Comment history

JohnBrown says...

We will be monitoring the real statistics for this supposed strong 90 % showing, Buddy! And let's keep it real not just for one day but every day of the year, Mister man. Otherwise, we shall ask you at first to wipe that silly little smile right of your smug, distorted face before sending you back to your country...I'm sure that there are enough more that suitably qualified Bahamians here, who can happily fill you space.

On Hotels await ‘strong’ July 4

Posted 4 July 2012, 4:11 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

When the judge is your brother in the same order serving Lucifer alongside you, in truth you will end up paying nothing to no none besides receiving a whipping behind close doors for being a bit testy or disrespectful verbally. But the Bahamian sheep were once again given a grand performance by to supposedly highly skilled actors in how they must restrain themselves in silence regarding our own lose lips that sink ships. They have intimidated and frightened most of us into believing that they are invincible and have disgracefully shown us how the only freedom of speech that exist is for you to say the wrong thing and be killed for it. No matter who you are, when that ticker tocker, stops school is out. I now call on a historical witness to the stand up and testify posthumously as they shake in their boots, welcome: Mr Raymond Major. How you like me now?

On Radio host in on-air apology

Posted 3 July 2012, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...


`Evil must first consume all the evil within itself.
Next evil itself must fall at the very moment when it has consumed all good, for it is in that moment when it has consumed all good that pure good is. Because evil has then absolutely consumed all of the energy to which it owed its duration.´

JohnBrown says...

Unfortunately, since it seem as though Bahamians are only ready to respond with some political will towards eradicating violent crime from our country when they are forced to helplessly watch violent crime being directed against those that are supposedly politically empowered or the untouchables, because their affluent shit don't stink, then maybe more criminals need to give more attention to such special interest groups if indeed it stimulates meaningful hell, fire and brimstone religious, social and political forces into action that's beneficial to the entire Bahamian society; We have got to shock, rock and awaken the dead, deaf and dumb politician, who have hoodwinked the elite in our society into to believing in a false sense of security, now evaporating, for they have disillusioned themselves into believing it won't happen to them and theirs again. Well, I ask you, will history repeat itself because of complacent educated fool like my upper class members of our Bahamian society?

Now back to you Rev., I believe that both you and Professor Greenslade - with all the excuses and answers - would benefit for ten strokes with the cat o’ nine tail each, after you suits have been removed, so that you can receive the full weight of the holly Ghost through those hooks and straps. Then and only then will you all be zealously energized into removing the criminals from within you church, your police force and your secret order political brethren and our society. Pain is a great motivator. (Do just like Jesus did, he kicked butts out of God's temple)

`Evil must first consume all the evil within itself.
Next evil must itself must fall at the very moment when it has consumed all good, for it is in that moment when it has consumed all good that pure good is. Because evil has then absolutely consumed all of the energy to which it owed its duration.´

God keep you strong!

JohnBrown says...

Great Job Tank! Congratulations! It always gives me goose bumps when a Bahamian achieves anything on the global front, in knowing personally the level of negativism that he had to transcend to get there. `Man you can' t do this and you can't do don't have head for this or that.´ Your best bet is if you want to get that world title fight and succeed...come home and acknowledge everyone and thank them politely for their support and then get on the next aeroplane out of here to wherever you can train and concentrate fully on your game, your wife and as few extended family members and supposed friends as possible.

On 'The Tank' captures heavyweight titles

Posted 2 July 2012, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Paul, before you attempt to speak comparatively about the quality of services rendered in Europe, Canada, America and Asia, and continue to stuff your foot in your mouth, as a cheep under privileged visitor of no significant pedigree would do, go travel the world and then come back with documented pictorial evidence to substantiate your claim regarding your one lovely experience in the Bahamas in which you and Ms Gloria were finally able to frolic amongst the varied perfumes. La tee da! As I have pointed out previously, the prevailing attitude towards the hand that feed us - tourism - had been negative, here in the Bahamas. So get real! No I don't support the New York Based American Press nor do I support self deception. I don't support twisted sweet-t- pies that attempts to gain brownie points or plan to relocate into our Bahamas; because if you do, then you will see that be it in America or the Bahamas it's one thing to be a visitor and another thing to become a full fledged enemy, the moment you announce that you will be moving into the house next door, permanently. Nevertheless, I love my country very much but I am able to call a spade a spade with authority and world class experience to back that up. If I were as uninformed as you on the levels of efficiency and quality service (at first class hotels, tourist sites, and supported with excellent transportation) consistently provided to tourist at equally magnificent hotels and beaches as those in Nassau, Andros, Eleuthera and Exuma, that are found in French beach resorts, Portugal beach resorts, Greece islands beach resorts and Spanish beaches, not to mention those of east and west Africa, and through out Canada, I would go and hide under a rock with my perfumes and pray for Bahamians to have a realistic change of heart towards i.e. our tourism industry inter alia.

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 2 July 2012, 3:41 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Ok TalRussell, you organize it and I will be there to give you one hundred percent support from its kick off to the point where everybody gets flat when bullets start to fly or acid rain falls from the way or the other. Show your face in the place,. So we can know who you are, and let's do something worthwhile for once. Again, I say talk is cheap...We are past put up or shut up time!

On Former MP's son held at gunpoint

Posted 1 July 2012, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

At McDonalds, we do it all for you! Right. That's crap! its like going to a Lebanese or Greek restaurant in their respective countries and ordering a big Mac with fries while in search of cultural foods. What an crack conch or conch chowder and thing and thing and thing like that or you could scorch ‘em with lemon juice black pepper, hot pepper and some salt for me and drop it in my lap. That’s what I told my visitors they had to eat in the Bahamas. And they did do just that. Thank you very much!

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 1 July 2012, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Sapphire, if you are looking at the Bahamas through rose colour glasses, then I can see why you could not understand my response. When Paul has personally motivated at least a thousand persons to come and visited the Bahamas, as I have, and they spent money here despite some horror stories, which have came back and slapped me in the face, then I will be able to ascribe value or merit in such a compliment. If each Bahamian do not feel duty bound to make their every action one that compels visitors to come here or want to return here, then we should be ashame of ourselves. We don't need compliments, our actions and good deeds should speak volumes in and of and for itself. What we need to do is keep these major hotels filled to capacity year round with the aid of selfless, competent marketing managers; We need to elevate the fishing and agriculture industries to the extent of becoming a major player and exporter of such products internationally and thereby reduce unemployment and crime. That's what I'm talking about.!!! Nevertheless, I tend to agree with carlh57 concerning our over-all don't give a damn attitude, but the pain that is headed here is going to force Bahamians hands. I have lived a full life internationally and locally, so you can't hurt me no more, so long as I can grab my fishing line and catch me a fish while living on anyone of our Bahamian island. The man said, if you can't fish, cut bait, if you can't cut bait then get the hell out of the boat! Sorry about the first uneditied piece...sometimes I have to get a lot done in a short space of time

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 1 July 2012, 9:15 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Sapphire, if you are looking at the Bahamas through rose colour glasses, then I can see why you could not understand my response. When Paul has personally motivated at least a thousand persons to come and visited the Bahamas, as I have, and they spent money here despite some horror stories, which have came back and slapped me in the face, then I will see be able to ascribe value or merit in such a compliment. If each Bahamian do not feel duty bound to make their every action that compels visitors to come here or want to return here then should be ashamed of ourselves. We don't need compliments, our actions and good deeds should speak volumes in and of and for itself. What we need to do is keep these major hotels filled to capacity year round with the aid of selfless, competent marketing managers; We need to elevate the fishing and agriculture industries to the extent of becoming a major player and exporter of such products internationally and thereby reduce unemployment and crime. That's what I'm talking about.!!! Nevertheless, I tend to agree with carlh57 concerning our over-all don't give a damn attitude, but the pain that is headed here is going to force Bahamians hands. I have lived a full life internationally and locally, so you can't hurt me no more, so long as I can grab my fishing line and catch me a fish while living on anyone of our Bahamian island. The man said, if you can't fish, cut bait, if you can't cut bait then get the hell out of the boat!

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 1 July 2012, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal