Comment history

JohnBrown says...

Time is of essence to people like myself, unlike others amongst us.

Many times when one picks up data written in Microsoft word and is about to transfer it the Tribune, one might think that they have grabbed the entire document and either the text has shifted inadvertently or one may not have grabbed the complete document as was intentioned.

Unless ones is applying the principles of technical writing to research materials for specific purpose within a small country like England or our Bahamas, there is no need be bound by the anal retentive rules of either strict American English, Great Britain English, Bahamian English, or Black English at their highest levels. Just be consistent. I therefore chose to use some semblance of International English leaning towards American English (with regards to the spelling), which embodies all when communicating as such a low level, while living within the balls of a little American colony that has not yet been officially made a state. I leave you with something classy Ball of Confusion by the Temptations … And the band played on.

JohnBrown says...

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On Jury unanimously found Jessie Williams not guilty

Posted 13 July 2012, 5:56 p.m.

JohnBrown says...

Talk is cheap Gray

JohnBrown says...

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On Jury unanimously found Jessie Williams not guilty

Posted 13 July 2012, 5:46 p.m.

JohnBrown says...

"I think a 12-woman jury could better understand the situation of a woman in her position with all the beatings and all the bruises, and all that happened, the abuse that took place with respect to Jessie’s husband.”

consistant with the lead lawyer's statement of betrayal above, could a reasonably prudent person not conclude that any person(s) making such a blatantly male biased utterance be subjected to emasculation without painkiller and thereafter given legitimate entrance into the female ranks of society as a leader of the charge of super sensitive females that are more understanding to supposedly bullied, bruised, beaten and abused human beings?

Had this same situation occurred in reverse in America she would never have walked free, and not only that, but where this had been a Bahamian woman that had killed an American man, after serving extensive time in the slammer, she would have been deported immediately upon release with no further reference ever again being made to her as a Nassau Village woman, or an Atlanta, Georgia woman.

It is high time that we Bahamians get out there and protest this type of miscarriage of justice Ìn your face.´

deport jessie now! jessie go home! and take your 12 (rather 13 +1) disciples/cohorts with you for you all are unwelcomed guest in my country from this point onward.

JohnBrown says...

i do not condone abuse. Nevertheless, my grandmother, who lived to be 89 years of age, once said to me, `Child you see these dutty [sic] dirty young girls running round here, you better watch out! Let me tell you something, my son. If a woman can’t kill you, she’ll be the cause of your death.´

Without the facts of this case at hand, I can only look at what information the Tribune has released in their article and shake my head in wonderment at the deliberate display of incompetence by the prosecution, who scandalously picked such a jury. This case marks the hand writing on the wall for all our endangered species called Bahamian males. Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox sung the song, Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves, listen to it and you will here them say, ` Sisters are doin' it for themselves, standin’ on their own two feet, and ringin’ on their own bells. Well, it seems highly unlikely to me that if the jury composition was made up of 6 men and 6 women, that at the very least the entire group would not have dropped the ball and skidded past manslaughter. Then too, this woman might have been a Sister of the Eastern Star or her parent might have been a ranking members in that secret order.

Let us not forget that every woman and man has freedom of choice to do it for themselves, but with rights come duties and what is commonly known as responsibility. And are we not told the first law of nature is self preservation? So do you believe that a forty year old American woman could not have already lived long enough to have realized that she had the choice to walk away back to Boston from whence she came? Are we not looking at someone who should have received an Oscar Academy Awards for her performance? And to think that some infidel - like a ground hog that runs out see his shadow and runs back under a rock had the nerve to say – what about Bahamian women right? Well, I say what about American women rights to kill without mercy a Bahamian man in his own country and be given the benefit of the doubt and support of 12 Bahamian sisters lead by a butch in our court? Is this not twisted? Not even manslaughter for premeditated murder? Of course she did not really mean to do it because she had already suffered abuse for so many year at his hands and never thought to flee the Bahamas, did she? I say, there is no abuse that one can sustain which warrants death. Where did the weapon come from? Did she arrive at this man’s job with that weapon and deadly intent? Was it a choke hold? Is she an expert in self defence? And after you stabbed him the sixth time you decided that you did not want to kill him for the many years of abuse suffered at his hands? Why didn’t you keep stabbing for another 26 times?

Aretha Franklin sung another song, The house that Jack Built, well all I say it that happily for most Bahamian males (an endangered species), the ghost of Jack will be your constant partner Jessie for the rest of your life… enjoy sweetie.

JohnBrown says...

SandsMraco you have done a great service to Bahamians and the Bahamas as a whole in having the GUTS to stand up and be counted in defence of our rights - using common sense which is not common - against that ever present unified colonialist mentality which seek to deny us in principle of our God-given rights.

- Concernedcitizen, you are a fisherman. Well, good for you! I suggest that you keep fishing and until we require more fish from you. In truth, if a fool keeps quite he too might be counted as a wise man, but the minute he opens wide his mouth he loses all advantage. Remember that. If there is a big decline in certain types of fish then why the hell is our government not leading the restorative charge by establish hatcheries for the sustenance of said fish? And I put it to you, that if there is substantial decline in the numbers of particular fishes within out fish beds, it's due to the continued raiding of our fish stocks over the past 39 years by the poachers that were allowed in here during the night and day. Thanks to our lovely politicians.

- I treat every man as man with the utmost respect until he disrespects me. And I chose to view the words of "Sandy" and the PM on this matter as being unconscionable and disrespectful to each and every Bahamian. We easily forget that the policeman/woman is my servant and where necessary they must also be disciplined by us accordingly. They puts on their pants one leg at a time, and so do I. On whatever spot of ground that I might lawfully be occupying at any point in time, on any part of this rock called earth, I shall not willingly surrender my rights to a mentality of greed, exploitation, discrimination, segregation, bigotry, xenophobia or malicious intent that has been the methodology of most plantation owners, big business men, politicians, the Bay Street Boy locally and globally, who for the most part happen to be white not only in skin but in the mentality of mass repression, oppression and destruction of a people. Again, I say to you that you are found lacking in world history, concernedcitizen.

JohnBrown says...

Happy Independence Day Sands Marco you are a beautiful spirit, and peace and blessings go out you Mr Sidney Strachen Esq for your contribution. I thought for a moment that I was out there alone doing battle with Lucifer’s bad seeds and no one was paying attention. But now I am not searching for the light, because now I can see the light shining bright from the voice of people that are my age. Thank you all for your comments and positive position statements especially from old dogs like myself. I remember when the PM first came back from London, even then he looked whiter that the white man...shocking but true. That was from his slicked down white-man-looking-hair, coupled with his almost white features and demeanour. Then he gradually started to change and look more like a normal light skinned Bahamian should with peas and corn in his head, like his great father the taxi cab driver looked, as opposed to looking like a son of Sir Stafford Sands or one of those Bay Street Boy. Nevertheless, in him, while in that London temple, the seeds of greed were sufficiently sown and began to flourish within him, so as to eventually try and seize control and repress average Bahamians rights for pecuniary compensation from outsiders, because that type of shameful desire was already rooted within him. It is from that egomaniacal position that he now has the heart to try to exclude more decent and less dirty Bahamian citizens from casino gambling by refusing to even give such matter consideration during the national lottery referendum; this was a convenient way of placing our rights on the back burner indefinitely. Well, I can definitely tell you one thing as a promise Mr PM, and not as a threat, that you had better not try to bring forth a Bahamian oil referendum no time during the next four years and 9 months, and believe that Bahamians will sit idly by and be easily deceived once again. You had better establish numerous world class fish hatcheries quickly, buy a fleet of trawlers to pump up our fishing industry to a world class level, instead of giving away our fish under the cover of night for possible kick backs from the Chinese and other poachers, like you past law partner in crime. And then make our Agriculture industry prosper with the energy of shackled youthful criminals, without discrimination or the use of your ring insofar as their placement on the ACG is concerned. If we have oil we need to hold on to it for another ten years and allow yourselves a chance to benefit from the fishing, agricultural, casino, hotel and recreational sport industries and then we might consider selling our oil at a premium at a future date subsequent to next ten years time frame.

JohnBrown says...

You amaze me to no end, in that I sense that your feathers a being ruffled a bit. Now, what have you done for those that are less fortunate, Concernedcitizen? When you see a basketball or tennis superstar, what you are really seeing is the results of a village of persons shaping that individual that could have otherwise become a full fledged home grown monster. When you see a home grown monster and you have had an opportunity to encourage or guide one of them into the correct path, but you retreated into me, myself and I for my children only posture, then what you have sown or not sown due to a lack of wisdom you will reap. There are countless examples of those that have been awaken by the pains of prison to achieve relative greatness (jail, which many like you might have avoided through your secret order affiliation during your rough years) but sometime for order to be established extreme pain has to be administered, and Nassau need not restrict our rights and the rights of our people, but be prepared sufficiently so as to beat criminals brains in and then place them on the ACG farm. It is time to administer absolute pain with no surrender until violent crime has been stopped. If our police are faking then they need to feel the cat o’ nine tail to rejuvenate them, too, before they are taken out by none lackadaisical criminals on the prowl. Its face to face confrontation time, with no excuses. police should simply tighten up on ever person that they feel suspicion towards before a event in bad taste occurs at a casino where they have the right to debar anyone at anytime. See, I remember back in the day people like Corporal Marks and others that I could name, they placed fear in hearts of criminals and was ready at any time night or day to go and die for the law. Bear in mind that PLP, FNM and DNA are all one and the same and can be replaced or abolished, if the people only knew the power that they have in their hands and did not take it for granted.

JohnBrown says...

Many of you with your complacent comments are a sad excuse for being Bahamians with brains. There is no easy way out of this mess unless you are willing to make all of our industries a priority and then together restore some semblance of sanity to your system of government with swift hard justice