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JokeyJack says...

These national symbols are supposed to belong to the Bahamian people, not the government. They cannot sell us what belongs to us. What if i said every time you write or say your own name you have to pay me $5??? Does that make any sense? It's your name. Uh oh. I've probably given them an idea. There will be a signature fee soon. All signatures on any document have to be notarized by the Dept of Inland Revenue.
Actually, that's a good idea for the stupid public who keeps voting them all back in.

JokeyJack says...

Really? So you are happy that the people of the Bahamas now have no symbols, that they belong to the government? The govt can do anything to people when they are stupid.

JokeyJack says...

Children going to bed without food and schools with no window screens. Celebrate it.
The slaves in this country need neither whip nor chain, they dance to the massa's commands. You will see them dancing on July 10th.

On Nation is preparing to celebrate

Posted 27 June 2023, 6:48 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. Trust me, they have no interest in educating Bahamians. Send all the students down to Potter's Cay and let them learn how to make conch salad. The picture is included here to tell the real story. The lady is white, and for them - that's not alright.

Same with that silly little submarine that imploded last week. The owner said clearly he did not want "50 year old white men" piloting his submarines. Well, he won't be making that statement again anytime soon.

JokeyJack says...

Next election, voters will put in power either the FNM or the PLP, so the downtown and anything else for Bahamians will continue to suck. But that's how they like it, so don't hurt your head over Bahamians having nothing. Thet love being poor.

JokeyJack says...

Yall selling dreams like Lincoln Bain, eh? Bahamians are too stupid to have money ... they only need $200 ina t-shirt every 5 years. They are corned beef people celebrating their Filthiest Anniversary. They too dumb to vote COI.

JokeyJack says...

Children are just the biproducts of sexual intercourse. Nobody cares about them, not even their parents. Ask any pastor worth his salt and he will tell you "Take it to Jesus. I've got a big church with AC while your child goes to school with no screen in the windows. Just shut up and pay your tithes, your VAT, and your light bill - but most of all your tithes." ... LOL

JokeyJack says...

So, your son shoots a gun at the police and the police are wrong? LOL. Now we know why he was out on bail.

No matter what kids do at home today, any kind of misbehavior, the parents still buy the Frosted Flakes and Captain Crunch. Bad behaviour is rewarded.

Anyone ever heard of a scientist named Pavlov? No. Of course not. Not in our school system.

JokeyJack says...

Only a fool would respond to their questions. If they are so smart, let them find my signature somewhere all on their own.

JokeyJack says...

The year is 2023, not 1862.