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JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker and a lazy columnist who cannot control his Trump fetish.

Hey's the economy stupid.

JohnQ says...


I rarely respond to posts in this forum, this time I will.

When you decide to alienate yourself from a large voting block (Trump supporters),,, you are doing exactly what the Socialist Democrat's and Jan 6th show trial folks want. That's what it is all about.

I think Trump will become a "George Soros" if you will. His fund raising ability is undeniable.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. The January 6th show trial and Liz Cheney are largely ignored by Americans.

What isn't being ignored are the ongoing failures of the Biden administration.

Hey Charlie, it's the economy stupid.

JohnQ says...

Here we go again. The link will provide a review of the issue.…

JohnQ says...

How is it possible that 35,000 +/- gallons of fuel oil were released, spilled or leaked ?
What procedures are in place at BPL for the offloading process and were the procedures followed?
Was the off loading process being properly monitored?

All the more reason to rapidly move forward with LNG, wind, solar and wind produced hydrogen.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. He sites "independent" sources such as the Associated Press and The New York Times for references. Both of whom are as biased as "Columnist" Harper.

By the way, without the support of Republicans in Congress the Johnson administration could not have passed the civil rights and voting bills.

The continued publishing of one way biased columns by Mr. Harper is nothing less than an attempt by The Tribune to spread propaganda and promote socialism. It is past time for his weekly rants to be replaced with objective and balanced reporting.

JohnQ says...

From my perspective, Independence has brought decline. Currently, I don't see how it is going to improve.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. Charlie is incapable of being an objective "columnist". His ongoing rants involving the former President provide the reader with all of the evidence needed to see how delusional he is.

The American economy has been destroyed by the Biden administration, and as has been said by many political observers when it comes to elections "it's the economy stupid".

By the way Charlie, the next time you handle American currency be sure to look at what is inscribed on it - In God We Trust -

The Tribune can and should do better than Charlie Harper.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker. Not long ago he was letting readers know how the Biden Administration would save the day. Now he frets over the potential for an extended conflict. Germany and others are wobbling because of their dependence on Russian energy (just like former President Trump predicted). Increasingly in the States, rumors are suggesting the Biden crime family with it's extensive ties to Ukrainian syndicates are reaping large under the table profits from the unaccounted for aid that has been hastily approved by the American congress.

What say you bootlicker Charlie ?

JohnQ says...

In my opinion, the breakdown of society begins in the home or family unit. Over the years, an increasing amount of children are brought up without two parents in the home. Large percentages of kids are raised without a father figure. Consistent parenting, guidance and the establishment of respect have a positive influence on an individual. There are many studies that show the benefits to children raised in such an environment.

Much of what we are witnessing today starts in the home.

On DIANE PHILLIPS: What has happened to us?

Posted 29 May 2022, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal