Comment history

JohnBrown says...

One of the biggest problems which face our society is that of making those with whom decision making authority has been vested, accountable for their ever utterance. I don't know about you, but back in the day, when I was growing up, my mother used to give us one tea spoon of Castor oil each day, when we had a bad cold.

Now in dealing with that awfully elitist, pugnacious, reprehensible, and irresponsible comment from our most arrogant, self serving, and inconsiderate Minister of Health, who seems to have no human compassion, I believe there are two ways to give him a wake up call: he needs to be a cleaned out, so give him about a half bottle of Castor oil next Sunday blended properly and mixed in between his food and drink. Castor oil is not only a labor-inducer, but also a wonderful laxative, which should give him at least 24 house of being really “too busy” - between the toilet and bed - but still sufficient time enough think on how easily he could be brought to his knees and taught, humility by Bahamian people and that because of us he is being allowed to serve. Then he should get on our radio and TV stations and apologize to the Bahamian people for said statements as documented within this Tribune.

Another alternative is for him to be forced to endure five lashes from the cat o’ nine tail in a public flogging (Maurice Rupert Bishop of Grenada once got much worst). Such a whipping would also give Gomez plenty of time to reflect on his commitment or the lack there off. And this would indeed give him pause to decide if he desires, wants or needs more of the same. Otherwise, we would prefer that this despicable thing that poses as a Bahamian human being tender his resignation immediately.

Pain generally makes one a true believer.

JohnBrown says...

A Zebra ( turkey) never loses its stripes no matter what happens. Why did you not give each of those children $150.- towards their studies, uniform cost, or even simply give them food vouchers to give to their parents as a token of your good will towards their transformation into becoming a super turkey like yourself? Why have you not personally sought to make sure that each of those children's parents are secure within some permanent employment positions, so as to ensure continued support for those young official negroes, which you were trying to inspire? Again I say you young big lipped is cheap.. The time for platitudes was over from when our church bells rung on July 10 1973 and now its Tsunami time, so everybody get flat. Chuckle, chuckle...This notice includes all official turkeys too.

Keep this in mind. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King once was a 33rd degree Mason, who had the guts and the honesty to do and say the following: “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” Furthermore, Dr King proceeded to take of his Masonic rings and throw them away outside the window of Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, after he emphatically stated that that secret order was not of God. Check the records young man and I expect you to act accordingly next time you conduct yourself around any of my beloved young Bahamians, as you seek out more publicity. Make sure you use deeds and not symbols and words next time.

On House speaker: I was once a 'turkey'

Posted 20 July 2012, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

A Zebra ( turkey) never loses its stripes no matter what happens. Why did you not give each of those children $150.- towards their studies, uniform cost, or even simply give them food vouchers to give to their parents as a token of your good will towards their transformation into becoming a super turkey like yourself? Why have you not personally sought to make sure that each of those children's parents are secure within some permanent employment positions, so as to ensure continued support for those young official negroes, which you were trying to inspire? Again I say you young big lipped is cheap.. The time for platitudes was over from when our church bells rung on July 10 1973 and now its Tsunami time, so everybody get flat. Chuckle, chuckle...This notice includes all official turkeys too.

Keep this in mind. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King once was a 33rd degree Mason, who had the guts and the honesty to do and say the following: “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” Furthermore, Dr King proceeded to take of his Masonic rings and throw them away outside the widow of Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, after he emphatically stated that that secret order was not of God. Check the records young man and I expect you to act accordingly next time you conduct yourself around any of my beloved young Bahamians, as you seek out more publicity. Make sure you use deeds and not symbols and words next time.

On House speaker: I was once a 'turkey'

Posted 20 July 2012, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

So what? What are these dirty secret order people doing right under our noses at this very moment in time to destroy us? This should be our main concern. If the truth be told George Bush was an al Qui'da operative bound by Saudi money and was the first president to welcome and allow Bin Laden to reside in the U.S. Why? Because He was a foolish man that destroyed ten companies by being an extremely poor leader/business manager, and because of his connectedness to the Scottish arm of that secret order and his ability to be discrete and lie convincingly to the American people, along with his father's pull, he was awarded president of the United States and was able to settle much of his bad debts with American blood, sweat, and tears, while being paid off by controlling Saudi Arabian cohorts. Was it not he that ordered that Bin Laden be given free access to travel outside the US unrestrained immediately after the 911 incident. Is this the propaganda campaign before the US actually kills Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi as they supposedly did to Bin Laden?

Now, I don't have any respect for the Muslins or Christians when it comes to justice and fair play in dealing, they are all holier than now crooks, who interpret reality in accordance with personal greed and their quest for power - some with money and other without, but all working for the same masters, the illuminate. Was George Bush and his henchmen not in church every Sunday making deals and acting like the biggest fake Christian ever? There is more to this story than meets the eye. There is no more and never was no cold war between Russia and the West, however there is a financial and security struggle going on because even though America has the power to destroy the world a hundred times, they have almost lost their voice and bargaining power to China in terms of US economic decline and indebtedness through outstanding loans from China, as opposed to China's economic might and growing military capacity - not to mention Americas indebtedness to the Saudi government, too. ...Stay tuned.

JohnBrown says...

Wouldn't be nice is if each and every Bahamian youth and mature citizen would be given the opportunity to have gainful employment, so that they could take their girl out to a movie, for an ice cream or to dinner on the weekend? To have an opportunity for a decent future through progressive advancement in their employment? Then if they refuse and they are caught serving as an instrument of fear raping or trying to rape someone, slam them for 50 years onto the Agricultural Chain Gang. This is the same reason why America - which many of us try emulate - will never be a true superpower, because they have neither the will, desire, compassion, or humanity sufficiently so as to offer that same opportunity to every American.

On Renewal 'bigger than politics'

Posted 19 July 2012, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Professor Laing, you raised many good questions, now that you seem to have found your tongue after the brutal elections. But kind, Sir, are you not indeed looking for brownie points, as a politically overly ambitious, self serving and not Bahamian serving individual that has not really been a victim of crime nor been physically abused with evidence that directly tie you into the violent crime business here in the Bahamas? Now, you had the eyes, ear, and influence over this same Greenslade fellow while you were in power and you always kept you now juice mouth shut as crime escalated out of control, tell me, why did you not speak up then and there in public in protest against the mismanagement by your police officers with respect to crime then? Every time you spoke, when you were allowed to, you had an endless array of numbers that spoke volumes about nothing. Are you not afraid that after having failed to manage the finances of my country properly (and together with your former cabinet members possibly cooked the books and fattened you own pockets) and refused to tell the honest truth about dishonest deals that you might have been a party to with regards to the level of debt that will enslave our nation for another two decades, and that due to your fumbling the ball without prosecution, that possibly someone might want to have a shake down talk with you sometime soon? Those are a few fat question that you should consider, Sir. If you are looking to take a run for the leadership position, close your mouth and park it. DON'T!

On Laing calls for proof of crime figures

Posted 19 July 2012, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

So what? What are these dirty secret order people doing right under our noses at this very moment in time to destroy us? This should be our main concern. If the truth be told George Bush was an al Qui'da operative bound by Saudi money and was the first president to welcome and allow Bin Laden to reside in the U.S. Why? Because He was a foolish man that destroyed ten companies by being an extremely poor leader/business manager, but because of his connectedness to the Scottish arm of that secret order and his ability to be discrete and lie convincingly to the American people, along with his father's pull, he was awarded president of the United States and was able to settle much of his bad debts with American blood, sweat, and tears, while being paid off by controlling Saudi Arabian cohorts. Was it not he that ordered that Bin Laden be given free access to travel outside the US unrestrained immediately after the 911 incident. Is this the propaganda campaign before the US actually kills Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi as they supposedly did to Bin Laden?

Now, I don't have any respect for the Muslins or Christians when it comes to justice and fair play in dealing, they are all holier that now crooks, who interpret reality in accordance with personal greed and their quest for power - some with money and other without, but all working for the same masters, the illuminate. Was George Bush and his henchmen not in church every Sunday making deals and acting like the biggest fake Christian ever? There is more to this story than meets the eye. There is no more and never was no cold war between Russia and the West, however there is a financial and security struggle going on because even though America has the power to destroy the world a hundred times, they have almost lost their bargaining power to China in terms of US economic decline and indebtedness through out standing loans from China, as opposed to China's economic might and growing military capacity - not to mention Americas indebtedness to the Saudi government, too. ...Stay tuned.

JohnBrown says...

When you can show me a thousand older persons that this URC has aided from a humanitarian perspective, irrespective of whatever political affiliations they might have, then I will proudly say that we have made some progress as a nation towards some semblance of maturity sufficiently so as to act our age at near 40.

The tribune should be ashamed to seemingly kiss up to the PLP party by printing something as inconsequential as the above piece of text. If you can't do the research and provide at least 50 elders to unanimously substantiate such wonderful treatment and benefit from URC, then put your mouth under the cushion in your chair and sit on it, Buster. Or fire your boss if you've got the GUTS.

The big difference between me and most Bahamians elders is that I shall never kiss ass up until my moment of passing, but steadfastly kick ass.

JohnBrown says...

The fact is that I find your Santa Clause grin or smirk distasteful, and as is a known truth, most politicians historically have proven themselves to be untrustworthy. Are there receipts being kept for all expenditures to each school? And are the funds being equally distributed to an account for each school to draw on during the year for repairs as need be? Or are you going to say that each school has different needs so as far as repairs go we just fix what needs to be fixed disproportionately and pocket whatever the brothers can without being held accountable for it?

According to Wikipedia, there are 158 public schools in my Bahamas.

Why the grandstanding? This is the people's money not some gift from some rosy red cheeked Santa Clause. Now regarding what is fair, and in terms of equal distribution of funds to each Bahamian school, with a large sum of money totalling $4.5 million dollars, why have you not simply allocated the amount of $28, 481.- (4,500,000/158) to each school's repair or maintenance bank account and let the school's administrator or principal be held accountable to the parents for said repairs in a timely manner?

Let’s not make this the new slush fund that just for the most part disappeared when my Bahamian children need the best possible education and learning environment possible, especially in light of existing economic conditions.

Manage well your responsibilities, Sir. The magic word is accountability...

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

On Fitzgerald reveals progress report

Posted 17 July 2012, 3:04 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

You should be proud of yourself for finally awakening pass the due date with the facts of the matter...I had only expected to get the facts from the Tribune, the preachers and the lawyers.

Think on this:

I begin to see what marriage is for. It's to keep people away from each other. Sometimes I think that two people who love each other can be saved from madness only by the things that come between them: children, duties, visits, bores, relations, the things that protect married people from each other. -Edith Wharton, novelist (1862-1937)

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn, novelist, Nobel laureate (1918-2008)