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JohnBrown says...

It takes courage to win any type of justice that is not just word of mouth promises from politicians with their official lynch mob members, armed with guns and baseball bats. If the grandmother, mother and family in question is ready, willing, and able right now, not in a week or two, to take a few banner along with a blow horn and demanding government benefits and care for Mr Desmond Keys children and be vigilant – I mean be zealously determined to walk up and down the street in front of the House of Assembly - and if need be handcuff themselves to this location and be arrested for their demands; or if that family as a unified group move quickly and lock themselves to posts in front of the House of Assembly and go on a hunger strike in plain view of the local and international media, then some meaningful, positive results would be forthcoming for those children. Amen! Amen! Amen!

JohnBrown says...

Paul what do you want? Some free conch salad? Gin and coconut water? A free night at Atlantis? What? When Bahamian unemployment is unofficially up around about 40% and crime is at its zenith. Are you asking tourist to come and live behind locked gates in gated communities? Or are you just blind to our natural resources that can reduce crime and unemployment simultaneously?
get real buddy!!!!!

On Top executive defends Atlantis

Posted 30 June 2012, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

The judge forgot to subject him to a least ten strokes of the cat o' nine tail during each year of his internship...pain for pain - no pain no gain.

JohnBrown says...

Why has good sense not prevailed upon you decision making jokers sufficiently so that you simply install a tram (also known. as a tramcar, streetcar, trolley car) service - like in New Orleans - here in Nassau and retire the Jitneys? Because you feel that your Bahamian people are not worth it! Right? Yes. Taxies should remain in service for high value tourist only, but not in a way that jeopardizes the flow of traffic or impedes the progress of the native people’s reliable trams that would run every six minutes. You politicians are playing God when in fact you are a national disgrace...explanations are found unacceptable.


Posted 29 June 2012, 6:09 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

If crime is not arrested quickly, no matter what promotions you run, quality global travellers will simply stop coming to a place, any place where they are exposed to violence and grave danger like the Bahamas period. See the biggest thieves and violent criminals are already assembled within your staff, or manipulating members of your staff while looking forward to reaping great rewards from your promotions. if only Bahamians as a whole along with major hotel owners would place the balls of our great politicians in a vice grip pliers or clamp and zealously tighten it up, then I am sure that positive results and restorative economic change would occur. Talk is cheap…show me the money!

On Optimism over Atlantis bookings

Posted 29 June 2012, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

George Smith, if you only contribution towards making the Bahamas a near crime free paradise (coupled with your platitudes) was through making sure that your son became a lawyer: a professional sucker, a perpetuator of evil - a force that is in direct opposition to nature, to the common man and is in essence a social parasite, then accept quietly whatever those less educated thugs than yourself decide that your fate should be. Most lawyers should not only be disbarred from the courts but also debarred from leaving their homes and entering the physical world or our society that they have as a group deliberately aided and abetted in the destruction off, while searching for a dispute in need of resolution.

On Former MP's son held at gunpoint

Posted 29 June 2012, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

What do you expect from a newspaper that represents old money and past European enslavers, with influence sufficiently capable of cleverly hoodwinking prevailing international forces and secret order members into giving them a posthumous awards. I expect better than the large doses of shoddy news reporting dispensed daily within their newspaper's copy, coupled with imprecise news delivery that rank well below international standards held in Canada, America, New Zealand and Great Britain. The past is finish, Bubbles, and so in Michael Jackson. It’s about, what have you done for me lately?

On This time, a boy, 17, accused of murder

Posted 29 June 2012, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

I say to you like my grandmother, who lived to be 96 years of age, once said to me `Child you better remember what Blind Blake said, "Never mind the noise in the market, just mind the price of the fish." ' Another good word she would say about the seemingly glitter of a good buy or a possible free lunch, is that "Fishman never call he fish stink!" it's not about a political party or promotional experts lies, but rather it's about holding gangsters dressed-up in suits, degrees, and a ring accountable for their every action or lack thereof, as it will inevitably dramitaclly affect the quality of your life, my life and the entire unemployed work force in our Bahamas.

JohnBrown says...

Everything is always negotiable and renegotiable buddy unless you’re a broken wrist person, for there are no done deal only deal shakers, deal breakers...and/or sabotage. Look at Oslo, one man who was a Mason, slaughtered many forward thinking youthful leaders for a more harmonious society, while acting as a representative of the hidden conservative thoughts of that nation's upper classes. What happens if and when the same type of thing happens in reverse in our Bahamas because the masses got tired of being abused, neglected, rejected and humiliated with lies, and secrecy or when they finally awaken and feel the real and present threat of extinction, facing them. I wonder if this will be after nature rebels within the force of the next earthquake in Haiti, which would spark that one great thumping tsunami over our 21 by 7 miles landscape? Or will it be the destabilizing force of the oil drilling in the Bahamas that sparks a nationwide earthquake and then the end all tsunami? The Final Flight album was on sale 40 years ago. Were you ready then? And are you ready now? Then everybody get flat! Uuuummmmm!


Posted 29 June 2012, 7 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

In conclusion, if you should let common sense, moral responsibility, and prudent judgement govern your actions, Mr Prime Minister, the Bahamian economic, political, and social system might be rescued from the jaws of self-destruction. A smile, sign, allegory or a pat on the back wont cut the mustard at this time. I say that to say this, we both know well the dangerous risks associated with the destruction of the tourism industry that could occur from oil drilling in our waters. Or have you quickly forgotten BP’s most recent blunders? Who got screwed the most by that event? Was it not the American fishermen, restaurant owners and small business men? Do you believe that the Bahamas will stand for such immediate foolishness? Are we to believe that as the Bahamian society accelerate along its course of disintegration due to bad judgements, that there will be some special safety line extended to you, yours, and our people by those ruthless, greed driven oil sharks during an inevitable crisis? Well, think again.
Our hatcheries and agricultural activity shall guarantee us fish, fruits, vegetables , and employment for many life times to come, even after the oceans of the world are without fish in 2050. If we act responsibly now, we shall be able to not only feed our nation, but continue to assist in feeding the world at a premium with our fresh fruits, vegetables and fish products. “We’ve got to use what we’ve got to get just what we want!” The people want self sufficiency not elaborate excuses and this should be the aim of this government: next to zero unemployment. Such can be achieved not only through having large half full hotels, but through responsible and safe cultivation and maintenance of our fishing and agriculture resources. A near crime free society based on sensible, realistic opportunities for self actualization being afforded all members of our society, or the choice to suffer pain-filled consequences. And do remember, Sir, that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. One should be very careful with all the supposed money deals, glory and glamour that one might seemingly acquire, for if a man does not have peace of mind, then it was all for naught.


Posted 28 June 2012, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal