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JohnQ says...

Dear Diane,

It's funny how you say Trump divided us and now it's vaccines.

Many prominent Democrats including Vice President Kamala Harris publicly and vocally indicated they wouldn't trust any vaccine that originated from the Trump administration and they would be very hesitant to get vaccinated. Now, the hue and cry is why aren't folks willing to get vaccinated ? Well, as you say "words matter".

JohnQ says...

In my opinion, the most unfortunate part about all of the problems with BPL is that there have been a number of high quality opportunities to improve the utility that the Executive team and the Government have squandered. The issues the electric provider continues to face start at the top, not at the bottom.

On BPL workers call in sick

Posted 29 July 2021, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

This article only serves to glorify a Loser, whose bold and brash words are meant to show how tough he thinks he is. The truth is, he is a sorry example of a man. Unfortunately, many of his type are looked upon by black males as bad boy tough guys who are to be admired. It is a sad state of affairs when our young men have no more ambition or foundation than the desire to run the streets as thugs.

Ghost is a Loser and he knows it. The sooner he meets his end the better.

JohnQ says...

Interesting/telling philosophy eloquently espoused by Sir Ronald. Barry Hussein Obama would be proud. There are other shoes to shine Sir Ronald. You can do better than Barry.

JohnQ says...

Ah yes, become partners in solidarity with the "peaceful" Communist Chinese. That's an "infinitely better option". So sez the good little Communist.

Free people all over the world know better.

On China’s rise is peaceful and unstoppable

Posted 19 July 2021, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased progressive socialist who cannot find it within himself to be factual or objective. So what we have here is additional evidence of his now famous yoga pose known as "head inside of rear end".

JohnQ says...

Rose Island was once a place of solitude and beauty. It is rapidly becoming a party zone free for all visited by unruly crowds who have no concern for others and the environment around them.

Too bad, it was a nice place until the thugs on jet ski's took over.

On Man still missing after boat accident

Posted 14 July 2021, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

When the engineering, design, construction and delivery process is completed by experts in the field of LNG transportation and consumption; LNG is a safe, reliable, clean, affordable and plentiful fuel source. Wake up BPL.

On LNG supplier funded hotel power move

Posted 6 July 2021, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

BPL apparently has problems that are not just limited to the Union eligible employees. Management has not been able to secure an agreement with a world class provider of LNG. Management has not been able to ensure that the delivery of fuel oil that meets industry quality standards.
Management has not been able eliminate the ongoing fuel oil pollution of the environment.
Management has not been able to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to the customer base.
Management has not been able to submit, process and account for payments or non payments for electrical energy use throughout the country.
Who is responsible for Management? The Bahamian Government.

JohnQ says...

More baloney from Charlie the huckster. The real truth is easy for any objective observer to see. It has nothing to do with Trump.

So called Progressives, Leftists, and Democrat Socialists have implemented catch and release criminals and defund the police policies in many large cities throughout the Untied States. Portland, New York, Washington DC, St. Louis, and Minneapolis are a few that come to mind. All of these cities have experienced large increases in violent crime. Virtually all of these cities have become havens for unchecked criminal activity and are prime examples of the failed policy of Democrat Socialists who up until recently favored "police reform and defund the police" initiatives. Political leaders in these cities all have private security teams that protect them as they go about their daily lives. Now the political tide is beginning to turn, as the citizens are fed up with liberal policies that allow thugs and criminals to run the streets without fear of existing laws being enforced. It is no surprise that "police reform" has become a liability for the political leaders promoting the policy and now will we see their initiatives "evolve" back to enforcing the law and allowing police to their jobs.

Additionally, as a result of these liberal Socialist policies, the American public is taking steps to protect their property, their families and themselves by legally purchasing firearms in unprecedented volumes. When citizens feel their Government has abandoned them by not keeping them safe, they will begin taking the necessary steps to do so on their own.