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JohnQ says...

Ah yes, police reform, defund the police. Send the social workers in to respond to a violent unstable person with a weapon.

So called Progressives, Leftists, and Democrat Socialists have implemented this type of policy in many large cities throughout the Untied States. Portland, New York, Washington DC, St. Louis, and Minneapolis are a few that come to mind. All of these cities have experienced large increases in violent crime. Virtually all of these cities have become havens for unchecked criminal activity and are prime examples of the failed policy of Democrat Socialists who up until recently favored "police reform and defund the police" initiatives. Political leaders in these cities all have private security teams that protect them as they go about their daily lives. Now the political tide is now beginning to turn, as the citizens are fed up with liberal policies that allow thugs and criminals to run the streets without fear of existing laws being enforced. It is no surprise that "police reform" has become a liability for the political leaders promoting the policy and now we will see their initiatives "evolve" back to enforcing the law and allowing police to their jobs.

Defund the police and implement "reform" if you will......but law abiding citizens throughout the Bahamas will suffer as a result.

JohnQ says...

"but given what we now know about genders—that there are more than 50 of them—that definition reinforces the idea that there is a binary."

This is the type of messaging that the progressive left has decided to indoctrinate society with. A very vocal minority are deliberately forcing their views and values on others. If you do not think or agree with the vocal few you will be labeled, ostracized, and cancelled. Traditional values are under assault and attack.

These people are of the opinion that change is mandatory.

JohnQ says...

I am sure this fine gentleman was a pillar of Bahamian society, and was no doubt working hard in his "spare" time to obtain a college degree. There appears to be a common denominator in many of these incidents. It is plain to see what the common denominator is. And by the has nothing to do with slavery.

JohnQ says...

The Burn, Loot and Murder (BLM) organization is nothing more than a group of shakedown hucksters, who use the threat of mob violence to obtain funding. Recent indications suggest they are losing support as a result.

On Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’

Posted 10 June 2021, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Unfortunately, the Biden administration is decidedly Democrat Socialist. The policy and outcome should surprise no one.

JohnQ says...

Legitimate Bahamian citizens are the folks who must now be on their guard. The illegals will likely resort to hooliganism and thuggery to survive. With no ability to reliably depend on law enforcement, the citizenry are left to fend for themselves without the ability to legally protect their property or family.

JohnQ says...

More of the same from POA (Pull Out of A$$) Charlie. His blatant bias relegates him to bottom feeder status.

Dear Charlie, please entertain us with a new yoga pose. You where your head is outside of your rear-end.

JohnQ says...

rdonaldson, I rarely bother to respond when my posts are critiqued. In this case I will.

Apparently, you did not closely review my comments. I never said I was anti vax. I have been vaccinated and support vaccination efforts. But, I cannot support some type of stereotype about folks who do not need to obtain a vaccine - for example, a covid survivor with antibody immunity - of which there are plenty. Nothing more and nothing less. And that is the science.

JohnQ says...

Spoken like a good little controlling Socialist.

Why would someone who has recovered from the virus and has antibody immunity be required to be vaccinated?

Speaking of protecting yourself and your family. How do you do that when criminal thugs run the streets of New Providence freely and a majority of law abiding citizens live in fear behind barred windows and locked doors 24 hours a day, with no legal ability to defend themselves, their loved ones or their property?

JohnQ says...

When a terrorist organization (Hamas) infiltrates a heavily populated urban area and is supplied with modern weaponry by another terrorist organization (Iran), and then proceeds to inundate it's proclaimed enemy (Israel) with thousands of rockets, the outcome is what is being witnessed by the world. Hamas is not a victim, the innocent citizens in Gaza are the victims of the terrorism orchestrated by Hamas and Iran.

The link below explains it well.…