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JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. Of course he is a cheerleader for a Bernie supporter. Socialists always sing the same song and drink the same kool aid.

JohnQ says...

After seeing all of the private jets and limousines at the infamous "Climate Summit" in Glasgow, it seems that we have been warned about the "significant threat" many times before. All of which are remarkably similar in nature.…

JohnQ says...

More H.U.A. (head up ass) by the Socialist Bootlicker Charlie Harper.

Every single day of the week the completely inept Joe Biden and his Socialist Democrat allies demonstrate their failures. The vast American population can see and feel what is happening.

Poor Charlie, his bias has infected him with the same disease as many Socialist Democrats.........H.U.A. (head up ass).

On STATESIDE: Victory doubts over GOP vote?

Posted 28 April 2022, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Interesting observation by the Assistant Commissioner. For quite a number years, the citizens of New Providence have had to live behind locked doors, barred windows, stay inside after dark, and watch over our property and possessions. Outings to the grocery store, bank, doctors office and place of employment require locked car doors and constant awareness of surroundings. Meanwhile armed thugs run the streets with no regard for life. The police force seems unable or unwilling to crack down on the undesirables who are generally well known.

All the while, New Providence citizens are unable to legally defend themselves and protect their families. When the citizenry are rendered defenseless by the government, the government must take all the necessary steps to protect citizenry or the country will fall into anarchy.

On Armed robberies on the rise

Posted 27 April 2022, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. The real nightmare is the one that Joe Biden and his Socialist Democrat allies are facing in the upcoming midterm elections. Buyers remorse has set in and many who supported the inept and bumbling Biden are now fed up with his failure after failure. The obvious inability of Joe Biden to even put together a coherent statement is cause for concern about him being able to finish out his term as President. Unfortunately, the affirmative action promotion of Kamala Harris to Vice President has provided blatant evidence that she is just as inept and unqualified as Joe Biden.

The nightmare is hitting home for Americans. An awakening is on the horizon.

JohnQ says...

The materials required for the manufacturing of solar panels, wind turbines and especially batteries are not easily obtained without considerable energy consumption and environmental concerns, as well as supply worries. Evan more troublesome is the storage of energy utilizing toxic batteries that have a defined life span and will require a robust recycling program in order to prevent an enormous downstream environmental disaster.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. "Reagan must be smiling" and so is former President Trump.…………

JohnQ says...

We have heard this before and again, and again. Remarkable that it all sounds the same.…

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. In an effort to distract from the ongoing failures of the inept Joe Biden and his embarrassing Vice President Kamala Harris, Charlie Harper pens more laughable spew. Democrats have been after Judge Thomas from day one because he "left the plantation" and thinks differently than they prefer. He is not going anywhere anytime soon.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. In his latest rant, selective omissions, hearsay, and spin provide the reader with a lengthy narrative that is more evidence of his implicit bias. Without the slightest reference to decades of Soviet oppression and genocide, he conveniently skips past the breakup of the Soviet Union, the establishment of political change in former Eastern Bloc countries, the reuniting of East and West Germany, and the famous "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" speech by Ronald Reagan.

By continually accepting (on a weekly basis) one-sided propaganda from a biased "Columnist", The Tribune does itself and its readers a large disservice.