill? Did you ever thing that in a few years that same person might be found coming inside your window to releave you of your property or your life? Do you not realize that a liar is a theif and a theif is a murderer when caught in the act? One of you said that you have seen some mother who knew their son is not working but still allowed him to bring a flat screen TV in her house. That was a mean-spirited comment that should have been stricken because it trivializes and pokes fun at the force of a mother's love and desre to protect, though she might well oppose crime in her heart, but when it comes to her baby she does not supports police brutality, nor does she support an opportunity-less system, or a system which is bent on the expansion of crime so as to provide more job security for policemen while systematically increase the numbers of police on the force. We are almost living a police/military state as true copy cats of America. If the truth be told, there is no need for more police until the batch that is here has cleaned up Nassau or died trying. That's what they signed on for tho give their lives for our protection Alternately, I offered the Agricultural Chain Gang as a way of cleaning up Nassau, but clearly forcing criminals - police or non police - to be shakeled and made to do hard farm work on long sentences in outislands might be more effective, but not as much fun as playing Wild Wild West shoot 'em up cow boys and indians games with a badge and a gun. Where is our Bahamas government's fishing fleet and fish hatcheries that would give an opportunity, a chance, to non-book-worm, honest young Bahamian men? Time is running out.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 19 June 2012, 1:08 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

If the prevailing attitude amongst policemen is to simply beat the living crap out of a a form of practice in the application of certain choke holds and as a way of sending a message to crimnals at large, then the general public has every right - especially where the evidence against such police criminals are conveniently swepted away by their fraternal members - to make such strong alligations.

Additionally, if justice, which is hardly ever served in such cases happens by pure luck, that officer and his cohort should be beaten with the cat o' nine tail mercilessly. Finally, If policemen chose to be demotivated because of the concerns of the public, then they in response to such unprofessional attitudes should resign immediately or Mr Greenslade should have the integrity to fire them outright. Otherwise both their chief cheerleader and those free loading well paid criminal policemen of the system need to shut their mouths up and keep them shut.The first law of ecology dictates that there is no free lunch.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 19 June 2012, 12:07 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

If the prevailing attitude amongst policemen is to simply beat the living crap out of a a form of practice in the application of certain choke holds and as a way of sending a message to crimnals at large, that the general public has every right - especially where the evidence against such police criminals are conveniently swepted away by their fraternal members - to make such strong alligations.

Additionally, if justice, which is hardly ever served in such cases happens by pure luck, that officer and his cohort should be beaten with the cat o' nine tail mercilessly. Finally, If policemen chose to be demotivated because of the concerns of the public, then they in response to such unprofessional attitudes should resign immediately or Mr Greenslade should have the integrity to fire them outright. Otherwise both their chief cheerleader and those free loading well paid criminal policemen of the system need to shut their mouths up and keep them shut.The first law of ecology dictates that there is no free lunch.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 18 June 2012, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

It is a shame to note that although alot of yack yack yack continues it never seems to approache the essence of our problem as manifested in crime and it's a lack of employment for the youth of this countrry as a whole. The older fat cats rake in millions and billions for members of the old boys club, who are bent on the following: the satisfaction of me myself and I. I say that the youth must take back what is theirs from the politicial arena or die trying to wrench from Lucifer the power to determin their own destiny. Identify the enemy, focus on it, and then execute the whole bushel of snakes in one final thrust. Remember when unemployment goes down so does crime and if all of the good jobs are being given to females, that means that the young men are not being given the chance to prove themselves to be trainable and productive young fathers as the old fogies lick up the milk of the young ladies. This is shameful. Stop this mess of be stopped! Now, go right ahead and stricken these comments from your little twisted, narrow minded website...Remember when you spit in the wind it will blow back in your face...fools.

JohnBrown says...


On Minnis: 'Society is under siege'

Posted 18 June 2012, 2:50 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

¨Now for the supposedly educated ones amoungst us:Do you believe that this grand mother can honestly tell her fatherless grandson to love the police or politicians that suppost such mess? Or os it more likely that she might see fit to incite the war between youth and their oppressors by turn his head towards the scriptures and tell him to use this as his guiding light ...Deuteronomy 19:21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. New International Version ©1984 by Biblica

You can remove this comment for being inflamitory, but I hope that you don't choke in church as you remember the guiding force of the Bible that you stood against, whilst you preach that the Bahamas is such a christain country. Ha!

JohnBrown says...

Do you believe that this woman can honestly tell this fatherless boy to love the Police? Or it more likely that she might fit to insite the war between youth and their oppressors by turn his head towards the scriptures and tell him to use this as his guiding light ...Deuteronomy 19:21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
New International Version ©1984 by Biblica

JohnBrown says...

Obie, with all the bad press that you have succeeded in drumming up for the Bahamas with the Travolta thing inter alia, you don't need or want to go into the back room of your secret order that saved your butt, once again, for bad publicity do you?


".. binding myself under no less penalty that of having throat cut from ear to ear,my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, acable length from the shore where the tide.."

".. binding myself under no less penalty than having my left Breast torn open, myheart plucked out, and given to the beasts of the field and fowls of the air as prey."
[from the oath of obligation ,

".. binding myself under no less penalty that of having my body severed in twain,my bowels taken out and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven.."