Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Yes, you of course dont want any truth to come out about PLP Birdie even if Bahamian children going to bed hungry cause their parents can't find work. Are you a Bahamian or a PLP?

JokeyJack says...

Pintard, when yall was in power you didn't change the rules of the House to allow members to speak so now it's your time to shut up.

JokeyJack says...

Of course Birdie. The PLP can do no wrong right? Silly Bahamians, why won't they just sit small until they name call. Bahamians actually think they have rights in this country. The only right they have is the right to be fishbagged.

JokeyJack says...

Of course you are right !!! Bahamians should quit their jobs and leave them vacant for migrants. ALSO they should move out of their homes and live in a tent in the bush - leaving the homes available for migrants. Hotels can do the same - just like they do in New York and San Francisco - put out the guests and give the rooms to the migrants. Maybe we should murder our own children thereby leaving the schools available for the children of migrants too ? Just asking ?

JokeyJack says...

Don't these Bahamians realize that they are only Bahamians? Foreign fishermen come first. In fact the U.S. lobster season opens a couple weeks ahead of ours, and often time our traps are found empty on August 1st. But who cares? Only Bahamians are affected. Bahamians don't care themselves. They only care when it directly affects them?
How many of these fishermen came out to vote in the last election?
How many voted for someone other than FNM or PLP?
They didn't vote or voted for the same-old same-old, then I have no sympathy for them. They get what they ask for.

JokeyJack says...

The machete symbolizes our overall cultural change.

JokeyJack says...

Yes, of course anything the PLP does is acceptable to you Tal. Maybe we should have to bring our own doctors to PMH too? Maybe each neighborhood can chip in to have their own local xray machine?
Or maybe we can all chip in and pay duty and vat and stamp tax and conveyance tax and departure tax and NIB etc and have a thing called government run by people with sense to manage those tax dollars in the public interest?

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians love to get beaten by the police. In fact, many were seen dancing and celebrating 50 years of police brutality just last week.

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians continue to vote for the FNM & PLP, so they continue to get the same results. No investigation is needed. They get what they ask for. You cannot blame government for giving the people what they ask for. That is their job. The people vote for bad power, they get bad power. That is called democracy.

JokeyJack says...

Of course he don't need to resign. He is one of we and we is one of he - right? We is all we, and we don't say pee, we say we we. Dat mean yes.