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JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. As evidenced by the Elaine story, Charlie Harper is just another lazy "Columnist" who can only resort to bashing a President that has now been out office for well over a year.

The Tribune can and should do better than this.

JohnQ says...

I agree with most of what has been stated in this article. But, I also think it starts with us and right in the home. When large portions of the citizenry are on the take and are willing to cheat on even the most basic aspect of things - electric bills, water bills, vehicle licenses, etc. - the thuggery becomes a way of life.

In my observation, much of what we see today is the result of the breakdown at the family level. No father in the home, women who cohabitate with men without values, children who are neglected, and a society that tacitly approves of the breakdown. Some of us have not fallen into the breakdown, we live a modest lifestyle and raised our children in a two parent household with loving guidance and support. In the case of my wife and I, our children are all now honest hardworking productive members of society.

I don't have a for sure answer to this problem, but can only say what my own experience is and what I see everyday. It starts in the home.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper a Socialist Democrat bootlicker who in additional to being biased, is also delusional.

Massive inflation on every level, unheard of energy prices, Afghanistan failure, open borders, bungled east European policy, and an embarrassing Vice President in the form of Kamala Harris. Who a feeble and inept Joe Biden sends to appear of his behalf.

The emperor has no clothes, even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles can see it.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper continues to lick the boots of the Socialist Democrats and their bumbling, inept puppet Joe Biden. In Charlie's latest "column", he exposes himself (again) as a cheerleading partisan hack with no objectivity.

The Biden administration has failed on every front; inflation, open boarders, energy independence, crime, Afghanistan and now the Russian expansion into Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Charlie Harper cannot control his obvious bias.

The Tribune can and should do better.

JohnQ says...

Ah yes, Socialist Democrat bootlicker Charlie Harper.

Last week Biden was the great leader of the West.

This week it is the rising price of oil, increasing inflation, stock market concerns, Russian expansion/aggression, and skyrocketing prices everywhere. And (at least according to Charlie Harper) none of this has anything to do with the inept, feeble, and visibly weak Biden administration.

Poor Charlie, the emperor has no clothes and Putin knows it.

JohnQ says...

Poor Charlie Harper a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. Feeble Joe Biden is incapable of leading anything......certainly not the west.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. The failed Biden Administration appears to be inflating the Russian threat in order to deflect from the stateside news of unprecedented inflation, wide spread unchecked criminal activity in major US cities, and alarming reports of a recent DOJ court filing concerning the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign that is very disturbing.

The Tribune continues to provide a forum for this biased columnist to spread propaganda. It can and should do better.

JohnQ says...

It is not uncommon for bad boy thugs to own and train this breed of dog to be vicious attack animals. It is somehow thought to be a sign of power. While I agree that in this case the animals should be put is the owner(s) who should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

JohnQ says...

Joe Biden is a feeble, weak, failure. His Affirmative Action Vice President is a bumbling, ineffective token who is unqualified for the leadership position she holds. The Biden administration projects to the world nothing but ineptness and political correctness. The lengthy list of debacles at home and abroad are there in plain sight for all to witness and see. No wonder the Russians and the Chinese feel emboldened. Whatever takes place in the European theater and in Asia is on the hands of Joe Biden and his Socialist Democrat minions.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. The failures of Joe Biden and his Socialist Democrat partners are obvious. Feeble and incoherent, Biden continues his rapid decline for all the public to witness. The Emperor has no clothes Charlie.

Politically slanted "Columnists" such as Charlie Harper are allies in the widespread attempts to rescue the unpopular Socialist agenda and work hard to deceive readers. There is no better example of the biased political slant than this - "Who knows what mischief the GOP might have in mind by then?" -

The Tribune can and should do better.