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JokeyJack says...

You are not allowed to speak of healing medications. Even now, with the new policies, those who - for example - get a broken leg or arm, the limb is no longer put in a cast. Doctors are ordered not to provide any healing at all, and must wait until the new Bone Marrow/Calcium Vaccine is invented and produced. At least, that's why I heard some guys saying at the supermarket the other day.
Vaccines are the ONLY thing allowed. I saw an old lady sipping some cough medicine the other day, I ran over and knocked it out of her hand and informed her of how STUPID she was. I said get your hip to the clinic tomorrow and get the flu vaccine. Same with tooth cavities. Filings? NO WAY. Pulling teeth? NO WAY. Wait for the tooth vaccine. Come on people. Wise up. All medication prior to March 2020 is no longer valid, unless approved by Dr. Fauci. All doctors are idiots and misinformed unless they agree with Dr. Fauci. The planet Earth only has ONE doctor. Guess his name? Yep. Dr. Fauci.

JokeyJack says...

Sorry, guy, but we're just tired of hearing about the virus now. Game over. We're done. Take your show down the road a bit. No customers here. Bye.

JokeyJack says...

"To provide clarity following statements made by the nursing union president regarding the issue of non-functioning air conditioning in the postnatal, female medical I and male medical I and II, the male medical II ward has been closed and gutted for approximately two years and ..."

This so funny. So this is supposed to make it right? The ACs are not working - oh but that's only because the entire wards have been closed and gutted for two years. lol.
With that logic, why dont we just close the whole hospital, then it wont matter whats broke in it.
Just put a big sign out front with 10 foot high letters saying "closed & gutted".

On ‘The nurses are sick’

Posted 5 July 2021, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

7 and a half million dollars missing from local commerce. Why not? Bahamians dont really deserve any better than this, having their money forced from their meager pockets. The descendants of slaves. Keep the tradition alive.
Ramen Noodles anyone? We can share a bag wit some weenie sausage.

On Doctors in $7.747m COVID testing boost

Posted 5 July 2021, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Dictatorships dont have voting. Doesnt he know that?

We are under an emergency order where he has absolute authority, just like Trudeau.

I wont pretend to cast a vote in this climate. Just accept we are slaves and shut up and beg for bread.

On PM urges public to register for votes

Posted 5 July 2021, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Dont you worry your pretty little head about all of that. 90% of Bahamians will still vote either PLP or FNM. You will also see them out dancing on the 10th celebrating "independence."
It's the education systems here and abroad that do it.
Watch and see the fools on the 10th, and you will then realize you are sorely outnumbered, and fighting a lost cause.

JokeyJack says...

They can't stay in Atlanta. The Wendy's got burned down. What they supposed to eat?

JokeyJack says...

We have VAT today because of how successive governments have treated Freeport over the past 20 years - trying to fulfill Pindling's vow to not have a "country within a country." They would rather have the entire Bahamas pay 20% VAT than to have Freeport thrive and pay more than that amount into the Treasury by itself. This is simply because the Port Authority is owned by white people from England.

Why doesn't government just order the police to go around and shoot every man, woman, and child point blank in the head with a gun? Put us out of our misery. This slow death thing is inhumane. We would not do that to a dog. We instead would take him/her to the vet and have the dog "put down" humanely. I hereby plead with the government to grant us that same compassion. Please do not treat us worse than dogs. Order the police to kill all of us here in Grand Bahama, please. Let's get it over with. Then we can go to Jesus and receive His grace and compassion with life everlasting. Glory be to God in the Highest.

JokeyJack says...

The solution to crime and all other problems like diseases is clearly 24x7 lockdowns. Defense force delivers food and medicines to homes, especially birth control.
Eventually the problematic human race will he wiped out slowly but surely, unless Iran completes their enrichment program and gives us a shortcut.

On Lockdown did help reduce crime stats

Posted 1 July 2021, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It could be that those same 7 acres have been granted to 10 other people. Maybe we will here in a future Tribune article?
I thinki it is a brilliant move by government to raise 4evenue. Sell land multiple times, let the buyers sort it out in court.
Taxes gotta collect.

On Seeking a reply

Posted 28 June 2021, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal