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JokeyJack says...

So what good things did this President do (or was in the process of doing) for Haiti? I only heard that elections were supposed to be held later this year, but no date had been set. Why had he not set a date? But more importantly what GOOD things was he doing that would have caused enemies of Haiti to kill him to prevent those good things from being completed?

JokeyJack says...

Yep. Just like Perry, who was also strongly advised to resign, Minnis will lead the party to an election loss. fnm 18, plp 19, dna 2. Could the country be so lucky to get this result which would then require real debate and compromise in the House? Will God grant it? Does the DNA know which 2 seats they should focus on, that have actual potential to win?

JokeyJack says...

Idiots celebrating "independence" while forced to wear masks. You cant make this up.

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians, by majority, are too ignorant to vote for the DNA. The majority of people are like an abused wife who continues to remain with her husband.
This is often due to economic reasons.
However. In this case all that is needed is to mark an "X" next to the DNA candidate.
But instead, the people will accept $200 cash to last them for the next 5 years.

JokeyJack says...

Like Bob Marley say, "Chase them crazy bald heads outta town."

On Say no to PLP

Posted 7 July 2021, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I read that the President refused to hold elections. It was said that elections were supposed to be held later this year, but no date had been set. The people got tired of waiting. Now a new President will have to be found somehow.

Eventually people get tired and more tired and when their needs are not met, and they feel they are unable to survive, they take action in the interest of survival. This is human nature.

This process is being tested thoroughly with the current Covid foolishness around the world. It seems that leaders worldwide believe that the people will remain docile sheep forever and wear masks forever and take injections of experimental chemicals forever and make their children breathe excess carbon dioxide forever and not learn facial expressions in kindergarten, and have no jobs forever, and be in lockdowns forever - and will take no action.

I guess that is a gamble. We can watch and see what numbers the dice land on.

JokeyJack says...

... and as a result, the Freeport economy has been going down and down and down ever since Pindling's "no country within a country" speech, and finally in 2014 the Treasury deposits were so low that government had to impose a 7.5% VAT. Recently they have had to increase it to 12%. The entire country has to chip in to the Treasury because they have nearly killed Freeport. Freeport used to pay much of the country's bills.
But - this is black crab syndrome at it's finest. The government would rather bring the whole country DOWN and will soon need to increase VAT to 15%, to be followed by 20% - rather than allow Freeport to move UP and help the rest of the country to move up.
The new definition of equality from AOC and rest of the squad is to create equality by letting everyone live in squalor, instead of moving those living in squalor up to live the good life.
It's a choice. It is also a choice of the people to continue to elect these same old tired near-dead politicians every time - and expect something new. It is truly beyond belief that the PLP would trot out Davis as their leader for this next election. Their only hope of winning is if they can frustrate the young people enough that they refuse to register and vote. Then the same old tired people who elect them every 10 years will show up to the polls and put them in again. We just tossed them out leaving them with only 4 seats. Now suddenly they have new halos on their heads? And this crew that is in now - what a bunch of unqualified visionless persons. All in their seats because of a pledge of loyalty. The Speaker voices a few items of disagreement and he is demonized. Do we have a communist country here? Follow the Party line or be demonized? I guess so. We will then continue to live demon possessed. Only Jesus can come and cast them into a herd of pigs, to then drown themselves in a river.

JokeyJack says...

There is no point in discussing this issue. Those who believe in the vaccines believe in them, and those that don't - don't. A real discussion is not allowed on this topic. Anyone who says or even asks something that the other side has already made up their mind about it labeled an idiot or a conspiracy theorist or a fear mongerer or any kind of bad name. Name calling is the new scientific method.

JokeyJack says...

Another election joke. If these people can't spend 10 million dollars, they can't spend a penny. Why is it ALWAYS building a new building or doing some big huge crazy project? While departments and units throughout government have to beg for a lightbulb? The Speaker of the House has to beg for a toilet?

The things we need only cost a few thousands dollars. But of course, 10% of a thousand is only $100 - which ain't much - so I will leave that there.

There was a report that about 2 years ago immigration officers in Abaco were unable to obtain handcuffs. They can't get approval for a $2000 purchase order. Well, 10% of $2000 is only $200, again not much.

Hopefully that is clear enough. Now you should understand why things that we need, that Social Services needs - small things that can make a world of difference. Things that teachers need. Things that nurses need. They can't get. Because of the 10% rule.

On Dames reveals new prison hope

Posted 7 July 2021, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

They are not following them because they know that doctors are not allowed to disagree with Dr. Fauci or else they will lose their license. Also insurance is not covering any of the problems caused by the vaccines - so when someone goes to their doctor and says they have such and such symptom and the doctor knows full well that it is caused by the vaccine - he would not put that on the insurance form, because he would not get paid. So when statistics are looked at, everyone "concludes" that nobody is reporting symptoms from the vaccine to doctors - when in fact they are. Some doctors are secretly giving healing medications and saving the lives of their patients - but have made their patients swear to secrecy and not reveal that he/she healed them - because they will lose their license. Only a few doctors, who are wealthy and do not need their practice income are able to speak out, because they can live fine without working.