Comment history

JohnQ says...

Pretty simple.........with long term decreases in revenue, the entity must eventually make adjustments to remain solvent. Workforce restructuring is at the top of the list for an organization of this size. It is nothing personnel, just business.

When faced with a similar situation in own lives, every single one of us would eventually have to make changes that we would ordinarily prefer not to make.

JohnQ says...

As has become the norm for Charlie, his deeply held bias is out in the open. Once again Charlie, please post a video of your now famous yoga pose known as "head inside of rear end". Better yet, post one of you "pulling head out of rear end".

JohnQ says...

Yes, our "friends" the Chinese Communists will come and save us from what?

On China answer on vaccine supply?

Posted 14 May 2021, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

"Suitable Bahamian employees". Really.

On Water and Sewerage suppliers

Posted 8 May 2021, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Hey Charlie, can you provide a video of that yoga pose. We would really like to see how you get your head up your ass.

JohnQ says...

In my opinion, if the utility (BPL) has a contract with a fuel supplier (Sun) certainly there is contractual language that specifies or should specify the level of fuel quality. As a public utility BPL should have the ability to ensure the fuel that is supplied meets the contractual specifications. Without any QC in place, the utility (BPL) is failing to protect itself against subpar fuel contents. Without this basic backstop the utility will struggle to ensure that the fuel supplier is meeting the contract terms. A fouled batch of fuel should have been identified and rejected before it enters the supply stream and damages equipment.

JohnQ says...

Nevertheless, he is still willing to "roll the dice" for the PLP.

On A young voter

Posted 5 May 2021, 7:02 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Pretty sensible article. It's true. We can become more independent, but we (collectively) must be willing to expend disciplined energy and hard work to do so. And, there is no harm forming equitable alliances with good partners along the way.

On It has to stop

Posted 2 May 2021, 9:27 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

This is not hard too hard to understand. Contract language places responsibility and obligations on the all of the contract participants. Default on the T&C's matter. Legal action may eventually resolve the contractual issues, but force majeure allows a party to suspend or terminate the performance of its obligations when certain circumstances beyond their control arise, making performance inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible.

Unfortunately, the Bahamian government appears to have allowed itself to be placed in a strategic disadvantage.

JohnQ says...

Another warning about the "abyss" from the United Nations concerning the imminent threat of climate change. Same story from long, long, ago by the Associated Press.…

Sound Familiar ?