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JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper, a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker.

What a pathetic propaganda piece. Apparently, Charlie and his Socialist Democrat bosses believe the January 6th incident is something that can become an issue in the upcoming midterm election in the States. The continued failures of the Biden administration and the Democrat party at large cannot be hidden behind this yarn. Inflation, open borders, crime, Covid, Afghanistan, and extreme far left policies are what the American voters see and feel. No amount of theater can hide the truth.

The Tribune continues to publish blatant propaganda from a "Columnist" who cannot keep himself from spewing one-sided political rants. This most certainly diminishes the credibility of the Tribune.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper. A Socialist Democrat bootlicker who refuses to admit the self inflicted failures of the Biden Administration. From beginning to end the Biden legacy is one of weakness, blame games, ineptness, and bumbling policies.

A willing and complicit group of "Columnists" such as Charlie Harper think they can happily turn a blind eye and ignore what the rest of the world can plainly see. Sorry Charlie, but the Emperor has no clothes.

On STATESIDE: Has anyone out there got an answer?

Posted 31 December 2021, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

I don't completely agree with the Pastor. In my opinion it starts in the home. What percentage of these "young men" were raised in a two parent home? The breakdown of the two parent family is a significant statistic in the degradation of society that we witness on a daily basis.

On Pastor ‘appalled’ at spate of violence

Posted 30 December 2021, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Tri, I rarely respond to comments on my posts. In this case I will. I don't doubt for a minute that the worst elements of our society are in positions of power. It seems likely that certain political and law enforcement entities fit the description of the "lowest class of society". However, when large portions of the citizenry are on the take and are willing to cheat on even the most basic aspects of things - electric bills, water bills, vehicle licenses, etc. - the thuggery becomes a way of life.

In my observation, much of what we see today is the result of the breakdown at the family level. No father in the home, women who cohabitate with men without values, children who are neglected, and a society that tacitly approves of the breakdown. Some of us have not fallen into the breakdown, we live a modest lifestyle and raised our children in a two parent household with loving guidance and support. In the case of my wife and I, our children are all now honest hardworking productive members of society.

I don't have a for sure answer to this problem, but can only say what my own experience is and what I see everyday. It starts in the home.

On UPDATED – Two dead in holiday shootings

Posted 27 December 2021, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

These thugs are running the streets every single day and have been for years. They routinely engage one another for the purpose of establishing respect and/or revenge. Meanwhile, we law abiding citizens are living behind barred windows and doors, without the ability to move about safely. Unfortunately, the situation isn't going to improve, and we are left to wonder what is next. The police can't protect us and we are not allowed to protect/defend ourselves. So as we travel around we see the results, decaying cities, theft and crime everywhere, citizens who fear for life and property, and no light at the end of the tunnel. Our country is populated with the lowest class of society, who have no respect for themselves or others. And care nothing about killing someone.

Our laws must be enforced without hesitation, bail or any early release.

On UPDATED – Two dead in holiday shootings

Posted 27 December 2021, 6:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Socialist Democrat bootlicker Charlie Harper. A biased columnist who is incapable of objectivity. The Tribune can and should do better.

JohnQ says...

Good Ol Charlie Harper, the socialist Democrat bootlicker. He seemingly has no concept of the meaning a "jury of your peers", Additionally, he apparently cannot conceive of one having the ability and right to defend himself, such as was the case in the Riitenhouse trial. His suggestion that polling indicates 75% of Democrats thought Rittenhouse should have been convicted is supplied to the reader without a citation or source to back up the claim.

His ongoing rants concerning the former President Donald Trump are blatant evidence of implicit bias.

The Tribune can do better than Charlie Harper, as he regularly disqualifies himself as being a credible columnist.

JohnQ says...

Incompetent, feeble and weak; Joe Biden is unlikely to do anything that disrupts his corrupt family business ties to China. With Joe Biden as President, the United States is an impotent and bumbling failure.

It is high time for the Tribune to remove the biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker Charlie Harper from his propaganda position in the Bahamian media.

On STATESIDE: Friends, foes and global strategies

Posted 30 November 2021, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Good ol Socialist Democrat boot licker Charlie Harper, he evidently did not witness the recent election in Virginia. Where Terry McAuliffe, Barry Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Stacy Abrams and Kamala Harris all played the Trump card repeatedly ad nauseum with no success.

The Tribune should stop tolerating this kind of political bias.

JohnQ says...

The link below specifically documents 50 years worth of "Climate Change" warnings, all of which are remarkably similar in their dire warnings. Look over each article and you can easily determine that the goalposts have been moved with each report. Seemingly, without any regard to the previous dire warnings.…

The generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy will need to be further developed before solar and wind produced energy can become completely viable and “green”. Unless solar and wind energy is generated/utilized at the point of sale/use or until the “wireless” transmission and distribution of electrical energy is perfected; aerial and underground systems will remain the norm for moving the energy. Both aerial and underground transportation systems require construction techniques and materials that consume large amounts of energy and are not “green”. Given current energy supply and capacity requirements, an enormous amount of space is needed for solar and wind generation sites, which typically are not near the point of sale/use or existing transmission and distribution infrastructure; solar and wind power generation has a long way to go before it is cost effective, efficient, green, and able to serve larger portions of the population which reside in heavily built out urban areas.

The materials required for the manufacturing of solar panels, wind turbines and especially batteries are not easily obtained without considerable energy consumption and environmental concerns as well as material supply concerns. Additionally, the storage of energy utilizing batteries that have a defined life span will require a robust recycling program in order to prevent a downstream environmental disaster.

We should continue to pursue wind and solar energy, but we should also accept that a blended energy supply (nuclear, petroleum, natural gas, hydro, wind, and solar) will serve our energy needs best.

On Hoping we choose a sustainable future

Posted 13 November 2021, 7:47 a.m. Suggest removal