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JohnBrown says...

In the hands of a great master all materials are useful: so we lost two generations like the USA, then lets make sign post out of our criminals for the next generation to see what happened to the big and bad criminals, as was the case with the defiant ones that died on Alcatraz. Face the economic issues first not with words but deeds. Now, how many babies do you have all over the place untrained and without hope, concerned citizen? If not then grab some that’s out there stranded and give guidance, as I have been doing for many years, and shut up with the crying. Enough already... Do! Do! Do¨!

JohnBrown says...

This is not an experiment concernedcitizen, I say that if our policemen are truly bigger than life as they purport to be when giving out a traffic citation to a harmless member of society, while grandstanding as gods, then Let’s lose about 200 hundred of these windbags in death, if need be to bring a screeching halt to violent crime. They knew the risk to life and limb when they joined the force, so let them pay with their lives while trying to benefit the masses, and not the politicians that probably deserve death. I say use fully armed POLICE ready to kill or be killed backed up by strong laws to stop the murderers, and then said police step out into our wild, wild west 21 by 7 and take over, shut down any area and arrest any and all criminals even potential criminals and give them ten years on the Agricultural Chain Gang, hard labour will break the hardest heart - on questions asked. Sorry. I believe and know that this mess can be stopped with the drop of a hat; violent crime can be terminated quickly. But are you willing to stand up and take on the politicians that are the biggest profiteers from crime, concernedcitizen? The problems of unemployment and being without can make any woman or man's heart go cold. People who relinquish their rights while comparing the numbers of crimes in the Bahamas to NYC are cowards. In fact, the casinos mobsters, if given a free hand by our police wimps and government officials could instil so much fear in the hearts of the native criminals through mass slaughtering, again, if given a free hand, so much so that there would never be even a pick pocket lurking around the casinos. Believe me, Buddy! I know what I’m talking about…

Washington D.C was labelled Death City USA once. Looked at happened, why, and what was done to elevate real estate value and bring violent crime to an abrupt halt. Next came Detroit as Death City. It’s politicians playing games with the citizenry’s lives. And the police who only to serve and protect the politicians lives, and then are we supposed to feel one iota of grief when one of them die in disservice to the people, while protecting only the politicians.

As far as ditching responsibility is concerned, show me the monetary gains that Bahamians have made since the election as far as new none politically biased economic recovery programs that’s benefiting the masses of Bahamian youth, to date? To all idiots, if a people are not able to meet their basic needs for food cloths and shelter, they will not be ready to assume responsibility for instilling quality social values within their offsprings. They are not ducking moral responsibility they just don't have any reason to teach such madness when so disenfranchised from the main stream financially.

Concerning Chinese and American you have a very limited understanding of world past and recent history, crime and war; and how our country has been sold from under our feet without protest while we have slept. Open up your eyes!

JohnBrown says...

You see concernedcitizen in every gambling establishment that I have frequented in America Europe and the Bahamas, there are rules that one must abide by or visit hell. Now, yes there are loud mouth dangerous young men out here, but they have never had their balls placed unceremoniously in a wise grip pliers and the danger in them tightened straight out of them after repeated douses or this treatment are administered to them once a day for one month, and they are made to do ten years of hard labour on the ACG. We need some examples, quick, period.

Now as far as having the best standards of living in the region, for those that that oppose change like the doctors, lawyers, judges, members of a certain secret order, or other lower members of the illuminate, then yes, you are right. But if such groups only constitute less than twenty percent of the total population, as unemployment skyrocket coupled with crime because of useless soft-belly politicians making bad decision and those barbaric members of big time lodges that support such infantile responses from their politician, then the our standard of living is very poor. Bob Marley said, `I'd rather be a freeman in my grave than be a puppet or a slave.´And believe me one day the organized poor `Wretched of the earth´will rise up and exact swift justice on all those that fumbled the ball over the course of the last forty years - as has been done in countless African countries - and change the entire system even if it becomes similar to that of the Chinese. Then only the strong will survive because America will stand by for a while as the racist beast that she is and let us destroy ourselves, before coming in and taking over this drunk and disorderly group of fourth class citizens and Haitians, who have once again served well as another example to the world of black people's inability to effectively govern themselves. Help! Help! My people do not be hoodwinked, the Chinese government, though powerful businesspersons, have with brutal force taken the land of millions of their own people and left them with absolutely nothing because of greed and the opportunity to deprive farmers and the poor while selling and redeveloping such stolen property into condos which are then sold to stupid western oriented business men and women. I love my Bahamas and as I write this message I am listening to and being moved by Millie Jackson interpretation of “the rap” of `If Loving You (my Bahamas) Is Wrong Then I Don’t Want To Be Right.´ And my response to the politicians of my country in Millie Jackson's own words sung in concert in London in the 80’ she said, `Fuck You!´

Now you little simple minded critics, before you remove this text, be bold enough to see if it’s the TRUTH or not for your own education.

JohnBrown says...

I am about action not talk. Maybe we do not want tourist to see Bahamians acting out, but they will respect us more if we grab whomever the culprit is and when shackled and placed under arrest, we can then apologize to the tourist while informing them that they can be sure that this uncultured, criminal person will be immediately jailed for the mandatory ten year period and never have the chance to cause such a disturbance again. I spoke on this mater previously. I have witness swift enforcement like this in Atlantic city, and in Los Vegas, Nevada.

Its our right to be able to enter the casino and play in our own country. There is nothing bad about this idea, so long as you have the goon squad visible and ready to transport any and all fools to the ACG. Examples of harsh enforcement must be employed for compliance, period. No Bahamian patronising such an establishment irrespective of the ring they might wear shall be exempt from this system of painful swift justice. No pain no gain!

JohnBrown says...

Positiveinput, I agree with you that too many young, inexperienced and mature slimeball men of our ethnicity practice trying to strangle the goose that is here on our beaches laying the golden eggs.

To such disgraceful behaviour, we should pass out fliers to all young and mature persons on the beaches and through out the Bahamas, print it in the newspapers and announce a new law with damming penalty that will be enforced, which states that effective immediately, should any native individual or group of native individuals chose to make a beach user feel uncomfortable with their advances, unwelcome conversation, unwelcome stares or through any aggressive conduct that may be levelled against another peaceful native or tourist while they are recreating on OUR beaches, they will automatically be arrested and placed in jail for ten years, without trial, bail or hope for bail. And if any lawyer or judge opposes this line of treatment of the young and stupid that youth is wasted on or mature degenerates, then impose the same treatment on those cunning resisters to direct positive change. Believe me they will change their line of thinking rather quickly. Nevertheless, if you are male member of our society and you can not read then it was your own fault that you did not hear about the new law, but you will pay with your life just the same. And as government property you will be transported to the Agricultural Chain Gang ACG where you will work while shackled together for ten hours each day in the hot sun raising produce for export purposes, working for the enrichment our economy. There should be no free lunch for voyeurs, free loaders, criminals or want to be criminals, who are decidedly impolite or inconsiderate to other people. As I once hear the president of Brazil say that politicians will only do right when the people give them no other choice. Well, the police and upstanding citizens have to be vigilant in shipping theses want to be thugs along with their lawyers and politicians onto the ACG plantation. Because desperate young people and mature slimeballs will only do right too when they are given no other choice. I have previously spoken about this matter in detail. I say start tomorrow and teach the our Bahamian scum that what we have to offer them as a cure of their undisciplined posturing is unadulterated pain (once each month with three lashes of the cat o’ nine tail per person to help rehabilitate them while at the ACG) and after the first 100 youthful and law nreaking mature members are added to the ACG and the news gets back to their parents, family and the community at large, we shall show no mercy until, after those refurbished men are released ten years later and has learned how to tip toe to sh_t, respectfully in a civil society. Even in Mexico, on most of their beaches they have machine gun toting military and police men continuously monitoring said beaches. Why can’t we arrange something similar?

JohnBrown says...

Not second class but fifth class citizens in their own home by bastards that have been authenticated by some institution for supposedly higher education outside this Bahamas, and now pompously assume that they are therefore empowered and enabled to speak for the masses of Bahamians. The need to shut up or feel the real deal which is hot sand slamming...`All I want to do is zoom zoom zoom in you're boom boom.´ And don’t forget the Burma Road riots against injustice.

These high mulatto official Negros are the ones that have consistently espouse the concept that we all need a leader, so long as they are in the driver seat...which inherently endorses the belief that one need not be accountable for their own every action and destiny. In other words, little idiotic boy and girls (as these inflated Negros would like us Bahamians to think of ourselves as) take what you are given and shut up. But believe you me a day of reckoning is almost here and our supposedly well trained policemen will have never seen the likes of what is heading our way, if our politicians and preachers don’t straighten up and fly right.

I say that no beach in the Bahamas should ever be exclusive in that a Bahamian could not frequent it, so long as he does not disturb the peace or destroy real or personal property of other visitors or hotel owners. This is irrespective of whether the Bahamian is a certified official Negro or not. Of course there should be adequate security at all beaches, period.

First things first, give the people their fair share of income from legitimate jobs in agriculture and fisheries, build fish hatcheries for the future of our ocean, crank up our export markets for our fruits, vegetables, and fresh fish around the world, purchase and install an efficient Tram system in Nassau and remove all Jitneys from our streets, and preach to the preacher that they are useless and needless for in that day and hour every man shall be judge on his own merit - not the preacher for his church, nor those that suffered at the hands of a lawyer for the lawyer that made them suffer.

Legalize gambling across the board, now!

JohnBrown says...

Not second class but fifth class citizens in their own home by bastards that have been authenticated by some institution for supposedly higher education outside this Bahamas, and now pompously assume that they are therefore empowered and enabled to speak for the masses of Bahamians. The need to shut up or feel the real deal which is hot sand slamming...`All I want to do is zoom zoom zoom in you're boom boom.´ And don’t forget the Burma Road riots against injustice.

These high mulatto official Negros are the ones that have consistently espouse the concept that we all need a leader, so long as they are in the driver seat...which inherently endorses the belief that one need not be accountable for their own every action and destiny. In other words, little idiotic boy and girls (as these inflated Negros would like us Bahamians to think of ourselves as) take what you are given and shut up. But believe you me a day of reckoning is almost here and our supposedly well trained policemen will have never seen the likes of what is heading our way, if our politicians and preachers don’t straighten up and fly right.

I say that no beach in the Bahamas should ever be exclusive in that a Bahamian could not frequent it, so long as he does not disturb the peace or destroy real or personal property of other visitors or hotel owners. This is irrespective of whether the Bahamian is a certified official Negro or not. Of course there should be adequate security at all beaches, period.

First things first, give the masses of our people their fair share of income from legitimate jobs in agriculture and fisheries, build fish hatcheries for the future of our ocean, crank up our export markets for our fruits, vegetables, and fresh fish around the world, purchase and install an efficient Tram system in the Nassau and remove all Jitneys from our streets, and preacher to the preacher that they are useless and needless for in that day and hour every man shall be judge on his own merit - not the preacher for his church, nor those that suffered at the hands of a lawyer for the lawyer that made them suffer.

Legalize gambling across the board, now!

JohnBrown says...

If a blind man leads a blind man both will fall into the let the dead bury the dead. Amen, amen and amen to that!

On DNA announces Shadow Cabinet

Posted 6 July 2012, 7:41 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

This Rahming person's pieces of paper should mean nothing to the average reader. Wisdom does not come with degrees, but comes alongside with the acquisition of grey hairs, while actively compiling all experiences - the good, the bad and the ugly - which one needs to have, because you can learn through all of them. I say that, to say this, If you get out there in the real world and do, do, do the dodo, and I mean fall on your face many, many, many times in different ways using your valued blood, sweat and tears backed up with common sense, which is not common, you will then be empowered with the ability and the wisdom to speak with authority on marketing period i.e. Mr John Harold Johnson, founder of Johnson Publishing Company…the honours came later.

There are definitely times though, when we all must cut our losses with any and every type of investment, especially when it comes to your good health and that authority figure we call the doctor. Therefore, as a parting gift, I strongly recommend that we all read a rather old book entitled, House of Gods, and then go and start questioning everything, so as to get a real education and then you will know what is right for you… for it is already inscribed with thee

On The customer is not always right

Posted 5 July 2012, 4:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

In America, (and we are third or fourth class citizens off that big mess) if the police unlawfully arrest you they give you a stupid piece of paper which you can carry around as a souvenir of your affiliation with a pack of killer or thugs in your back pocket until they decide to pick you up again. You become a target. That paper would simply says that you have not been arrested before. They never apologize for nothing. I once had the good pleasure of seeing what type of quality soldier their police men really were. And believe me outside the pack, they are for the most part weak, infantile pieces of scum with a badge and a gun. In a certain low income apartment building where many students lived - living within their means – there lived a known big time drug dealer, who supported the families of countless police officers on his payroll. Well, while frequenting that building because of a love relationship with another student and tenant, we were able to witness once a young ambitious officer totally out of his league on 29 street S.E. in a patrol car by himself go up to the drug dealers pad by himself, with gun drawn. The next thing we heard was that office radio crying out for help and crackling with static because he had lost his gun. He was screaming and begging like a sissy for his life because he has three children to take care off. He cried and begged and pleaded like a the true dethroned wimp and was willing to give up anything even his rear end so as to stay alive when under the hammer of his own gun and the low lifers that had him cornered and at their disposal in that apartment. We heard it all. About ten minutes later about fifty police with a battering ram tore down the door and rescued that officer…who was a big disgrace. He was not man enough to take the bullets like the strong man he had purported to be.

The only way you would get an apology or at the very least have you name cleared would be by have Mr Greenslade and a few of his secret order brother locked in a compromising position where they really wants to face the truth and have it taped and broadcasted over radio and T.V., so as to clear your name, son. What happens after that, on a 21 by 7 mile platform is all up to you for the answer is blowing in the wind. Since you have trafficked with them before, you will never live that down, and you will always be the first person accused and the one they will seek to kill with justification. They will plant drugs or weapons on you as proof, if anything goes wrong. N.B. They finally got rid of Rodney King. Yes he is pushing up sand with the big question still on going, `Why can’t we all just get along?´ Nevertheless, the truth is that when the ticker tocker stops its all over but the shouting. And it ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.