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JokeyJack says...

LOL. As i told Tal below, you can have as much illegal behaviour and violence as you wish. This is a free country and the people can provide money and food to anyone they want to live here.
Free food? Free housing? Sounds like a deal. Many will come from all over the world. Bahamians moving to Canada.

JokeyJack says...

Nothing about Haitians. Haitians are people good and bad like any people. My point is that as we approach a majority of non-Bahamians in this country (some estimate by April of next year), the culture will be non-Bahamian.
It doesn't matter if they are Canadians or Egyptians. The point is that Bahamian culture and history will be dead.
Some claim the flights arrive nightly.

JokeyJack says...

Just like every election result is the same over and over - so the people get what they want - the same, over and over. I believe that is called democracy. I support democracy where people get exactly what they want. Want garbage? My cousin is run da truck, I gah send him to your house when he full up. No problem.

JokeyJack says...

"In the nearly 30-second clip, a Caucasian man can be seen fighting off several Bahamian men while a woman purported to be with him is punched and dragged by her hair by another woman."

Say, Bahamian men, lol lol lol. Wow.

JokeyJack says...

Why are Bahamians still living in Abaco??? Weren't they ordered to sell their homes and send the money to Ukraine ? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Tal, as much illegal stuff as you want you will get. Eventually the Bahamas will be exactly like Haiti. ANY country that you fill with persons from another country will take on it's characteristics.

If you chase all the people out of New Zealand and will it with Irish persons, then New Zealand will look and feel and lot like Ireland. This is not rocket science. Bahamians have a choice (as do Haitians) to look at Haiti and decided if they want the Bahamas to be the same. Seriously - it is a simple choice yes or now and it is my true wish that people get whatever they want - that is democracy.

JokeyJack says...

Wow - nice attitude. Your cart is blocked? Shut up and sit small. Don't come here cause we don't care about you at all and in fact we might abuse your home when you leave. Do you work for the Ministry of Tourism ?

JokeyJack says...

A new beginning? So tomorrow our power bills will go down along with the price of milk? You are living in a dreamland called the Commonwealth of Narnia where the people are not even allowed to use their own flag design and colours without permission from the government.

I had the good sense not to come out and celebrate my poverty and slavery. Apparently 50 years is not long enough to suffer for some people, so they came out and danced to the massa's drums.

On It’s a new beginning for our Bahamas

Posted 11 July 2023, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Now that celebrations are over we can all go back to our lives sucking really bad. I had the good sense not to come out and celebrate my poverty and slavery. Apparently 50 years is not long enough to suffer for some people, so they came out and danced to the massa's drums.

JokeyJack says...

Now that celebrations are over we can all go back to our lives sucking really bad. I had the good sense not to come out and celebrate my poverty and slavery. Apparently 50 years is not long enough to suffer for some people, so they came out and danced to the massa's drums.