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JohnQ says...

The lawless element of our society has no regard for life or property. In New Providence , we are left with depending on the Government to protect the citizens and their property. The Government has failed us.

In the meantime, most of us are unable to legally protect ourselves and our property. Shameful.

JohnQ says...

The lawless element of our society has no regard for life or property. In New Providence , we are left with depending on the Government to protect the citizens and their property. The Government has failed us.

In the meantime, most of us are unable to legally protect ourselves and our property. Shameful.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is socialist Democrat bootlicker.

It's the economy stupid !!

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is socialist Democrat bootlicker.

Deflection Charlie ?

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. What an amazing feat of double talk and yoga Charlie. Please demonstrate in public your yoga pose. Which is also known as "head inside ass".

It is the economy stupid.

JohnQ says...

Ah yes, Charlie Harper the Socialist Democrat bootlicker. He begins his latest "column" with a story line about Salman Rushdie; and finishes it with a mix of cheerleading for a slumping Kathy Hochul and a misleading brief on crime in the United States.

Rushdie has been the target of Iranian terrorists for years and still is. The threat is not over.

Crime in the Untied States is directly related to so called "criminal justice reform" that has been championed by liberal Socialist Democrats and their accomplices. Repeat offenders are routinely released back into the public realm by "progressive" District Attorneys. From liberal Socialist Democrat bastions in Loudoun County Virginia, to New York City, to Chicago, to Los Angeles, to San Francisco and beyond, the voters are in the process of recalling these progressives. As Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul could remove the progressive New York City District Attorney. However, she choses not to do so, even though many are pointing out his failures and calling for his removal.

Law abiding citizens in the Untied States have a Constitutional right to protect themselves, their families and their property. Exercising this right provides a level of protection that citizens employ when their government fails to do so.

Criminals and law breakers will weaponize any item to carryout their deeds. Knives, automobiles, and increasingly gang attacks by thugs on the streets of the aforementioned locations are becoming common.

On the other hand, here in Nassau we live behind barred windows and locked doors, unable to travel about freely after dark, constantly looking over our shoulders when we are out in broad daylight grocery shopping, without the means to protect ourselves, our families and our property.

The Tribune and Charlie Harper would be well served to provide the readers with a "column" on criminal activity and it's roots right here in the Bahamas.

What say you, Socialist Democrat bootlicker Charlie?

JohnQ says...

Aren't the "Utilities" just another subsidized part of our "Government" ?

On INSIGHT: Holes, bumps and shoddy road repairs

Posted 6 September 2022, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Just a big bunch of "know nothings" and so the BPL $hit show continues. Bunker fuel oil and everything that comes with it. Infrastructure that is under maintained and rarely renewed. All of this results in an energy provider that does not meet the expectations of the citizens who must depend on it.


JohnQ says...

When the Father is absent, the odds for success are significantly diminished. This is a large problem in our society today and we are witnessing the results.

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a biased Socialist Democrat bootlicker.

No need to be concerned, Joe Biden and his band of corrupt family members and supporters will "stop" the Russian onslaught.

Winter is coming and the EU NATO partners will begin feeling the effects of their dependence on Russian energy. What then? Will they introduce a new green energy plan with lots of hand outs for solar and wind production? Or maybe they will provide the citizens with a tax credit to buy electric vehicles.

Time will tell.